October 31, 2022

A Mickey Mouse Halloween at Disneyland

It was a beautifully warm Thursday afternoon in "Walt's park". What a perfect day to visit. Disneyland looked great! Taking the Horseless Carriage to Town Square for a little shopping, I decided to walk over to the Emporium. This gleaming, friendly looking Mickey pumpkin won me over, and I had to take a photo. Normally, I post something interesting about the Imagineering art of the Haunted Mansion (or Disneyland Paris' Phantom Manor), but this year, I'm more than a little tired of how ugly, dark, and sometimes outright evil the world has become and how this holiday is observed. So, friendly Mickey is in. I hope it puts a smile on your face as it did mine!

(Photograph copyright Mark Taft.)

October 30, 2022

Date Night!

Yes, we've been married a very long time, but we still love to go out on a date! Here we are during one of our business trips sneaking away for a short but wonderful little date. Just look at my beautiful wife! Not only is she pretty, smart, and fun to be with, she is a godly and wise woman. So on the occasion of her birthday, I celebrate all that she is and all that God made her to be. I'm SO thankful for her.

October 29, 2022

The World Map Project

After spending yesterday painting my old tired office the perfect shade of blue/green, (Thank you Joanna Gaines), it's now time to find the perfect world map. What a chore! There's seemingly hundreds of them. 

What's a guy to do when his job means traveling to many different places and the need to get creative designing itineraries with often unique connecting routes? I go to the map and look for ideas.

Plus, having a world map in my office has been a tradition since my oldest son gifted me with one. (Truth be told, I unintentionally tore that one taking it down.) Let the search continue...

October 24, 2022

Travels Along the Way: Istanbul's Hagia Sophia

Due to a series of travel related events, our latest tour ended up taking us through Istanbul, Turkey. What a fascinating city of over 20 million people from all walks of life! Crowded, noisy, full of history and ancient cultures. The variety of foods, music, clothing, and languages presented a true crossroads of cultures that I haven't seen elsewhere.

The Hagia Sophia, behind us in the photo, was the one of the world's oldest and largest cathedrals- now becoming a mosque in recent years. Islamic symbols now cover up as much of the Christian references as possible, although hidden crosses and other smaller items remain in view if you look carefully. This isn't Disney World's beautiful World Showcase in Epcot, but the real thing. Just another reason it is important to travel beyond the Disney bubble. The real world is much more fascinating and rich and eye opening!

(Photograph copyright Mark Taft.) 

October 21, 2022

Sgt. Preston's Yukon Saloon and The Disneyland Hotel Project from the Past

Long before Anaheim's difficult to book Trader Sam's, there was Sgt. Preston's Yukon Saloon. It was the place to go in the area for some late night mischief on The Disneyland Hotel  property. Imagine a Canadian show setting with an Adventurer's Club vibe. It was unique to the time, setting the stage for what would come later in Florida when Walt Disney World needed to compete with Church Street Station's popular complex in Orlando. Did you think under Michael Eisner's reign, Pleasure Island came about because of more altruistic motives?

Anyway, back to Aneheim.

The Disneyland Hotel has been through so many additions, so many incarnations,  that it is pretty impossible to track them all. 

This piece of concept art above is most likely from the 1970's when the newest feature was planned- a large, expanded tropical pool zone. The Imagineers on this job kept it pure and simple, and probably rather inexpensive. But I don't remember this actually being built as shown. Dancing Waters? Check- been there and remember that. Same with the hotel's first video arcade. And many other additions.

Sgt. Preston's Yukon Saloon, and the beautifully done wharf area nearby made the area a great place for a cheaper date night when you wanted your Disney fix.  You could still ride the monorail from the hotel into the park and back for a small fee. In earlier days, day guests could even play miniature golf on a course that featured icons from Disneyland park. 

