October 11, 2024

Goodbye, Figment, Goodbye

My beloved mascot of EPCOT Center and Journey into Imagination. What is there to say about Figment that hasn't been said? Imagineer Tony Baxter created him with a dash of childish delight, and I just couldn't get enough of the attraction and theme song! Of course, it became obvious I just had to buy a stuffed version of this little dragon. Be it a Kodak project made it all the better! It's been over 40 years he's been at my home. My kids played with him, but over time, he was delegated to a dark corner of the closet. 

Quite an appropriate picture of how Disney CEOs Michael Eisner, Robert Iger, Bob Chapek, and Robert Iger again have treated him. They have largely ignored him, just pimping him out when they need a merchandise sale boost and want to convince unsuspecting park goers that they really do have the beloved Old Epcot in mind. 

As for me, as we pack up our life and move to a new home, it's time to admit that little purple dragon needs to move in to the afterlife. Tired eyes, broken horns, a sacking neck that doesn't sit straight, dirtied body, and a tear or two means it's time to say goodbye. So, goodbye, Figment, goodbye. One day, maybe a new generation of Disney CEOs- ones who can really dream with childlike wonder- will bring you an attraction worthy of your name...

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