January 30, 2009
It's Magic

disneyland paris,
tokyo disneyland,
walt disney world
January 28, 2009
Two Spoonfuls of Sugar (Day Two at the Disneyland Resort)

Due to the numbers in our group, we split into two cars and headed to the resort. Our car had arrived at 7:10 for the 8:00am opening, sleepy headed young adults in tow. Of course, due to traffic lights and patterns, our caravan unintentionally split up. Without our cel phones on, we quickly discovered our car was at the parking lot, while my wife’s car headed to the Harbor Blvd. entrance. This was a direct reflection of her not going to Disneyland since 1997- and me not remembering to tell her about the parking garage. Hopefully, the rest of our day would not continue in the same vein!
Our passengers jumped on the tram, figuring the best place to see everyone else would be by the security gates. The backsides of the backstage did not provide magical views of the resort! Indy’s building badly needs more trees, a new photo wrap or a paint job or something. Looking into employee areas is a poor show- especially to what we had witnessed in Orlando or Paris. Maybe the proposed expansion of Downtown Disney will provide a better view in the future!
We reunited -and it feels so good ;) - around 7:35am, quickly going through the security gates and getting into line with our previously purchased tickets in hand. The lines at the ticket booths were already very, very long. Magic Morning Hour was in effect, so the entry gates were closed tight to us common folk not staying on the property. At 8:00am sharp, folks started in.
Main Street was stunningly beautiful dressed in its Christmas garb, tree sitting majestically in the square. I savored the view, and that of Sleeping Beauty Castle, but turned directly left into Adventureland and right toward Indy- along with just about everyone else. Sending one of us with our passports, we gained Fastpass tickets for another ride, meeting up in line not too far away from where we began.
Snaking through the exterior queue (pun intended), we enjoyed the experience. The sound effects were on, Jungle Cruise boats chugging by, the vegetation lushly providing the right vibe: our first time explorers and old timers alike were wide-eyed. Inside the temple, I was gifted by rattling the infamous bamboo pole at just the right time, sending the ceiling dropping down on us. Never happened to me before although I’d seen it occur. Great way to start our adventure.
Once on our “troop transport”, our journey was exciting but I realized several effects needed to be brought back into the mix. Why does Disney spend all this money to build a world class attraction then neglect it instead of maintaining it in the highest operating mode? Frustrating. Our adventure was terrific to all- and only the most discriminating Disney fan was left realizing the shortcomings. (We gladly experienced the attraction later- to the seemingly same journey…)
Our plan was firmly in my mind, and we ventured on to Pirates of the Caribbean, my personal favorite Disney attraction ever. Almost a walk on, we set sail, and visions of a non-existent $250 lunch swam through my head as we glided past the Blue Bayou restaurant.
As has been written much before, Pirates at Disneyland is a much richer version than its Florida counterpart. The attraction looked terrific- and sounded terrific as well. However, the recent addition of characters from the popular movie seemed to widen the gap between versions. The California build-up to seeing Davy Jones is much needed, and the more intimate last view of Captain Jack is up close and personal. Additionally, the audio in Florida is noticeably inconsistent and weaker in result. For all the accolades I could heap upon California’s pirate adventure, I will proudly admit Disneyland Paris has the ultimate representation of this classic. (Look for my trip report earlier in this blog.) It is a version that is currently without Jack Sparrow…