What comes next after the Disney Vacation Club tower opens? Who knows?  But the evolution of the hotel and its grounds will go on and on as long as there are Disneyland fans left in the world. In other words, until the end of time!

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

October 19, 2022

God is Leading in New and Fresh Ways

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it's that the past is over. The pandemic has killed life the way we knew it to be. The way we wanted it to be. Globally but in different ways, people are struggling with anger, fear, depression, It's not only people. Businesses are struggling to regain a footing in a new world economy. Churches are struggling. Persecution in many countries; apathy and confusion in the West.


Maybe your church is gone. Maybe it's changed. Those good old years from the past are just that. The past. They are nothing more than a memory now. We all have to let it all go- and let the memories take their proper place.


It's a tough world! Has God stopped caring about His Children? Has He stopped caring about those who don’t know Him? What is His plan? 



Thankfully, God’s Word gives us hope and it directs us. 


Let's look at one example in the Old Testament and one in the New Testament. Let's read the book of the prophet Isaiah, verses 43:16-21. A prophet’s voice that points the way to Jesus the Messiah.


So reliable is the Bible, it's our go-to source for hearing God's heart and truth!

Here's a bit of background:  Isaiah’s written between 739-681 BC. A pretty big span of time. Here's what happens leading up to Chapter 43…

·   Chapters 29 and 30, Israel’s leaders reject Isaiah (8: 11-22; 29:10-12 and 30:8-9)- he seals up the scrolls with the prophesies

·   In Chapter 39- Isaiah tells King Hezekiah that the kingdom will fall to the Babylonians, and it happens!


Chapter 40- The prophet speaks words of hope to the people! Naturally, God is faithful to His people as they cry out to Him. What will they learn? What can we learn? God’s people are in exile in Babylon- banned from their home. They’re looking for a way out. A way back home.


Of course, this makes them remember the great exodus from Egypt.

You know- When God was faithful in impossible circumstances. Let me tell you- God loves "impossible circumstances! Then, when He works in the midst of them all, He and only He gets the glory and praise.

Let's look at Isaiah 43:16-21. It breaks down into three segments, each revealing a piece of God's heart towards the people He loves (and that includes us who follow Him): 

Isaiah 43:16-17  

16 Thus says the Lord,
    who makes a way in the sea,
    a path in the mighty waters,
17 who brings forth chariot and horse,
    army and warrior;
they lie down, they cannot rise,
    they are extinguished, quenched like a wick:


They need to remember the past to give them hope by remembering that our God works on our behalf! Oh, the Exodus:  God’s people in captivity in Egypt – It was a hard life! Did the people think the Egyptian gods were more powerful? They were desperate and hopeless. But God wanted to deliver His people. He used Moses, a murderer who was now tending flocks for Jethro, his father in law. He uses broken people just like us.
Why would He do that? God uses broken people for the same reason as He loves impossible circumstances- He gets the glory!
Did Moses ever remember where he came from, the life he once had, and the murder he committed? How could he not! Yet, he was eventually obedient when God wanted to use him to deliver his people out of Egypt. God uses a burning bush that never is consumed to draw Moses to Himself. God sends plagues to convince Pharoah that the Almighty is in control (The Nile turns to blood, frogs, gnats, flies, boils, hail, locusts, the plague on the firstborn (The Passover- remember placing blood on the door frame so the first born children of Israel would die, being made subject to what the Egyptians would endure do to their leader's hardened heart.) God parts the Red Sea to let his people walk through to freedom. The, He doesn't stop there to let them figure it out for themselves. God gives manna and quail to eat. He gives Moses the Ten Commandments. Things look good so far, right? Well, there's a big problem that comes next. Aaron- once a trusted leader and brother of Moses- and a man anointed to serve as a priest of God but he is frustrated with a people who constantly complain- Aaron gets the people to give them their gold and he creates a golden calf for them to worship.
They are a people of fickle hearts, easily led astray at times.  Just like you and me at times, right? 

