The Living Seas sans Nemo. Photo by Martin Smith.
Just in case this mural also disappears...
Remember, sparkling, colorful Imagineering art is nothing new.
Figment still wins fans.
Peter Quill and company to the rescue.
Can Marvel save Future World from itself? This decision is one I understand and detest at the same time. Certainly, a new and needed roller coaster will draw in the crowds, bringing in thrill seekers to this section of the park. Fun, yes. But it smells like Space Mountain 2.0 to me.
Dinos continue to eat crowds.
Walking by the construction zone, I was saddened by the changes and fascinated by what was happening. Aren't dinosaurs still a draw? Don't these prehistoric creatures remain a crowd pleaser? Absolutely! Just ask Imagineer Joe Rohde and the designers of Animal Kingdom- or ask Universal Creative and those who built Jurassic Park. You know the answer, and so do I. Money and synergy.

Are these posters honoring the past
or reminding us of what we've lost?
Plainly, this is a marketing move designed to bring Marvel into the parks and increase attendance numbers, merchandise sales, and for Disney executives mark their territory making EPCOT as the place to go for all things Marvel. It won't stop visitors going to Universal parks in Florida, but its may help make the choice more difficult.
The noisy construction zone felt like an orchestrated mess, and the big blue box sure stands out from different areas in the park. In a design win, I like the transition to elegant, darker, earth colored ribs on the main building. The earlier rainbow felt a bit forced, even if it reminds me that it is a symbol of God's promise to Noah (and to us) to never again destroy the world via flooding. The color filled arch may have been appropriated by the gay community, but its original meaning never escapes my mind. (Same with sports figures taking to kneeling.)
A more creative approach to a new attraction should have included some of these giant creatures in robotic form. In nothing else as a tribute to the Imagineering geniuses that brought us Universe of Energy. No one can deny it was an engineering marvel (pun intended) with its astonishing roaming theater cars. Do you remember riding it the first time they moved into the next theater? That kind of effect and impact was something EPCOT Center's attractions had in spades.
Attention Current and Future Imagineers: Remember that Disney's own history in theme park development and what made for great results. Don't do what anyone else is doing. Lead the pack with innovation. (See Epcot's Universe of Energy.)
Cranium Command was certainly
the standout attraction
in all of Wonders of Life.
Neighborhoods? Meh.
Another closed pavilion but one with a future. I'm not sure I'm fully on board with it becoming the place to Play, but certainly kids who don't meet the height restrictions on the other three rides nearby need something to do while older siblings get their adrenaline rush. The parents also left behind will appreciate the options. After a visit or two, Disney fans without children will mostly likely pass the place by. That's a loss in the long term. And to quote Robert Iger, it's a "Brand Withdrawal."
Morocco and Tower of Terror
from the Odyssey.
Now it's time to move on to World Showcase. How would this young family respond?
A tale of two Mexicos.
Going from Test Track to Frozen first thing in the morning, we had to walk by a mostly closed World Showcase. But as you can see in the difference between these two photos above, taken on our first day and then on our last, it is a mixed blessing. You can take some very nice and mostly empty park photos. The downside is you are getting a less than full experience. Some of us would like to quietly explore World Showcase before all the crowds arrive and leave the exploration of Future World to later in the day.
Imagineering's wonderful
and extinct El Rio del Tiempo.
If yours truly is concerned about what they'll do to the park's iconic Spaceship Earth, in some aspects I'm even more worried about what will happen to World Showcase. They've already shown us what's to come. Just compare Mexico's opening day attraction, El Rio del Tiempo, to the current animation infused Gran Fiesta Tour starring the Three Caballeros. Of course, the kids loved following the search for Donald Duck, but my wife and I remember the beautiful cultural aspects to the initial water journey. One was elegant, mysterious, respectful, and enchanting. The other is in your face Disney character fun. Where is the park headed? Well, which incarnation of the boat ride is newer? There's our answer I suspect.
