May 30, 2008
It's A Mad World

alfred e newman,
concept art,
spy vs. spy,
the onion,
walt disney world
May 29, 2008
Just Wonderful

How grateful I am to have such wonderful in-laws! But they are so much more. They have been staunch supporters and confidants, partners in prayer and in play. Their home has always been my home. Generous, loving, and kind. Lots of fun to boot! Joe and Jo are wonderful grandparents and a blessing beyond compare. Thank you, God, for bringing them into my life.
concept art,
walt disney world
May 28, 2008
Explore Uncharted Seas!

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)
May 27, 2008
Indy Disappoints while the Lion Roars

Couldn't wait for the lights to go down as I was absorbed by the big screen around me. Soon enough, my favorite fedora-clad action hero would be back in service...
Harrison Ford picks up wonderfully where he left off, older and wiser, but the wit and humor is still solidly in place. (The quicksand gag is perfect.) The action sequences are pretty good, with the villains holding up to their predecessors. The settings exotic, the sets extraordinary, the special effects great.
For all the special effects and whiz bang action, the Indy films are really about the character of Dr. Jones, his integrity and his loyalty to what is true and right. This is where Last Crusade shines. In the fourth film, this is mostly forgotten, certainly secondary. The characters and their interaction are very weak throughout the film. Karen Allen's talent and charm is wasted in her return. The dialogue does little in giving her room to stretch. Conversely, Mutt Williams surprises by being a decent character addition. His tough guy persona is a bit unrealistic, as Shia LeBouf doesn't bring much grit or edge to his role. Yet, once the real action starts with Mutt along for the ride, I found him to be a good and energetic sidekick for our aging hero. Silly plot aside, in the end, Dr. Jones remains true to form and true to his ideals, owning up to his own heart and to his relationships. In this, he is a real world hero.
So, what's my beef with Crystal Skull? The plot line is out of place with the rest of the series. I won't go into any detail, but once I understood where this was going early on in the film, all I could think was "Really?" By choice, I put my disappointment behind to enjoy what good was to be found. A viewer and a fan should never have to do that. I did enjoy the movie quite a bit, but I wanted to walk out loving it. Putting it in perspective, maybe Crystal Skull is just an expensive statement on the silliness that is Scientology. But it should have been more. Sure, I'll buy the film on DVD, especially for the behind the scenes featurettes, but it will sit beside Temple of Doom as one of the lesser movies in the series.

Caspian is much darker in tone and far less subtle than the film before it. This is both its strength and its weakness, as it is easier to understand the plot, but the battle sequences slightly overshadowed the truths found in its dialogue. That said, the filmmakers did an excellent job in keeping me engaged. The environments drew me in, the nonhuman creatures were interesting, and the transitional element from London to Narnia was far more compelling than the similar device in Harry Potter. Regardless of the title, Prince Caspian himself is not the hero nor is he the central character. At this point in the story, he functions as a reason to propel the plot. Aslan, the true hero, whose wisdom and power was the pivotal centerpiece of the first film, its heart and soul, comes late into this one. I eagerly anticipated Aslan's arrival, and he did not disappoint.
I had no attachment to the Narnia story or its characters, and this was to the film's benefit and my enjoyment of it, allowing me the luxury of growing to understand and appreciate the characters versus having preconceived expectations of them. Conversely, my emotional and youthful attachment to the Indiana Jones series and its characters worked against my loving the fourth installment. Ultimately, Indy disappoints because it trades its consistency and soul for cheap sci-fi thrills. Caspian wins converts because it remains true to form, steady and solid in substance and execution.
May 26, 2008
Empty Epcot