What does the Isaiah say next?  Let's move on and look at verses 18-20:

18 “Remember not the former things,
    nor consider the things of old.
19 Behold, I am doing a new thing;
    now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
    and rivers in the desert.

20 The wild beasts will honor me,
    the jackals and the ostriches,
for I give water in the wilderness,
    rivers in the desert,
to give drink to my chosen people,


They need to let God work in a new way and discover what He will do. The Lord is telling Jewish exiles “Remember and learn from it, but Don’t live in the past!” They are stuck in Babylon and there’s no way out. They can’t figure it out. Their plans are not clever enough. There’s not enough information available to make it work. They must trust God to make a way through the wilderness they are in. Through it- not around it! Have you ever been in that position? Maybe someone has done something that brought dire circumstances your way? Maybe, just maybe, your own sin has brought calamity you never expected. Boy, I've been there! Isn't that the human condition? Absolutely!

God's people- that includes us- can get stuck looking backwards. How? What does this look like?
We can expect God to work like in days of old. Like us, they began to doubt God, making the past an idol, and making it seem better than it was. Maybe they began to think they knew better than God. Their preferences become dividing points- leading to deadly results.
Here's a HUGE one- They can also get stuck, remembering their sin and failure.Oh, I've been there, thinking God will never use me again because I've fallen flat on my face. That's a big lie! We'll pay the consequences for our sin, we definitely will, but God is not done with us as long as we are on this earth.
Maybe it is fearful of the future- We are afraid to look forward. Or worse- Forgetting God is still in control and has a plan! Were God’s people believing the Babylonian gods are more powerful? Did they remember anything about how God delivered their ancestors when they were exiled in Egypt? Our memories are all too short, but one thing is certain. Man’s plans, rules, regulations, mandates, and laws are no match for God's!
God has not changed even if the circumstances have!

What is the end result of all this?  Finally, we see in verse 21:  

the people whom I formed for myself that they might declare my praise.

The same powerful God that took them through the sea can and will take them through the wilderness this time so that we can declare our His praise.  


Let's look at another passage. This time, it is the words of Jesus in the New Testament.  

Let's read Matthew 9:14-15: 

14 Then the disciples of John came to him, saying, “Why do we and the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast?” 15 And Jesus said to them, “Can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast.

What just happened to them to make them ask the question? Jesus called a hated and despised tax collector to come into His inner circle of disciples. A tax collector! Imagine that! Two chapters later, Jesus lumps them in with the prostitutes.


The people were upset and angry. Confused. Frustrated. How dare He do something like that! And it led to some important discussion.


First-  Jesus is not saying don’t fast. He’s not trying to repair the old ways. He’s not bowing to religious legalism or the way it has always been done. Jesus came within the context of the Old Testament prophecies to fulfill the Law but not abolish it. 


Pharisees preached it but didn’t live it out.


Look at verse 16: 

16 No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch tears away from the garment, and a worse tear is made.


What about the cloth- Practically, we understand the unshrunk cloth analogy.  It makes sense, but it also has spiritual significance. Spiritually, clothing/garments were symbols of righteousness. As followers of Jesus, we are clothed in His righteousness. A beautiful picture to remember when we think that God sees us AS our sin. Let's move on.

Now, take a look at verse 17. There's encouragement here, so don't stop reading.  


17 Neither is new wine put into old wineskins. If it is, the skins burst and the wine is spilled and the skins are destroyed. But new wine is put into fresh wineskins, and so both are preserved.”


What about the wine? In the Old Testament, wine refers to earthly prosperity given by the Lord (Genesis 27:8; Deuteronomy. 7:13; Proverbs 3:9-10)

In the New Testament, wine refers to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Both are pretty sweet things for God to tell us. Isn't He good?

In the old days, grapes were harvested, left to sit in the sun for several days, then crushed so the juice would sit in jars or wineskins to ferment. Since this caused gasses to emit, the skins had to be flexible so the wine wouldn’t burst out.