Creepy and delightful! My wife said it best upon our exit- “That was like a whole different attraction! I can’t believe Disney would take the time and expense to redo this for just a few months of the year!” I’ll say she hit the nail on the head. When Disney does it well, it stands high above its competitors in providing breathtaking experiences- and the management in California really knows how to please its audience and keep them returning all year round. (We’ll be seeing the new and improved Huanted Mansion in its original version in Florida in a month. Can’t wait. Watch for a future trip report.)
The compactness of Disneyland is a mixed blessing. Just around the (river)bend was Splash Mountain, our next destination. Yet because of it, the transition between the mansion and Critter Country is jarring, despite all attempts to ease us from one place to another. (In this man’s opinion, it is another area where Disneyland Paris excels. Each land feels so separate and distant from the others, a unique combination of enough land and excellent planning on the Imagineers part. Every Disney geek needs to see this park once to believe its beauty!) On the positive side, the smaller space demands creativity in planning expansion and gives “Walt’s park” an intimacy lacking in the other Kingdoms. Aspects such as landscaping take on a new importance, as tree and building placement becomes necessary tools to define and inhibit sightlines. (Something not well used or maybe even considered when designing California Adventure! There is hope this will change.)
Rounding the path into Critter Country was as if we journeyed outside the city to enter a whole new place. Even when it was Bear Country back in 1972, this area of the park has always enjoyed a unique feel. It is a beautiful segment of the park, providing a respite from wide open spaces and large crowds. There is nothing like it in Florida’s Magic Kingdom- and they are left worse off because of it. The restaurant on the river provides an additional retreat from the energy and pretty good food to boot. That said, let’s be honest here- Disney management made a huge mistake by ripping out all of the classic Country Bear Jamboree to put in a silly old bear. Don’t misunderstand. Pooh needs a place, and this area of the park needs a dark ride to delight the younger visitors. I just think one theater should have been spared, forcing a more creative use of the space to add a journey in honey pots- and satisfying the need for a little more history to exist in the park.
This small land was wonderfully and tastefully decked out in its Christmas best. We ventured under the Christmas tree hanging at the entrance to walk through Splash’s queue. Combining the funny little story, thrills, and fun, Splash Mountain reinforces why Tony Baxter is one of my most appreciated Imagineers. Our group left the attraction in various degrees of wet to drenched, both enjoying and thankful for the warm bright California sun. As we cruised back to Indy for a second ride, we took in the views. For the most part, Disneyland has aged well, (Tomorrowland being the sorry exception).
The Tomorrowland entrance was a mess. Between Buzz, Star Tours and the Astro Orbiter, it was just a sea of bodies with little rhyme, reason, or room to move. A design disaster anyway you view it. Time for Space Mountain- we thought! Standby lines were posted at one and a half hours. This was now the top attraction choice for most everyone on our list, yet no one wanted to endure the line, so we opted for a Fastpass for 5:30pm. Wow! The crowds here heavy, so we knew we’d have to suffer through some long times. My wife and I attempted Nemo while the rest of our crew opted for Buzz Lightyear. Upon seeing the line and noticing the time for the renewed sub voyage, we decided to join everyone else in line to battle Zurg with my favorite animated Disney character. (Sorry, Mickey!)
Took about a half an hour to get on to save the galaxy. While we were waiting, I noticed the new Fairies meet and greet. It was mobbed with people, the two queue lines meeting at the back of the old “America the Beautiful” building. From this point forward, all you could see were people, making maneuvering the park difficult.
Next up, a trip to Endor. At this point, our group split up, half going to grab a snack and half trusting an inexperienced robot with our lives. In the midst of waiting, we had the shock of our lives. Some friends from back home were standing ahead of us in line! What a great surprise- and we didn’t even know they were visiting California when we were. It is a small world after all. (Sorry, couldn’t resist.) Star Tours was quite a bit of fun- and the queue and props in tip top shape. I had expected Disney would let it fall into some measure of disrepair with version 2.0 apparently around the corner, but I was glad to be wrong.

Almost time for our 1:30pm lunch at Ralph Brennan’s Jazz Kitchen. We dropped into Frontierland and gained Fastpass tickets for Big Thunder, then took off down Main Street to exit, get our hands stamped, and enjoy the short walk to our restaurant at Downtown Disney. Departure to arrival at the Jazz Kitchen: ten minutes- but a world apart.
In hindsight, having reservations at the Jazz Kitchen instead of the Blue Bayou was a blessing from God. Downtown Disney was comparatively empty, and the change to a quieter atmosphere was refreshing.
Quickly seated, we enjoyed an absolutely terrific meal- and beignets for dessert- at almost 1/2 the price of what it would have cost us at the Bayou. The hour and a half out of the park gave us time to share stories, rest, laugh, and enjoy each others’ company without the stresses of trying to get to the next attraction. This has forever changed the way we will “do the parks” during the busy season, and this is my new favorite idea after using Fastpass and arriving early to beat the crowds. If you are the Disney Dining Cast Member who suggested this for us, thank you!
A short walk to the Monorail station led to a 3 minute wait for the next train. We were quickly back in the park and ready to go at it again.

Big Thunder Mountain Railroad remains my favorite west coast thrill ride. It’s fun without being terrorizing, the views are great, and the theming is some of the best on the Disneyland Resort property. The additional bonus: it is an entirely different experience to ride at night. Everyone walked off with smiles on their faces. I do miss the Mine Train Thru Nature’s Wonderland at times, and wish, as with Pooh and Country Bear Jamboree, that Disney would have found a method to integrate them both.