(Photographs copyright Mark Taft.)
concept art,
future world,
trip report,
walt disney world,
world showcase
May 23, 2008
Carpenters: First Offering, Along for the Ride
I've been thinking lately it would be fun to take a fresh look at the musical output of the Carpenters disc by disc. Because the music of Karen and Richard has been woven into so much of my younger life, I will simultaneously share some personal stories as I go. The reminiscing has been pretty fun, sometimes not, and has even resulted in new insights. Here's hoping you enjoy what is ahead as I review each album.
Early fall of 1970 was the turning point. Living in Southern California, close to the beach and to Disneyland. Still two of my favorite places. Music was always on somewhere, as my parents were teenagers themselves when I was born- and they loved rock and roll. Growing up on rock, pop, and Motown, (which became my favorite after spending summers with my aunts who loved the Supremes and the Temptations), did not prepare me for what was about to happen.
There I was, just sitting on the bus waiting to take off, and this voice came out of the radio, catching my ear and grabbing my heart. It was very soulful in a whole new way than I was used to recognizing. Suddenly, that was all I could hear. What was that song, but more importantly, who was that singing?
As I quickly discovered, the answers were "We've Only Just Begun" and Karen Carpenter of the Carpenters. Fortunately, I lived three blocks from the local record shop, so off I went. The album was mine- and it stayed on my turntable week after week. Months later, while browsing patiently through the store bins, I discovered an earlier recording and heard a whole new Karen and Richard. Surprisingly different.
It has often been said this was the record Richard had to make. After more than thirty years of hearing it, I am not sure why. Clearly a product of the times and definitely not a bad record, Ticket to Ride, however, does not draw me in or capture my attention. Nor does it compare favorably to anything that came afterwards. Maybe it is the inherent contradictions that create a sense of lacking. Raw yet polished, contemporary yet old fashioned, biting yet sentimental. The change in title and in cover art, due to the success of the single Close to You, plays with these differences. Offering is fully 60s in presentation, while Ticket feels fresh.
As far as the songs themselves, it is a mixed bag. Covering the Beatles is always risky, but Richard's slow burn arrangement of Ticket to Ride passes the test because of the dramatic new arrangement and a female lead singer. Karen and Richard's love for choral music finds an expression in the songs Invocation and Benediction, providing a touch of class, but some would say stuffiness, to the album. Their jazz combo roots come to light with All I Can Do. Bookending this album and including styles of music began a trend that would continue in later albums and in various ways.
As songwriters, the original Carpenter/Bettis tunes represent some of the best and worst of their catalogue: All of My Life, in particular, and Someday give the listener a taste of what Karen and Richard (and John) can do, while Eve is forgettable, stung with unfortunate lyrics and an arrangement that seems to drag.
The final result is a product that embraces the contradiction: the album is extremely ambitious but fairly ordinary.
As you can see, Ticket wasn't a record I loved, and even now, I seldom play it. But that was ok. My initiation was the Close to You album, and that would be the standard I measured their other albums against. Karen and Richard were young, growing artists, and the best was yet to come. I couldn't wait.
Early fall of 1970 was the turning point. Living in Southern California, close to the beach and to Disneyland. Still two of my favorite places. Music was always on somewhere, as my parents were teenagers themselves when I was born- and they loved rock and roll. Growing up on rock, pop, and Motown, (which became my favorite after spending summers with my aunts who loved the Supremes and the Temptations), did not prepare me for what was about to happen.
There I was, just sitting on the bus waiting to take off, and this voice came out of the radio, catching my ear and grabbing my heart. It was very soulful in a whole new way than I was used to recognizing. Suddenly, that was all I could hear. What was that song, but more importantly, who was that singing?
As I quickly discovered, the answers were "We've Only Just Begun" and Karen Carpenter of the Carpenters. Fortunately, I lived three blocks from the local record shop, so off I went. The album was mine- and it stayed on my turntable week after week. Months later, while browsing patiently through the store bins, I discovered an earlier recording and heard a whole new Karen and Richard. Surprisingly different.
New and improved cover.
As far as the songs themselves, it is a mixed bag. Covering the Beatles is always risky, but Richard's slow burn arrangement of Ticket to Ride passes the test because of the dramatic new arrangement and a female lead singer. Karen and Richard's love for choral music finds an expression in the songs Invocation and Benediction, providing a touch of class, but some would say stuffiness, to the album. Their jazz combo roots come to light with All I Can Do. Bookending this album and including styles of music began a trend that would continue in later albums and in various ways.
Sailing on the Tide
The final result is a product that embraces the contradiction: the album is extremely ambitious but fairly ordinary.
Photo outtakes from the original sessions.
As time passed, bit by bit, I unknowingly became quite a collector of Carpenters' music, newspaper articles, and photographs. Two important items have eluded my collection: the original Offering album, and the holy grail of Carpenters fans, the Karen Carpenter Magic Lamp single. Maybe one day, I'll find them- at a price I can afford.
As you can see, Ticket wasn't a record I loved, and even now, I seldom play it. But that was ok. My initiation was the Close to You album, and that would be the standard I measured their other albums against. Karen and Richard were young, growing artists, and the best was yet to come. I couldn't wait.
2021 Note: This is part of a continuing series of posts on the albums of Karen and Richard Carpenter. There are also numerous stand alone posts highlights different aspects of their career, recordings, and life.
Below is the list of my initial reviews and then my "Revisited /Fresh Look" reviews a decade later.
This is part of a continuing series on the albums of Karen and Richard Carpenter. There are so many stand alone posts highlighting different aspects of their career, recordings, rare photographs, and life that I've lost count.
Below is the list of my "Revisited /Fresh Look" reviews and then my initial ones a decade earlier. Each have different photos and clippings.
My Revisited / Fresh Look at the albums:
My Initial Reviews of the albums:
May 22, 2008
Indiana Jones- The Attractions!

