October 4, 2024

The Most Beautiful Restaurant in Italy

When it comes to dining in Italy, the choices are astounding with the scale and scope of meals available. Sometimes, making a decision boils down to the old real estate adage: Location, location, location. Just where would you expect to find the most beautiful restaurant in Italy? Classic Rome? Along the canals of Venice? In the hillsides of Tuscany or the fashionable streets of Milan? No, the most beautiful and world famous restaurant in a country of top choices is to be found in Sorrento. Ristorante ‘o Parrucchiano la Favorita has to be seen to be truly understood.

An unassuming facade gives no hint of the luxuries and variety of dining rooms within. It's almost as if the owners did not want you to discover the place. Beginning in 1868, yes 1868, this place has been a feast for the eyes and the taste buds due to the vision of Antonino Ercolano, a seminarian with a passion for food- and an eye for beautiful settings in which to relax and enjoy it.

We stumbled upon this amazing spot almost by accident. By this point in our trip, we were preparing ourselves to fly to Paris. We had one full day left before departing in the morning, so we wrapped up our touring by wandering the stunning avenues of the town. (Our trip report begins here. Rome is all you are led to believe it is by the travel writers! It is now one of my favorite travel locations.)

Sticking our heads inside and walking into the first two dining rooms, we knew we had to return the next day for our last dinner in the country. Reservations in hand, we awaited what we knew would be a very memorable evening. And was it ever!

Two official photos- the one at the top of the article and this one directly above.

Walking past room after room, each with its own unique personality, we ascended multiple levels until we reached the Lemon Garden. Have you ever dined inside a greenhouse? It's a wonderful experience! The lush greenery that only God could create mixes with the elegance of glass and metal to create something fresh and charming. 

Below are a few more shots of the different dining rooms:

Now, you would expect it would be very, very expensive to dine here- and you'd be wrong.  Ristorante ‘o Parrucchiano la Favorita was actually quite reasonable, only about $5-10 more per person than some of our other meals. Surprising, right?

Now, would the food match the show stopping surroundings? Most definitely. (You can see their menu here.) 

OK- just one more official photo.

The birthplace of Cannelloni. Yes, this is where it all began. For me, I had my share of pasta and was in the mood for something entirely different. I chose the grilled tenderloin with its very flavorful pink pepper sauce. The roasted potatoes that came with it were mouth watering. Just delicious. But in all honesty, the standout dish was the simple tomato and mozzarella cheese salad. Sometimes, the most common dishes are taken to the next level, and this was the case. The vine tomatoes were grown in their own greenhouse, and they are famous in the region for their robust flavor. With the perfect glass of wine, this starter dish was light and refreshing. 

In a restaurant that seated- I think I remember our waiter saying 800 - it was a well loved location for wedding receptions and corporate parties. Yet, in spite of its size, the place felt warm and intimate. The service was also warm and friendly in true Italian style. When you toss in two of your best friends, my wife and I had one more perfect evening. God's hand of blessing felt evident that night. I can't explain it, but if you have that personal relationship with him through Jesus, you know exactly what I'm talking about. 

No, this wasn't a Dine or Ditch review like the other ones I've written for Disney locations, but I can say with all certainty and no reservation at all- Eat at this place if you ever get the chance!

(Photographs copyright Mark Taft.)

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