At late afternoon, the paths were filled with people like us trying to cram in as much as they could. I knew it was time to hit our “B” list of attractions for the time being. Amazingly, the Jungle Cruise had a ten minute wait. Our skipper was not the funniest I have had guide us, but he was pretty good. Seemed as if the cruise flew by, and before I realized it, Trader Sam had sent us on our way. (Thought the piranha effect was well done- and I so appreciate the little upgrades done to the old school Disneyland attractions over the years.)
Maintaining our sanity as we struggled through Adventureland, (Fastpasses for Indy were out with the standby line going upstairs into the Jungle Cruise queue), we eventually made it past New Orleans Square into Critter Country for a trip through the Hundred Acre Wood. The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh has taken a lot of flack from the on-line Disney community- and it deserves most of it. But the little ride does have its charms- sweet music and a consistently short queue. Our children groaned, and we smiled a bit. I find I like the gentle bouncing effect better each time I ride, and I love to watch the faces of the little children as they anxiously await their trip. There is an old fashioned innocence to this attraction that is growing on me. Be forewarned, next trip I may return liking the attraction.
Groaning turned to delight when we stopped inside the candy shop to indulge our collective sweet tooth. What a great and different selection of treats to be found here! The Tigger’s Paw was as tasty as it was cute. Kind of an orange creamsicle flavor and texture with a orange colored white chocolate coating. Yum!
Just as we were contemplating our next move, we realized our Fastpasses for Space Mountain were almost due. Off we went, braving the masses once more. We found just enough time for a quick visit to the home of the future in Innoventions. For an overall waste of space, I found this exhibit really interesting for a change. The technologies presented didn’t scream cutting edge but more just-out-of-reach. Yet it was such a likeable presentation overall. A good time filler. The sunset was coming over the park, and the lights were beginning to sparkle. I love dusk at the park. And it is a great photo opportunity, but it was Space Mountain time, and that took priority.

At this point, half our party decided to head home. Of course, we joked they were the ligtweights in our not-so-humble-opinion, so we ventured on with our shortlist for the evening: Nemo, It's A Small World Holiday, the fireworks, and an evening stroll through a nighttime New Orleans Square and down Main Street.
Folks had lined up for quite awhile for the parade, and the whole of Small World plaza was a mess. It was made bearable by the gorgeous lighting found on the attraction facade. In fact, it was not uncommon to see people stop in their tracks and just stare as the building sparkled in front of them! We were just slightly better as we dove head first into the queue.

Upon our exit, we fell into the crowd. The parade was just about to start, and honestly, this was the first time in decades I ever felt somewhat unsafe in a Disney park. This was a disaster waiting to happen! The crowds were so thick that should a fire have started, hundreds of people would have been trapped. In spite of all the wonderful things local management has done to enhance the park, they should be ashamed of themselves for allowing such an unsafe mass of people to be allowed into the park. Utter lack of responsibility or that of greed. There is no excuse. OK, now that I have said my piece, I will get off my soapbox...
Lines for attractions were unavoidable at this point in the evening, so we hunkered down into the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage line. Another 45 minute wait. I love the first ride on a new Disney attraction, yet my growing anticipation was leveled by the newfound journey. Yes, it was great fun to sit in the subs again, but in my opinion, the experience at the Living Seas pavillion at Epcot is a much better one. Frankly, I find the sets in Florida richer and more effective in telling the story. The shorter voyage in the revitalized seacabs builds to a solid ending, but in California, the trip 's end is a solid let down. How I wish the Imagineers had been given the go-ahead for an Atlantis inspired journey instead! Chalk it up to popularity and commerce- but at least the Subs cruise again.
Departing disappointed, a stop in front of the castle was just the thing we needed to remember why we loved the park at the holidays. How beautiful our small little palace was! Shimmering in the nighttime air, I couldn't help but stare at it, even though I remembered I had not made it inside to see the newly opened Sleeping Beauty walk through. No matter. This was enough for me now, and there was always the next trip!
New Orleans Square was next on our to do list and negotiating a swarm of people to get there seemed alot less manageable than it had just two and a half hours ago. However, we pressed on, and the end result was well worth the effort.
Disneyland at night is a feast for the senses. Others can enjoy the Fantasyland charm and the energy of Tomorrowland, but for me, nothing compares to what it feels like on the other side of the park. The buildings dazzle in their nighttime garb with everything from tiki torches to reflections on the water lighting the way. Mark Twain rounding the bend in its nighttime elegant glory while its passengers wave to those on shore. The smell of popcorn fading through the air along with the sounds of musicians plying their trade, the whistle of the trains rounding Big Thunder Mountain and the occasional gunshot coming from the Jungle Cruise.
In the cool of the evening, New Orleans Square is my favorite place to stop and rest, even moreso if it includes a mint julep and a journey on the Mark Twain. In years gone by, when the crowds were not so heavy, summer evenings enchanted as I wandered through the park, stopping to catch the detail aound me. For a split second this night, I felt that again. (It had been years since I'd felt like that, but a more recent late night visit to Epcot yielded that same sense as I strolled its World Showcase gardens toward the end of the day.) We savored the moment, then decided it was time to head down Main Street
As we headed down the Street, we turned and took one last glimpse of the park and its iconic castle. A friendly employee engaged us in some warm conversation. We strolled into the Opera House for a bit, and then we slowly exited the gates to tram back to the car. Another day, another wonderful visit- and back to reality we went.