As a new Chief Executive Officer, bringing Indy into the parks was among the first and wisest decisions Michael Eisner made. Although it would take a few years for the attractions to open, it brought instant name recognition- and a sign that Disney was serious about reaching audiences who had previously deemed Disney parks just for kids. With the upcoming opening of the new Disney-MGM Studios in 1989, the timing for this partnership couldn't have been more perfect.
First up was an Audio-Animatronics Indiana Jones, appearing in the Great Movie Ride at the brand new park. This was quickly followed by another attraction in the same park, the full blown Epic Stunt Spectacular, a 30 minute show highlighting several stunts from the films.

While these additions in Florida were highly entertaining, the best had yet to occur- and would come to fruition on the West Coast at Disney's original park. The Indiana Jones Adventure premiered in 1995, becoming an instant hit and a groundbreaking critical success.
At the time, I was employed by AT&T and was blessed to be chosen to receive a fairly prestigious award. The scheduled ceremony was held in Newport Beach during Indy's opening weekend. Since our company was the attraction's original sponsor, one of the optional activities was to go to Disneyland and experience this major new addition. It was one of the easiest decisions I have ever had to make!

The queue extended out from Adventureland into the plaza, wrapping around and passing by the entrance to Frontierland. When we still lived in California, I was at the opening of Captain Eo and Star Tours years before, but never had I seen anything like this! People in line couldn't stop talking to their friends and total strangers about how much they wanted to ride. Folks were getting off the ride, talking away excitedly, and turning around to get back in line for another journey! Everything about this day was just amazing, and the attraction lived up to the hype and my anticipation.
Finally being able to see the temple for the first time, I just couldn't believe my eyes! It all fit in so flawlessly, as if it had always been there. The camp set-up added to the atmosphere, watching the Jungle Cruise boats sail by added to the suspense.

Years later, I would discover that the Indy attraction was potentially considered to be an assortment of Indy attractions. (Concept art above.) I was disappointed that this didn't make the cut, but what we did get is still one of my favorite attractions in any park. Needless to say, I absolutely love this attraction- and whenever I make a visit to the original kingdom, it and Pirates are the only ones that are always on my must-do list.

