February 27, 2022
Sizing Up Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser
February 26, 2022
A Question Without An Answer
February 25, 2022
Mike Fink Keelboats Journey from California to Florida to France
February 24, 2022
There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow: Carousel of Progress Comes Home
February 23, 2022
Notable and Quotable: Dr. Michael L. Brown
"We’re used to seeing TV series canceled: when they’re not popular enough, they go off the air and no new episodes are produced. Or subscriptions can be canceled. You no longer want to receive a particular magazine, so you notify the company: “I’m canceling my subscription.” From then on, no more copies of that magazine are sent your way.
Today, it is people who are canceled—not just rejected or ignored or even belittled but canceled. “We will hear from you no more!” Today, it is not just dissenting views that are dismissed. It is the dissenters themselves who are dismissed, as in eliminated, snuffed out, and removed.
These dissenters may not be eliminated physically, but they are elimi-nated ideologically. Their influence is removed to the point that they lose their voices and their relevance. It is as if they were no more. “You are hereby canceled!”
This is the type of thing that happened in totalitarian regimes like Stalin’s Russia or Mao’s China, where dissenters were exiled, imprisoned, or executed. They were, quite literally, canceled. Now it is happening in America and other “free” countries."
Dr. Michael L. Brown
February 21, 2022
Comparing the Magic Kingdoms
February 20, 2022
My Photograph of This Concept Art Has Traveled the World

I took this photo in 1990 of concept art for a brand new use of the Carousel Theater at Disneyland. The concept art caught my eye while I walked through Tomorrowland. I first shared it in 2008, and had no idea it would travel the world. (The same could be said for the art I broke to the world for the infamous Disneyland Dubai.)
As with America Sings, these friendlier aliens were to put on this show, and in a different attraction, an angrier alien was to make his appearance at the West Coast version of the great Alien Encounter. Plans change, ideas change, and this concept art was eventually removed from the public eye. The building would have looked great- and I left the enlarged image quite big so that the details can be seen.
Sunday in Paris
February 19, 2022
Calm and Quiet California Adventure
February 18, 2022
Isn't She Lovely?
February 17, 2022
The Old Mossy Bench
February 15, 2022
Design Detail: Tokyo Disneyland's Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast
February 14, 2022
A Blast from the Past- Hilton Head in 2008
February 13, 2022
Amy Grant and Richard Carpenter Together
February 12, 2022
Disney's Ghost Stories
February 11, 2022
It's a Blue Small World
Space Mountain Art: Re-Entry to Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom
February 10, 2022
Công viên Disneyland ở thành phố Ho Chji Min?
February 9, 2022
An Imperfect Innoventions
February 8, 2022
Walt Behind the Wheel
February 6, 2022
Concept Art for Unbuilt Dumbo’s Circusland
February 4, 2022
Karen Carpenter: The Drummer Who Sang
February 3, 2022
Disney Better Take Epic Universe Seriously!
February 1, 2022
When Life is Hard, Turn to Jesus
As always, God provides insightful truth and encouragement for us in His Word. The Apostle Paul had to address a struggling church in Corinth, a city known for great trade, immense wealth, and one filled with all kinds of evil and debauchery. His encouragement to that church is just as valid today for those who seek to follow Jesus with their whole hearts. And those who are trying to, like me.
Paul's words stun in their direct, honest, simplicity. In 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, we read his challenge:
These people are the overlooked, the ignored, the forgotten… but they are not overlooked by God.
Wherever you live on this earth, if you are one who calls yourself Christian and have devoted your life to pleasing Him, be assured you are not forgotten! Let's read that again:
It's easy to say "Don't lose heart", and it's even easy to read it, but the question remains, how do we practically live it out?
“Inwardly, we are being renewed day by day." What does this really mean? The Bible tells is two very important truths about who we are, just two chapters apart. In the same letter to the same church in Corinth, Paul tells followers of Jesus that
1- We are a new creation in Him. God has washed away the past, forgiven us for our sin against Him, and He made us brand new. (2 Corinthians 5:17). I'm SO happy for this. When I look backward, my junk can be overwhelming at times.
What does this look like? What is the evidence of this happening in our lives? Our priorities change. We begin to love us He loves. We serve others. We take risks as He leads. In other words, we serve Him as not only our Savior but as one who gives us direction in how He wants us to live. All this is a result of His great love for us and the sacrifice He made, dying on the cross for our sin, paying a price we could not pay.
- Forgiveness for our sin and The Gift of Eternal Life
- Freedom in Christ- which no man can take away!
- Family in Christ
- Hope and comfort while we live in this world- and promise for our future!
Not only do we have this fruit, we also have The Power of the Holy Spirit and the gifts He gives us to do the work He's called us to do! (I Corinthians 12, Romans 12, Ephesians 4). We don't just get his comforting presence (which we all need- 2 Corinthians 1:1-4) but His Power working through us- and on our behalf.
- Be wise, and keep an eternal focus.
- Please God at all costs before pleasing men. He is the One you must answer to.
- Love deeply, and draw people to God. Continue to encourage one another.
- Know that you are loved by God, and He will not fail you!