(Photos copyright Lauren Taft)
January 27, 2009
Pressure's Off

Due to this, living and dying has been a theme on my heart lately. You know, it’s the same old thing- dying to self and living for Jesus. Trusting Him or turning away. I’m not talking about the Big Denial, the going to heaven or hell type stuff. I’m talking about the little opportunities for denial. The daily chances to obey. You’d think that after so many years of trying to follow Him, I would have this down a little better. I want to be good. Really, I do. Don’t you? The truth is that it is a continual struggle to choose obedience, especially when no one is else would even know.
Now, I’m not talking about choosing blatant sin, here- although sometimes that may be the case. What I’m talking about is letting the selfish, Mark-focused side of me die by choosing to obey what Jesus is speaking to me at the moment. Like when He urges me to talk to my wife instead of reading the paper. Really talking to her like I would with a friend over lunch. Putting the paper down and paying genuine, undivided attention to her and her words. When everything inside of me is screaming, “This is my time. I’ll do it later- leave me alone.” That’s when the choosing is hard. Will I deny Him then?
Thankfully, the same scripture that brings a painful reminder of my human state also brings me hope:
“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!” Galatians 2:20-21
The grace of God. Yeah, that’s it. I need to choose to obey- no question there- but God has given me His grace to be strong when I need it. I can’t earn a good relationship with Jesus anymore than I can earn my way to heaven. In my little decisions, if I don’t choose Him and obedience, Jesus will forgive me if I go back to Him with an honest heart of confession and repentance. The pressure’s off- Jesus gave himself in death for me, in my place. I don’t take that lightly. Neither should you. But don’t set aside His grace.
The sacrifice of Jesus and His grace for us is part of the “abundant life” He promised us. Let me challenge you this week: When you hear His voice, do what He asks. If you fail- even if you deliberately choose to sin by disobedience or by falling into old habits- run to Him and start clean again. I'm talking to myself here as well! The pressure’s off. Embrace His grace. He paid the price.
Now, I’m not talking about choosing blatant sin, here- although sometimes that may be the case. What I’m talking about is letting the selfish, Mark-focused side of me die by choosing to obey what Jesus is speaking to me at the moment. Like when He urges me to talk to my wife instead of reading the paper. Really talking to her like I would with a friend over lunch. Putting the paper down and paying genuine, undivided attention to her and her words. When everything inside of me is screaming, “This is my time. I’ll do it later- leave me alone.” That’s when the choosing is hard. Will I deny Him then?
Thankfully, the same scripture that brings a painful reminder of my human state also brings me hope:
“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!” Galatians 2:20-21
The grace of God. Yeah, that’s it. I need to choose to obey- no question there- but God has given me His grace to be strong when I need it. I can’t earn a good relationship with Jesus anymore than I can earn my way to heaven. In my little decisions, if I don’t choose Him and obedience, Jesus will forgive me if I go back to Him with an honest heart of confession and repentance. The pressure’s off- Jesus gave himself in death for me, in my place. I don’t take that lightly. Neither should you. But don’t set aside His grace.
The sacrifice of Jesus and His grace for us is part of the “abundant life” He promised us. Let me challenge you this week: When you hear His voice, do what He asks. If you fail- even if you deliberately choose to sin by disobedience or by falling into old habits- run to Him and start clean again. I'm talking to myself here as well! The pressure’s off. Embrace His grace. He paid the price.
concept art,
walt disney world
January 26, 2009
From Laughingstock to Increased Stock?

The task is far more monumental and the implications deeper than Disney will admit. At risk is the reputation of the Disneyland Resort, not Disneyland park. And the money that should flow from the expansion.
Walt's Kingdom will always be a sentimental favorite. But can the Imagineers transform California Adventure into a park that allows the resort to hold its own with its younger American cousin? A revamped park is a must for Disney's investment to really pay off. Future plans include adding more hotels and hotel rooms, an expanded Downtown Disney, and an eventual third park. Without the "blessing of size" and sitting in the middle of an unattractive city, Disney has to work very hard to convince travelers outside of California to spend their hard earned money here. California Adventure 2.0 must persuade the public that the suits are serious about making the Golden State resort one that truly shines. It's their last chance- and there will be no other. Fooled once, maybe. Fooled twice, never.
(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)
January 24, 2009
Three Stooges

three stooges,
January 23, 2009
Behind Bars

If you've known anyone in prison, and I have, their lives are generally very hopeless and bleak. Without negating there circumstances that brought them to these place, these are folks who still need love and encouragement.
Prison Fellowship Ministries is a great place through which to serve should you feel drawn. Check them out here.
prison fellowship ministries,
January 22, 2009
More "Princess" Promotion