Knowing this attraction was a coaster, and having visions of an Indy version of Big Thunder, I expected it to be spectacular. This time, however, I would be sorely disappointed. The hour and a half wait moved very slowly through the camp area, and finally walking up the temple steps, I realized I was seeing folks return to the station very shortly after leaving from it in their ore car. It wasn't long before I realized this was a very cheaply done ride. No special effects at all. Actually, this was my only disappointment in the entire park. The rest of Disneyland Paris mesmerized me. The one redeeming factor of this attraction is the great views of the park from the lift hill and before the first drop.

In celebration of the new film, Disneyland will have a small stage show happening throughout the rooftops of Adventureland and some additional nuances to capitalize on the film's opening. That is all for the future on the Indy front- unless you consider the strong and recurring rumors of another jeep attraction coming to the newly named Disney's Hollywood Studios. The Disney suits need to make this happen. In my opinion, this will be one the attraction on the horizon to truly keep Universal's Harry Potter in check- and the clock is ticking. One thing is certain, if or when Indiana Jones Adventure Florida does come to be, you can be sure it will bring in the guests, and I'll be there as well!
(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company and all photos except the top copyright Mark Taft.)
May 21, 2008
Design Detail: Moroccan Skyscraper

(Photograph copyright Mark Taft.)
May 20, 2008
Learning the Hard Way
Lately I have been reading through the books of I and II Samuel and studying about Israel's most famous monarch, King David. Although he lived approximately 3,000 years ago, his story is timeless, and the lessons learned are still relevant today.
A large part of David's story is how he chose to follow God even during times of great challenges- like being pursued by the current king who was trying to kill him. David patiently endured. Continuing to do the right thing, he desired to honor his predessor King Saul. This did not make sense to many people. Yet David chose to submit to God's will and timing versus attempting to take the throne in his own time.
Whether personally or corporately, we could learn a great deal from him. There is much peace when we act in accordance in ways that honor people and serve them. Think of the recent actions of major corporations and their leaders which let greed, arrogance, and unhealthy ambition lead them down a destructive path. It definitely muddied Eisner's legacy at Disney; ruined Enron, hurting many people; and brought the downfall of folks like Joe Nacchio.
Choose to learn life's lessons from others who have gone before you. "Learning the hard way" is not only arrogant but foolish- and costly to you and the ones around you. Be wise and willing to prefer others. You'll always sleep well if you do.
A large part of David's story is how he chose to follow God even during times of great challenges- like being pursued by the current king who was trying to kill him. David patiently endured. Continuing to do the right thing, he desired to honor his predessor King Saul. This did not make sense to many people. Yet David chose to submit to God's will and timing versus attempting to take the throne in his own time.
Whether personally or corporately, we could learn a great deal from him. There is much peace when we act in accordance in ways that honor people and serve them. Think of the recent actions of major corporations and their leaders which let greed, arrogance, and unhealthy ambition lead them down a destructive path. It definitely muddied Eisner's legacy at Disney; ruined Enron, hurting many people; and brought the downfall of folks like Joe Nacchio.
Choose to learn life's lessons from others who have gone before you. "Learning the hard way" is not only arrogant but foolish- and costly to you and the ones around you. Be wise and willing to prefer others. You'll always sleep well if you do.
concept art,
joseph nacchio,
michael eisner,
walt disney world
May 19, 2008
Saving Epcot

Removing the wand was the right beginning. Now that I've gotten that out of my system, let's take a look at what Disney can do to save Epcot, restoring it to the wonderful park millions experienced at opening without repeating mistakes of the past.