Three characters-
in more ways than one!
El Rio once set the stage for eating and shopping under a moonlit sky at the lagoonside village. Now, Gran Fiesta is mostly a walk on except for those who come in for an evening meal and are waiting for their table. As Walt Disney and not Bob Iger said, if you shoot only for the kids, you're dead in the water. Some lessons are tossed for profit, but as Disney showed in its early years, the two are not exclusive. Ambition and excellence produce ongoing profit long term... and continually long lines for classic attractions.
You can safely bet Coco will eventually
come to Mexico's showcase.
Attention Current and Future Imagineers: Great Imagineers who want to create enduring classics such as Pirates of the Caribbean must aim beyond the expected and ordinary. (See the Studios original Twilight Zone Tower of Terror.)
A beautiful film we did not see this trip!
Ah, the Wonders of China! Due to a scheduling mishap, we weren't able to see the acrobats. Nor did the younger adults desire to watch the film. This pavilion reflects much of what I love about traveling to Asia- gracious people, delicious food, enchanting music, and eye-popping sights. But we passed it by. Was it the fact that China no longer feels as exotic? Regardless, next trip I'm going to make sure to drop in and see the newest film (coming 2020).
Home of one fun lunch!
In what is sure to shock some and please others, our only stops in Germany were to the Caramel shop and to watch the miniature trains. Will Brazil eventually take over that spot? Who knows. It seems as if the government and The Walt Disney Company cannot come to any agreements.
What about that once proposed Rhine River Cruise?
There's a whole article about it
With great concept art.
Certainly with a folklore as rich as that found in Germany, the suits can add an attraction to park of the park that badly needs one. And on that note, isn't it about time the Imagineers brought a brand new country to World Showcase? Future World is getting its makeover but what about the community of nations that makes us half of this park's land and much of its fan base? While I am not advocating for a park that is nothing more than Food and Wine Festival booths, films, and expensive places to shop, I am advocating for new places to experience a different culture- along with an attraction to match.
The main plaza for Italy.
I'm sure I've read somewhere
that the gondola ride was once a real planned attraction.
Italy fared no better.
We skipped it as well.
Rides were the order of the days here. Perhaps this is the negative result of the kids loving Test Track and following it with Frozen Ever After as a way to begin our day in the park. They expected more of the same, but there was not much to go on from there. Adding Ratatouille will certainly help round out the park- you can only see so many films or experience simulators that use them. At least if you are elementary aged. No one would expect a park full of rides and shows that only appeal to children, but there must be a mix of attractions families can enjoy together. Aren't you glad that was Walt's perspective as he took his daughters to the local carousel on Saturday afternoons?
If they must shove an Intellectual Property into this pavilion, the Imagineers could include a new take on an often overlooked dark ride: Pinocchio. A few smaller dark rides would round out the roster.
Attention Current and Future Imagineers: Aiming just for kids is a bad business plan in the long term. Adults pay for these vacations, so you want attractions that appeal to them as well, ones they can experience with their kids and not just watch from the sidelines. (See California Adventure's stunning Radiator Springs Racers.)
Neither did the American Adventure make the cut.
A stunning photograph from our own Len Yokoyama.
We walked by the centerpiece attraction of World Showcase, the impressive jewel known as The American Adventure. Yes, eventually we tried to see this Audio-Animatronics show, but our timing was off. My wife and I may have been the only ones disappointed. This may have been part of what made me have an epiphany: Whether we like it or not, EPCOT Center ceased to exist years ago. The park's glory years are gone, and so is its ambition, its very soul. Pushing Disney character experiences is now the company's direction for a profitable future.
Park purists like me are blaming the suits but they've always been responsible to turn a profit, and they have a larger park with untapped potential that is losing attendance year after year in recent decades. How they're going about making it profitable is what bothers me, but satisfying the guest should not be in opposition to financial profit. In fact, it's a wiser business decision to put guests first.