A new piece for the New Orleans focused movie, continuing to remind me this film will be a visual beauty!
princess and the frog,
walt disney world
January 21, 2009
Design Detail: New Orleans Square

This sublime and detailed painting is found high above the outside wall of the shop it advertises. (Hence, the difficulty in getting a great photo!) To find it, just exit the restrooms in the Square and look up. In fact, search high and low in this sophisticated little space, and you'll find wonderful design detail everywhere around you.
(Photograph copyright Mark Taft.)
January 20, 2009
Notable and Quotable: Abraham Lincoln

Like his predecessor that he so admires, may this be President Obama's prayer as well.
January 19, 2009
Encouragement from an Unlikely Source
Ever find yourself so discouraged that you cannot find your way through a difficult situation? This is where I am with an issue at work.
Honestly, this thing has been gnawing away at me for six months, and regardless of how much I work on it and pray about it, little is changing. But get aload of this:
Today, as I was praying and reading my Bible, tears began to fall down my face as I struggled with this one same ongoing problem. I told my wife later that I didn't know how much more I could take.
Tonight, as I am paying our bills, I come across a new letter from our Compassion International child in Bolivia. The letter is written by our little girl's mother and includes this line: "She wants you to know she is praying for you and has this verse from the Bible for you, Philippians 4:13."
Of course, I know this verse- "I can do all things through Christ Jesus who gives me strength." In God's goodness and love for me, He chooses to use an impoverished little girl from Bolivia that we love and support to encourage me. Just goes to show sponsoring a child from Compassion is a two way blessing in more ways than we know.
Honestly, this thing has been gnawing away at me for six months, and regardless of how much I work on it and pray about it, little is changing. But get aload of this:
Today, as I was praying and reading my Bible, tears began to fall down my face as I struggled with this one same ongoing problem. I told my wife later that I didn't know how much more I could take.
Tonight, as I am paying our bills, I come across a new letter from our Compassion International child in Bolivia. The letter is written by our little girl's mother and includes this line: "She wants you to know she is praying for you and has this verse from the Bible for you, Philippians 4:13."
Of course, I know this verse- "I can do all things through Christ Jesus who gives me strength." In God's goodness and love for me, He chooses to use an impoverished little girl from Bolivia that we love and support to encourage me. Just goes to show sponsoring a child from Compassion is a two way blessing in more ways than we know.
concept art,
Sunny Day at the Beach

(Photos copyright Lauren Taft.)
manhattan beach,
trip report
January 16, 2009
More on the Miracle

(In this photo taken by a ferry passenger, airline passengers leave the US Airways jet that safely ditched Thursday in the frigid waters of the Hudson River in New York. (AP, Janis Krums)
Karin Hill loves children.
So when US Airways Flight 1549 ditched in the Hudson River on Thursday afternoon, the 24-year-old Boulderite did what came naturally.
She asked another passenger on board — who had a baby and a toddler — if she could help by carrying the baby.
As they left the sinking plane, Hill carried the baby and then held the child as she stood on the wing awaiting rescue.
"She loves kids, so that seemed perfect for her to do," said her mother, Cathy Hill of Louisville.
Karin Hill loves children.
So when US Airways Flight 1549 ditched in the Hudson River on Thursday afternoon, the 24-year-old Boulderite did what came naturally.
She asked another passenger on board — who had a baby and a toddler — if she could help by carrying the baby.
As they left the sinking plane, Hill carried the baby and then held the child as she stood on the wing awaiting rescue.
"She loves kids, so that seemed perfect for her to do," said her mother, Cathy Hill of Louisville.