 We're going to focus here for a moment. There are three commonly recognized interpretations of the scripture here, and they are all correct.

1-     Jesus Brings The New Covenant of Grace replaces Religion and Animal Sacrifice as the Way to God  (The legal truth in God's eyes)

2-     The New Wine represents the Moving of God the Holy Spirit.    (The Spiritual truth) 

3-     The Inappropriateness of Doing Something New in Old Ways.  (The Physical and the Practical application)

What can we learn here? Well, let Me Ask You a Question First-

Many churches of all sizes are closing their doors but others are opening or are growing. What could that mean?  

Could it be that in this season of difficulty, these churches and leaders have recognized the eternal truth of flexibility in the way they go about the work in God's Kingdom?

You can be sure they have learned how to rely on God and not on their own cleverness or wisdom!   

Look, old American methods of reaching people no longer work. 


Inviting people to church doesn’t work well-  We believers hardly go regularly. (And that is straight up disobedience!)


If you're gone from church and watching on line because it is easy and not for health restrictions or transportation issues, it’s a great time to come back in person. The enemy’s biggest plan is “Divide and Conquer”. Why help him defeat you? By watching when you can participate in person, you are missing community by watching church- and I can tell you, they are missing YOU!

Let's go back to flexibility. Sometimes God just wants our sacred cows placed on the altar.  

What are yours??? Think of your ministry your areas of involvement.

Is it the Name of your church? The time you meet? It could be other things where we confuse our preferences for God’s ways.Sometimes, we have to try new things- or try old things in new ways!


So… Back to the question- What Can We Learn?   

What happens when we embrace what God is desiring to do new things? What happens when we look for and follow the moving of His Holy Spirit?


We properly honor God by remembering His faithfulness to us without living in the past.  We will get excited about walking out What we say we believe once more- making Jesus known throughout the world. We will watch God be faithful first hand as we step out in obedience to His word and His leading. We see new fruit – including new relationships that will be a blessing! 
In the words of the great old night night advertisers- "Wait, there's more!"
God’s character will be revealed to us in fresh ways- increasing our love for Him and our trust in Him. We’ll be transformed even moreso into the image of Christ. Our Joy, strength, and zest for life returns as we follow Him. Depression, fear, anger, and a critical spirit will give way to peace, joy, love and all the Fruit of the Spirit! It's a pretty good trade off, I'd say!
God doesn’t just use us for His Glory- He also knows our work in the Kingdom strengthens us because we get to see His Hand at work in our world! This is the way things were designed- God’s work was to be a blessing to us- back to the Garden! 
Listen- Every time King David was obedient and went to war, he saw God’s hand at work and his faith was strengthened, resulting in praise It’s when he chose not to go to war that he got bored and fell into sin with Bathsheba. 

By the way- back to the Jews in exile- God was faithful to His Word. As prophesied by Isaiah, the Persians took over Babylon and their King Cyrus allowed the Jews to go home. They not only went home, they began to rebuild the temple. Something they'd wanted for years and years. God would be praised again and again!


So yes, let’s remember the past and thank Him- but let’s honor God by looking forward!


We must accept that  God wants us to be flexible for His purposes. Are you willing to once again put yourself in God’s hands and let Him lead? 

Here's a great divine truth that can be easy to believe but difficult to walk out: What God has planned for us is always better than what we can imagine or dream up on our own. 


I want to be where God is moving! Don't you? Give Him your life fresh to day to use as He sees fit. You won't be disappointed!

(Copyright Mark Taft.)

October 17, 2022

Something New from the Carpenters Just in Time for the Christmas Holidays

Just when I thought I wouldn't see anything new by Carpenters for the holidays, here comes An Old Fashioned Christmas on CD for the first time ever. Released a couple of years after Karen's tragic passing in 1983, the second holiday release is full of that voice the world loves. 

