March 22, 2008

Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft

(Thinking of Karen and Richard Carpenter? I have tons of Carpenters related posts on this blog- including album. by album reviews. Just not this article... but keep reading for something Carpenters related. )

Still on the Tomorrowland kick... I wanted to post this for quite awhile, but couldn't find it until now. 

I took this photo in 1990 of concept art for a new use of the Carousel Theater at Disneyland. I believe the name was to be Plectu's Intergalatic Revue. This was back in the day before characters invaded, when aliens from other planets came and staked territory first. 

As with America Sings, these friendlier aliens were to put on this show, and in a different attraction, an angrier alien was to make his appearance at the West Coast version of the great Alien Encounter. Plans change, ideas change, and this concept art was eventually removed from the public eye. The building would have looked great- and I left the enlarged image quite big so that the details can be seen.
Below is part of a continuing series of posts on the albums of Karen and Richard Carpenter. Below is the list of my initial reviews and then my "Revisited /Fresh Look" reviews a decade later. 

My Initial Reviews of the albums:

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