Karin Hill and her boyfriend, Chris Rooney of Parker, had just spent a week in New York City on what Cathy Hill described as "a fun visit."
"She got some cheap tickets and stayed with friends. They were just back there sightseeing and having fun," said Cathy Hill.
They were flying to Charlotte, N.C., where they planned to change planes and fly back to Denver.
After the plane hit a flock of birds, pilot Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger III came over the intercom and told them to "prepare for impact," Karin Hill told her mother.
"She put her head in her lap. But her boyfriend kept looking out the window. His father is a commercial pilot, and he kept looking to see what was going on," Cathy Hill said laughing.
"Karin didn't know they were landing over water. She just thought, because they took that turn, that they were just coming back to the airport to land at the airport," Cathy Hill said. "Karin said she didn't know that but just kept praying that God would just land them smooth and easy. She said, 'I know God was watching out for us, Mom. I was just praying he would land us.' "
As they headed for the landing in the Hudson River, Karin Hill told her mother things were quiet in the cabin. "She said that everything was just really calm and cool. The pilot just said 'prepare for impact.' She didn't feel he was panicked in his voice or anything. And I am sure that kept them all calm."
Both Karin and her boyfriend were among the last people off the wing. By the time they left, the water had risen to her waist, said Cathy Hill.
"I asked her, 'Did you go check for hypothermia?' And she said, 'No, I didn't.' Once they got her over — by ferry — to a restaurant, apparently they got her out of her own clothes and got her into the chef's clothes," said Cathy Hill.
Karin phoned her father within 40 minutes of the ditching, but he didn't pick up because he didn't recognize the phone number.
Later, when he checked the message, he immediately left work, picked up his wife and they went home and turned on the TV.
On their home answering machine was another call from Karin.
"She said she and her boyfriend were fine and she would call as soon as she could again," said Cathy Hill. Since then, they've talked five or six times.
"She is just a little fireball, just optimistic and bubbly," said Cathy Hill of her daughter. "She was in good spirits. She was shaken up obviously and probably in shock to some degree, but she just kept saying, 'I'm OK.' "
Cathy Hill said Karin's two sisters and brother — ranging in age from 17 to 25 — are just "thrilled" their sister is safe.
"They will be home tomorrow morning, and we are all going to meet up at the airport and go over to his (the boyfriend's) home. They said we could bring all our friends — that 'we'll tell the story once,' " said Cathy Hill.
"Our whole family really attributes this to the grace of God. He protected her and the plane and everyone. We all feel that way. We are just really grateful," said Cathy Hill.
Howard Pankratz: 303-954-1939 or hpankratz@denverpost.com
"She got some cheap tickets and stayed with friends. They were just back there sightseeing and having fun," said Cathy Hill.
They were flying to Charlotte, N.C., where they planned to change planes and fly back to Denver.
After the plane hit a flock of birds, pilot Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger III came over the intercom and told them to "prepare for impact," Karin Hill told her mother.
"She put her head in her lap. But her boyfriend kept looking out the window. His father is a commercial pilot, and he kept looking to see what was going on," Cathy Hill said laughing.
"Karin didn't know they were landing over water. She just thought, because they took that turn, that they were just coming back to the airport to land at the airport," Cathy Hill said. "Karin said she didn't know that but just kept praying that God would just land them smooth and easy. She said, 'I know God was watching out for us, Mom. I was just praying he would land us.' "
As they headed for the landing in the Hudson River, Karin Hill told her mother things were quiet in the cabin. "She said that everything was just really calm and cool. The pilot just said 'prepare for impact.' She didn't feel he was panicked in his voice or anything. And I am sure that kept them all calm."
Both Karin and her boyfriend were among the last people off the wing. By the time they left, the water had risen to her waist, said Cathy Hill.
"I asked her, 'Did you go check for hypothermia?' And she said, 'No, I didn't.' Once they got her over — by ferry — to a restaurant, apparently they got her out of her own clothes and got her into the chef's clothes," said Cathy Hill.
Karin phoned her father within 40 minutes of the ditching, but he didn't pick up because he didn't recognize the phone number.
Later, when he checked the message, he immediately left work, picked up his wife and they went home and turned on the TV.
On their home answering machine was another call from Karin.
"She said she and her boyfriend were fine and she would call as soon as she could again," said Cathy Hill. Since then, they've talked five or six times.
"She is just a little fireball, just optimistic and bubbly," said Cathy Hill of her daughter. "She was in good spirits. She was shaken up obviously and probably in shock to some degree, but she just kept saying, 'I'm OK.' "
Cathy Hill said Karin's two sisters and brother — ranging in age from 17 to 25 — are just "thrilled" their sister is safe.
"They will be home tomorrow morning, and we are all going to meet up at the airport and go over to his (the boyfriend's) home. They said we could bring all our friends — that 'we'll tell the story once,' " said Cathy Hill.
"Our whole family really attributes this to the grace of God. He protected her and the plane and everyone. We all feel that way. We are just really grateful," said Cathy Hill.
Howard Pankratz: 303-954-1939 or hpankratz@denverpost.com
airplane crash,
concept art,
denver post,
flight 1549,
hudson river,
us airways
Happy Couple