There's just not enough of it, but oh boy, are there some great cuts here! Little Altar Boy may be one of Karen Carpenter's best for those incredible low notes, but there's also Home For the Holidays, a stellar version of Do You Hear What I Hear?  

My personal favorite, What Are You Doing New Year's Eve? is just a slice of 40s coolness with a vocal performance that equals their classic Merry Christmas Darling. Richard fills out the seven vocal cuts by his sister with a variety of beautiful instrumentals. O Holy Night is among the best and brightest.

It's an import from Japan, so the price is a bit higher. But it is so worth it! A perfect companion piece to their iconic Christmas Portrait.

October 16, 2022

Damaged Epcot

Epcot is broken, and not even the cast of every Marvel movie can save it- Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind won't do it and neither will Remy's Ratatouille Adventure. Yes, there's finally new attractions to be found, but there's also too much construction lasting for years now. Universal Orlando Resort is making headway. Epic Universe is coming faster than Bob Chapek can imagine ("Can he imagine too? they ask.) Everything they've built of late- from Velocicoaster to Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure- is proving massively successful. Universal now inhabits two of the top five parks in the United States based on attendance. Gaining by the millions, actually. Now holding positions two and three after the Magic Kingdom. Disney holds a lackluster D23, making it a relative laughing stock in the industry, akin to the disaster that was California Adventure in 2001. Can someone- anyone- wake up at The Walt Disney Company before its too late?

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

October 14, 2022

Summer Meets Fall

The late afternoon sun was coming down yesterday while I was flying paper airplanes with my granddaughter and playing a round or two of intense tether ball with her older brother. I noticed all the colors in our garden and was struck by the beauty God creates this time of year. The warm oranges, reds, and yellows contrasted nicely with the lawn, my flower bed, and the tiki torches of summer nights. Winter is on its way, but for now, the charms of the season make that hard to think about!

(Photograph copyright Mark Taft.)

October 13, 2022

100 Days My Prince Means Drama, Romance, and More

Don't be fooled by the title. Television's 100 Days My Prince has it all-
epic battle scenes, engaging characters, humor, suspence, a love story that spans the ages, incredible sets, and tons upon tons of plot twists. Sixteen full episodes of enjoyment if you can handle subtitles. It stars
Doh Kyung-soo and Nam Ji-hyun as lovers with an unfortunate past but perhaps as dangerous a future. This was a South Korean cable television smash for good reason. Prepare to be hooked if you make it through the first episode.

October 11, 2022

D23 Revealed: Tiana's Bayou Adventure Recycling Project

Yes, I'm a big fan of Splash Mountain. It's iconic, it's Imagineering genius Tony Baxter's, and it is just a good amount of fun. But I'm also open to Tiana's Bayou Adventure. The problem is, I'm just not all that trusting when it comes to current Imagineering projects where Disney gives fans an overlay of something new on top of something old and beloved. Usually, the new is just not better. Don't believe me? Look at this article where I compare and contrast new vs. old and Disney's recent projects. Disney's new math just doesn't add up.

Look at the photograph above. It's Belle in full on Audio-Animatronic form as she appears in Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast at Tokyo Disneyland. She's a beautifully articulated figure found in an amazingly detailed Fantasyland attraction. Look pause here but look at the concept art of Tiana at the beginning of this article. Anything strike you as interesting? It should. Disney Imagineering is recycling and not in a good way. My hunch is this is only the beginning of Bargain Basement Imagineering.

This year's D23 did not give me much hope that Princess and the Frog will be given its due. Bayou Mist? And now a recycled Belle along with recycled animatronics from Marc Davis' classic America Sings musical show? More screens, more cheap ways to tell the story? Will a cast of Benjamin Franklin from The American Adventure be used to play the role of Prince Naveen? (I'm joking here, but you get the idea.) When will it end?

Even the new model of the attraction was underwhelming at best. Throw in a few trees from Pirates of the Caribbean's bayou scene and all it good.