This shouldn't be that difficult- one was already developed. Make it better, make it different, but do it. Be inspired and show it by the results. Let us be inspired by what we experience there. Animal Kingdom feels cohesive and unique due to this very factor, and for the most part, what was built at Florida's 4th park matches the vision. It is my belief that Epcot began to slide in quality and attendance when it moved away from its original plan.
Plan of Attack #2- Bring Back the Timelessness
Guests who enter Future World come in wanting, and expecting, to be inspired by... the future. This is not supposed to be Disney Studios 2.0. Nor is it the setting for cross promotion and marketing"synergy". Leave the insertion of current "hip and edgy" Disney television and movie stars for the attractions of Disney's Hollywood Studios park. Don't remove their voiceovers, just their images. Think of the number of pavillions and individual shows that have a present day actor in them: Universe of Energy, Imagination, Wonders of Life (now closed), Mission Space, even Soarin'. Not many of these have aged well due to this very factor. Is this a case of cause and effect? Something to consider. Admittedly, removing the original "Living Character Initiative" aspect is a lengthy process, but it is a major step toward making the park feel timeless once more.
Plan of Attack #3- Give Us the World
Remember World Showcase is fully half of this park- a major part that folks enjoy. Guests spend alot of money in its shops and restaurants. But please treat World Showcase with some dignity. Give us some new attractions, and keep the special effects working on the few that exist. Clean up the films with new prints and/or technology. Consider the original plans for the park and add a new country or two. Develop and execute outstanding and immersive attractions that celebrate the foreign cultures versus exploiting them. No more mistakes like "Gran Fiesta". There is real magic in experiencing a taste of other cultures that does not include the Disney world and its animated characters. Bring that kind of magic to us.
Plan of Attack #4- Strive for Greatness Not Profits
Don't just focus on the bottom line. Consider it, of course, but don't let it drive your decisions. Imagineers are among the the most brilliant folks on the planet with the best resources. As your fans, we love to see you astound us. We'll reward your efforts with large attendance and increased spending. Look what Everest did for Animal Kingdom, Tower of Terror for the Studios, or Indiana Jones for Disneyland. However, big budgets are not the determining factor for success. There are plenty of smaller gems found in the parks, adding to the atmosphere and creating a sense of awe visitors should feel at a Disney park. Again, inspire us. Don't rest on your laurels. Expectations are higher than those for your competition because of your reputation and your history.
Although the theme park version of Epcot is not what was originally imagined, it should continue to be seen as more than just another gated attraction. The unique vision, history, and heart of EPCOT the city and Epcot Center the park is rooted in a desire for a better future- with a chance to experience some of what lies ahead. Use your imagination. All it takes is one little spark.
(Photographs copyright Mark Taft.)
May 16, 2008
Chronicles Continued

Lewis had much to say, and it was not always in an alagorical form. In his "Dogma and The Universe" in God in the Dock, he writes,
"When any man comes into the presence of God he will find, whether he wishes it or not, that all things which seemed to make him so different from the men of other times, or even from his earlier self, have fallen off him. He is back where he always was, where every man always is... Do not let us deceive ourselves. No possible complexity which we can give to our picture of the universe can hide us from God... It may happen to us at any moment. In the twinkling of an eye, in a time too small to be measured, and in any place, all that seems to divide us from God can flee away, as if nothing but He and I existed. And since that contact cannot be avoided for long, and since it means either bliss or horror, the business of life is to learn to like it. That is the first and greatest commandment."
May 15, 2008
Hong Kong Disneyland Mystery

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)
May 14, 2008
Sky High View
Browsing the net for fun, and I ran across this incredible view of the Disneyland Resort from the sky. Clearest I've seen yet. It is a couple of years old but still a great shot. It will be fun to compare this to what happens to the resort in the next five years. Here's the link: Zan's Stuff.com. Look for the pictures link. Be warned, this file is huge. Enjoy!
california adventure,
concept art,
walt disney world
May 13, 2008
Invisible Children

concept art,
walt disney world,
May 12, 2008
Indyless Adventures - 1975

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)
May 10, 2008
James Taylor: A Friend on the Radio

May 9, 2008
Ultimate Disney Concept Art Posting at Disney and More

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)
Paris Side Trip to The Walt Disney Studios