Gems of Epcot - Canada

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)
concept art,
walt disney world
January 15, 2009
US Airways Plane Crash and a Miracle
The US Airways plane crash hit home in a new way: Our friend's son and girlfriend were on the flight. Thankfully, although we have not heard from them, our friends- and all other passengers have survived. Prayer is good, so please pray for all the folks on flight 1549 from LaGuardia.
airplane crash,
concept art,
flight 1549,
hudson river,
us airways
January 14, 2009
Two Spoonfuls of Sugar (Day One at the Disneyland Resort 2008)

Thinking through my plan of attack, a few things were obvious: One, I’d have to purchase our tickets ahead of time; two, we would have get there at the gate before the opening time; lastly, we’d have to be wise about using Fastpass, deciding what we really wanted to see.
There were also the non-practical but equally important emotional aspects of our visit. I wanted to see the attractions and attraction enhancements I had not seen. This included Pirates Lair on Tom Sawyer Island, the new Sleeping Beauty Castle walk-through, the piranha attack on the Jungle Cruise, and lastly, the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage.
I was not the only traveler, however, and we each had our own ideas. My wife hadn’t been to Walt’s original park since Spring of 1997. Yes, 1997. We had been to Disneyland Paris and Walt Disney World, but she had skipped out going to Disneyland the last several visits. (She has not even seen California Adventure since it opened. But that is another story.) Therefore, the Christmas makeovers of Mansion and Small World ranked high. Our son had never been to Disneyland with his wife; neither had he been to the park for almost 15 years. Our youngest son and daughter had to "do the mountains". (Our oldest daughter was actually left at home last minute due to job requirements.) Satisfying everyone and seeing the best of the park would be a challenge. One aspect we all agreed upon: we hated crowds and wanted to make this as low-key a visit as possible.
We settled on visiting the park on December 30, thinking most locals would be back to work and many visitors gone. Not perfect but our best shot at the lightest crowds. Calling Disney Dining thirty days out to reserve a lunch reservation for Blue Bayou, I was surprised that the cast member answered my ringing call by saying "Hello, You probably want the Blue Bayou- and it is fully sold out!" My shocked response was "Yes- can you offer anything else?" After verifying my request, date and time, his reply informed me that in his estimation, that restaurant was full but over-rated, and Ralph Brennan’s Jazz Kitchen was much better both in quality and in price. I booked it, feeling a bit disappointed until I found Bayou's on line menu and saw their outrageous prices!
Due to a change of family plans once we arrived, I had a free day to myself on the 29th. I decided to go to California Adventure with my youngest daughter- the only person who wanted to join me; the others stating DCA wasn’t yet worth the price of admission.

This attraction never ceases to thrill and impress us- and make us proud we spent so many years living in the Golden State. What an error on Disney’s part to allow this headlining attraction- a California Adventure original- to make its way unchanged to Epcot! This should have remained in California as the park centerpiece, but, I digress.

How can I describe Toy Story Midway Mania? In one word: disappointing.
After all the hype, the on-line photos and trip reports, I found myself having an enjoyable time but not being astonished by the end result. Traveling in front of a bunch of screens with a minimum amount of props and set pieces is not my idea of a world class attraction.
Midway Mania is a nice "C" ticket attraction, housed in a "D" ticket building, found in an "E" ticket location. Admittedly, this new attraction was what needed to be present in the Pier moving forward. Midway Mania is a step in the right direction but not worthy of the attention it has received.
Time for some good old-fashioned fun. That meant California Screamin’, one of the best coasters on the Disney property if not on the West Coast. The crowds had built by this time, and we encountered another lengthy wait. Once we boarded, the music kicked in, building the anticipation for another terrific ride. Certainly not the tallest or fastest or the most technologically impressive, California Screamin’ succeeds because it puts fun before fear. The launch gets the heart racing, and the drops keep it going without creating paranoia about what will happen next. A themeless queue is its only shortcoming, and that may get fixed one day, but for now, this attractions rocks with the best of them even without it. We left with huge smiles on our faces. What more can you ask for?