No doubt Imagineering's Charita Carter is a kind, very talented, and well meaning woman, but she is not the executive determining the budgets and the scope and scale of this project. 

Whether its in Disneyland's New Orleans Square or in the Magic Kingdom's Frontierland under Disney CEO Bob Chapek, are you sure Tiana's Bayou Adventure will be all it should be ? I'm not. He's given us way too much reason to be uncertain he has what's best for the fans and Imagineering's legacy in mind. I'd love to be proven wrong, but all this leaves me with one question:

Where's the Oriental Land Company when you need them?

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

October 10, 2022

Beautiful Evergreen

Living in the Metro Denver area, it's easy to forget how beautiful so much of the state of Colorado really is. Here's a photograph of Evergreen Lake on a perfect Fall day. You could feel it in the air that winter was around the corner, but the warm sun and mild climate made it feel a million miles away.

(Photograph copyright Mark Taft.)

October 7, 2022

Disney Attraction Posters: The New Epcot Collection

Love Epcot? Love EPCOT Center even more? Do you love Disney park attraction posters? Me, too! As you look through this incredible collection of posters for Walt Disney World's once most ambitious theme park, take a look and first read the original vision as inscribed on the dedication plaque:

To all who come to this place of Joy, Hope and Friendship - Welcome.
EPCOT is inspired by Walt Disney's creative vision. 
Here, human achievements are celebrated through imagination, 
wonders of enterprise and concepts 
of a future that promises new and exciting benefits for all.
May EPCOT Center entertain, inform and inspire and above all, 
may it instill a new sense of belief and pride 
in man's ability to shape a world
that offers hope to people everywhere.
Let's take a poster tour through what was once Future World and then World Showcase.  The designers of these posters did, and they played on our love for classic EPCOT Center. Nostalgia sells. Disney may be more interested in that than actually improving the attractions from the past that still remain.

Communicore - and not the upcoming concert venue.  The little blue robot SMRT-1, the one with the playful childlike voice, is the perfect character to capture the innocent and hopeful look of the park. 
Count me is as a guy that is undecided on this latest addition to my once favorite park. Does Moana belong?  Sure- in another park. But in the context of them also adding Marvel to the park, I guess it will do. Will our journey of water be worth destroying the elegant symmetry of the buildings that were once there? No. Did the park need a refreshing and maybe even some more greenery? Yes. Will I like the new addition? It's possible. Moving beyond the hub / core of the park...

Universe of Energy or Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind? Yes, Epcot needed a coaster to sell to the masses and especially the teens that go to Universal Orlando Resort. Was Marvel the right move or the easy one? So many questions, so little well thought out answers. The Imagineers of old are turning over in their graves.
Here I am PLAYing around with a new unopened pavilion and comparing it to Wonders of Life. The character infusion is the new focused of the park whether Imagineer Zach Riddley and crew will admit it or not. Will PLAY! be better than what came before? Hard to say by what is represented by the two attraction posters. Time will tell.

World of Motion and Test Track. Which would you prefer? As I like to say, because of that blessing of size, could we not have had both? If only. Smarter, cooler, longer thinking, heads should have prevailed.


 Here, the answer is more obvious. Would an updated Horizons blow Mission: Space out of the water? Yes, 100x over again and again. A space restaurant is clever, however. 

Now, crossing over to the other half of Future World...

A trio of well done posters representing The Land. I like the top one as it represents that old version of the park where each pavilion had multiple pieces to discover instead of one 4 minute long attraction. Ah, Kitchen Kabaret. Fun while it lasted, but too corny for a modern audience- and certainly one that wasn't all that favored by me even at opening. Soarin' the attraction is a winner in any form!

The one, the only, the original Journey into Imagination. Whenever the suits decide they need a quick inflow of cash, they pull out our beloved Figment and Dreamfinder. Nothing in Epcot pisses me off more than seeing how they destroyed this iconic attraction. Nothing.