We will not return to the Studios next trip- at least not until there are more unique attractions to be found- but we will certainly make a stop in the neighboring park and take one day out of our Paris visit. This Magic Kingdom continues to be magical but also badly needs new and original attractions. Hopefully, Disney is hearing this message from its theme park fans... and listening.
(Photographs copyright Mark Taft.)
May 8, 2008
It's a Beautiful "World"
Go to the Hong Kong Disneyland Source and catch a glimpse of some amazing photos of It's A Small World. Regardless of what you think of the character additions, the color schemes are extremely well done, and the fascade is beautiful. A Disney worthy addition to this small park.
May 7, 2008
Answering the Call
The call to come home was urgent. Their home was on fire. Smoke everywhere, flames, blown out windows. Not only were they in shock, but a little girl's hopes were crushed. Everyone was safe, thank God, but she had a very special dress inside waiting to be worn for tomorrow's event at church. One brave fireman had a heart of gold for my neice. Hearing her cry of disappointment, he rushed back into the house returning with her prized possession. It was a little smoky but still in one piece.
In the midst of the shock and grief, one small girl and her family are very thankful for this hero who made a difference. Not only did all these fire fighters save their house, they showed once again what it means to serve the people around them- with all their hearts.
(Photograph copyright Ken Chen.)
concept art,
fire fighters,
walt disney world
Exploring Adventure Isle at Disneyland Paris

During our last visit we easily spent a full hour exploring and still left feeling we missed quite a bit. Left the graphic very large so you could see it all. If you think the map is well done, you should visit the island. Seriously. Make that trip to Disneyland Paris. Not only is Paris one of the world's most amazing cities, this French park is the most beautiful Magic Kingdom ever.
(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)
(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)
May 6, 2008
Kodak Moment: Rainy Day Kids at Disneyland

(Photograph copyright Mark Taft.)
concept art,
walt disney world
May 5, 2008
Keeping It Real at Disneyland
The recent suicide at the Disneyland Hotel made my mind swim with a variety of thoughts and my heart jump with emotion. Sadness and disbelief mingled with shock. It brought about a heavy dose of reality. Even at the "Happiest place on Earth" life is not always carefree, and life is more than just what is happening in Disney's world. Life may have seemed simpler in the "Old Days", but even back when Walt was young, troubles took their toll. Human nature remains the same, and so does the Eternal God who loves us.
Helping others cope in times of pain is just part of the job. Not my job- although it is- but our job. It is part of the human condition. We all experience loss, grief, betrayal and eventually death. My prayers are with the family of this man who chose to take his life. Unfortunately, he also chose to take a part of his family's life- one that can never be replaced. It was the piece with his name on it. May this man Rest in Peace, and may his family rest in peace in the arms of Jesus.
Helping others cope in times of pain is just part of the job. Not my job- although it is- but our job. It is part of the human condition. We all experience loss, grief, betrayal and eventually death. My prayers are with the family of this man who chose to take his life. Unfortunately, he also chose to take a part of his family's life- one that can never be replaced. It was the piece with his name on it. May this man Rest in Peace, and may his family rest in peace in the arms of Jesus.
concept art,
disneyland hotel,
walt disney world
Cinco De Mayo Celebration at Epcot's Mexico Pavilion

Today, in honor of Cinco de Mayo, we'll look at a few pieces of concept art and photos of the splendid Mexico pavillion circa opening year. (All images are copyright Disney.)

Inside the large temple which forms a major portion of the area, a small Mexican village is found drenched in eternal nighttime. The quaint central plaza built in the beautiful Colonial style includes shops, a small museum, and a waterfront restaurant. Colorful lanterns hang in the air while mariachis play. Sitting waterside sipping margaritas would make it tempting to stay here all day, but the boats cruising El Rio del Tiempo beckon us to step aboard.

Unfortunately, recent revisions to the boat ride employed an insertion of The Three Caballeros and its associated music. This is a major misstep. The dignity and sophistication imbred into EPCOT Center since its inception has been replaced by a desire to please a less discerning crowd- and to increase sales of character merchandise at the cash registers. It is a trend which must stop if the Walt Disney Company wishes to capture the travel dollar of discriminating and aging adults.
(Art and photographs copyright The Walt Disney Company.)
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