Hunger hit us, and a stop at Taste Pilots fit the bill. What is it with this place? Every visit, busy season or not, means huge crowds and poor service. Thankfully, excellent burgers almost made up for the forty minutes it took from stepping in to receiving our food. The self-service kiosks were gone, but the process was still not acceptable. Dining at California Adventure has become a problem when at opening, it was full of choices and high quality. The paying customer now suffers. This matter must be fixed before the crowds grow due to Disney’s numerous expansion plans.
In Florida, the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror is my main reason for visiting the underwhelming Disney Studios. At California Adventure, this attraction is a main draw but a second class version of the original. The set-up lacks the mystery of its older sibling. The inside of the hotel is too bright and cheery, and the lack of forward movement makes for an extremely short ride without the necessary emotional build up for the drops. Still fun and still first class for California Adventure, but still just good enough.
In some ways, "good enough" seems to be the mantra for this park- at least in its current incarnation. There are very appealing aspects, but they seem to be individual parts instead of a complete and compelling whole. The park lacks soul and heart, something the Imagineers hope to bring after an almost billion dollar laundry list of improvements. I hope they accomplish their mission.
Following our brief haunted hotel tour, we dropped into an undiscovered gem in this small park: Turtle Talk with Crush. The Animation Building was an early DCA hit for good reason. The variety of attractions inside are only strengthened by the presence of this presentation. Crush delighted us, adults and children alike. The concept is simple but the technology amazing. Loved it at Epcot. Just as much fun at California Adventure. This attraction is truly under advertised and overlooked by a majority of the crowd. Crush is a clear home run- and we left with another smile left on our faces.

The afternoon was slowly changing into evening, and we had forgotten about Grizzly Rapids. It would certainly be less advantageous to an all day excursion at the park to be left wet for the rest of the day. We chose to ride anyway, and the queue was surprisingly full.
This choice yielded some unexpected benefits- time to take in the detailed queue, great photo opportunities, being immersed in the beautiful forest atmosphere- and getting partnered with a fun-loving family from the United Kingdom once it was our time to board.
While I firmly believe Disney settled for the expected and fairly cheap circular rafts instead of letting research and development come up with a true rafting experience, the ride is undeniably enjoyable. Would I like animatronics? You bet I would (and I hope they are added one day)! But overall, this is still a winner. (Animal Kingdom’s Kali River Rapids only dreams of being this good!) The views of the surrounding area are great, and the environment is rich. The spinning drop was not in operation, but that may have saved us. Our friendly Brits were absolutely soaked while we had a few splashes, nothing more.

Surprisingly, I enjoyed our next stop more than I thought- Muppetvision 3D. The visuals were crisp, the theater looked brand new, and Kermit was as engaging as ever. Too bad the Muppets are past their prime. I’d bet that it is soon to go, however, as the show was a walk-on and our theater was almost empty.

(Photos copyright my wonderful daughter. Watch for Disneyland trip report soon.)
January 13, 2009
Those Pesky New Year's Resolutions!

I was thinking of King David.
Let’s look at some events of his life: the faithful child, who took care of his father’s sheep; anointed by Samuel as Israel’s future king; not a warrior, yet he conquers the Philistine giant and his praises are sung by the people; best friend of the king’s son; honored and trusted musician of King Saul; desired young man who becomes the monarch’s son-in-law. David- the classic Cinderella story. The “golden boy”. Everything good came his way. (Don’t you just hate those types?) Things couldn’t get any better.
But life didn’t stay that way.
David, Part Two: His popularity outshines that of the threatened and insecure king. Saul opened desires to kill him. So, after trying to do everything right, David becomes the hunted, as if he were this evening’s meal running in the field. Now a fugitive, David flees from his home, says goodbye to his friends, and lives a life on the road, sleeping in caves and wherever else he could find rest, feigning craziness in a time of desperation. Once beloved, now betrayed. All the while keeping an eye out for Saul. Waiting. Watching. Wondering about God, and wondering about his life.
What about Samuel’s word from the Lord? What about the promise? Where was God in all this? Was David in despair at times and disappointed? You can bet he probably was.
David, Part Three: After a turn of events, David, now about 30 years old, ascends to the throne of Judah while Israel remains under Philistine domination. Five years later, the kingdom becomes one under David’s rule. A long period of successes, both religious and military in nature, occur after this accomplishment. God is faithful to his word.
David, Part Four: the man after God’s own heart makes sinful choices causing dire consequences. David the adulterer and David the murderer; the brokenhearted father as his family falls apart and turns against him; the prideful warrior who counts his manpower to nourish his pride.
Was David disappointed now? You can read his psalms for yourself and see. Yet, through the end of his life, God is waiting for David’s return of heart.
Betrayals, disappointments, and broken dreams may be ours, but there are few disappointments greater than being let down by our own sinful choices. Realizing the frailness and weakness of our souls. Doing things we never thought we would. Watching our world crumble. The desire to replay our choices and the shame we carry eat us alive. If only we could turn back time…
Yet, in his great and merciful love, God chooses to let us start fresh every day.
Where are you today? What setbacks, betrayals, and disappointments have you encountered? Was it at your own hand or the hands of others? Whatever state you find yourself in, God is waiting for you with open arms. In Him, and only in Him, can we really trust. He is waiting for you. Just go to Him.
May the Lord bless you this week and remind you of his great love,
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