Turtle Talk with Crush is a delight! Charming and family friendly and definitely something unique. It's a crowd pleaser and an undiscovered gem of this pavilion. The Living Seas was more ambitious- but then, so was the rest of the park back in the day.

The name World Celebration is ridiculous. That said, I was a fan of this project shown above. It seemed to have a sense of ambition and sleekness of the original park design for The American Adventure. It would have been a perfect nod to the past as well as a focus clearly on the future world.

Still one of the best parades Disney has ever produced. Timeless!

May this classic NOT Rest In Peace. May it return one day.

Nighttime entertainment has always been best at Epcot. Dare I say it- Harmonious or Illuminations?  Perhaps they couldn't come up with a good name for this last poster? Has imagination died within the Walt Disney Company? That may be a loaded question when it is applied to this once epic theme park.
Are you ready for the attraction posters for World Showcase?
For how well designed so many of these attraction posters are, these just don't do it for me. Coco will come to Mexico some day as this poster lets us know. The Gran Fiesta Tour will end, and the Three Caballeros will move on. All I can say is, where's the poster for the opening day attraction, El Rio del Tiempo

Norway, the Maelstrom, and a very Frozen Ever After. Characters in World Showcase blending with local culture. I've given up and given in. After all, who can resist the very lovable Olaf? But, and I mean this sincerely, isn't this cultural appropriation in the worse way possible? Absolutely.

After having seen the real Terra Cotta Warriors of China, I am even more interested in the cultural artifacts in this pavilion and its beautiful film. This poster is serviceable. I will never embrace the Dragon, however. Hong Kong needs to be free.

What about that once proposed Germany attraction, the Rhine River Cruise? Appropriate that it is missing in action, but that is a shame. There's a whole article about it here. And there's some incredible (not Incredibles) concept art.

Here at home, we get an overpriced series of eateries and a couple of well done landmark recreations. Tokyo Disneysea gets it all- a gondola ride and a real Soarin' attraction housed in a mega-beautiful building. Why is that? There really is no excuse. And I hope the Pinocchio remake flops.  Disneyland's dark ride attraction in its original form does not belong in this park. If they used artsy puppets and a fresh presentation style to tell the story, I might be interested.

The centerpiece and the only remaining Audio-Animatronic show in the park. Visitors to the park that have not experienced this patriotic but honest show about our country's rich history have missed one of Disney's best. This is a great poster, even if a little simplistic.

Pure and simple- I dislike this poster that represents Japan, one of my very favorite pavilions in this park. Could I do better? No, honestly, I couldn't. Maybe decades ago, but not now. My artist skills have waned. I'm now just a blogger.

Morocco. Exotic, stunning, and the most authentic of them all.  It's really worthy of an attraction, but my guess is that ship has sailed. Unless the suits decide to bring an Indiana Jones Adventure to this park instead of one for the Studios. I hope they don't.

We never miss visiting France when we travel to the park. The food, the atmosphere, and the beautiful Impressions de France. I'm looking forward to experiencing Remy's Ratatouille Adventure for myself. I've read mixed reviews and seen the on-ride videos, but the source film is my very favorite Pixar movie.


Saving the best - that is the biggest disappointment - for next to last. Announcing then not mentioning but seemingly dumping a Mary Poppins attraction? It's a slap in the face to us old school fans- and probably, privately, to Julie Andrews, Dick VanDyke, and even Emily Blunt as well. The U.K. showcase needs an attraction that gives homage to this incredible and beloved film.

Oh Canada! Your gardens are beautiful but your Le Cellier restaurant is now overpriced. And yes, your film is now something people laugh at- and not in a good way. Time to respect your own culture.
There you have it! All of Epcot's new attraction posters in one single article. Enjoy!

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company. Thanks to the late Alan Littaye for his help on these.)