However, we as consumers of Disney theme parks must also shoulder some blame for this transition. It is also our fault that Epcot is evolving. We've changed. How can we expect the Imagineers to display that sense of ambition and higher vision when we ourselves have wandered from it? Read below the original vision which was established for the park as inscribed on the dedication plaque:
To all who come to this place of Joy, Hope and Friendship - Welcome.
EPCOT is inspired by Walt Disney's creative vision.
Here, human achievements are celebrated through imagination,
wonders of enterprise and concepts
of a future that promises new and exciting benefits for all.
May EPCOT Center entertain, inform and inspire and above all,
may it instill a new sense of belief and pride
in man's ability to shape a world
that offers hope to people everywhere.
We did not skip Japan. Nor did it disappoint.
Back in 1982 when it first opened its doors, the groundbreaking EPCOT Center was designed to educate and inspire. It existed in a season of history where people wanted more. We wanted to make a difference. We wanted to shape a more hopeful world. A kinder world, a world where people mattered over money. The park joyously celebrated not only what would and could be designed by the most gifted of human minds in the areas of communication, energy, and transportation but also of those thoughtfully created by an even more powerful Creator: the worlds put into place by His very word- the Human Body, The Seas, The Land, Space. What an exciting world was given to us by God Himself. One we're called to care for and to keep uncovering its wonders.

Now, please keep reading and bear with me here as I complete my argument of why we are to share the responsibility for Epcot changing. Those of you who have not explored any faith or who have and have rejected the thought of a Higher Being. I'm truly keeping with my original train of thought that it is because of us that this Disney park must change. Here's the logic:
It's the job of the Disney suits to follow the buck and bring in the cash. That's what we pay them to do as investors. But the changes at Epcot all start with how we view life and Disney. Each time we enter their parks, buy their merchandise, or view the latest filmed or live entertainment, we communicate to them what we want and just how much of it we will buy. When the time comes we stop buying, the suits are forced to rethink their approach and their products. That's the bottom line truth. Just what do we want now? We want to be entertained. That's why I go to Disney Parks!
Dinner at Tepan Edo- finally.
We kept changing our day and time due to moving priorities
and Disney closing the park early due to weather.
When we finally got there, it was a big hit!
For the most part, we no longer want to be contributors to making our world better. We want to consume. That's our priority, and I am often as guilty about this as anyone. Looking away from our intended purpose, we rarely think of God let alone be concerned with what His priorities are. It's way easier to kick back and relax than it is to work hard to make a difference. It goes even deeper.
However, a steady diet of fantasy (or Fantasyland) is good for no one. Imagine what eating only candy will do to your body. Our entertainment is a food source for our minds and spirits.
"On the Tombstone of America, the inscription will read: They Entertained Themselves To Death." - Leonard Ravenhill
This above quote, by the respected English pastor, applies not only to America but our well developed Western civilization, the one we are importing to countries around us. It applies to us as a nation but also us as individuals who must one day give an account for what we've done with our lives. It's this very mindset that has contributed to the reality that thee Disney suits must change Epcot from its intended educational / inspirational purpose. Argument complete.
Last shot of the night.
A Disney employee took this for me
as we shared stories about first experiencing this park.
One of our most memorable trip moments- definitely one of the sweetest- happened in the Japan pavilion, while we were inside the Mitsukoshi department store. My grandson was feeling a bit down after a fairly long day out in the hot Florida sun. To add to it, the idea of the adults shopping when there was so much more to do caught him with a frown on his face.
Two lovely young adult ladies who worked there decided to engage him. After asking him several questions, my grandson brightened and began engaging them in conversation. He's a very bright kid and not afraid of adults. One of them gently asked him if he'd like to see how his name is written in Japanese. Of course, he responded positively! She took his "First Visit" button and carefully wrote his name in character form. Then she highlighted it, transforming it into a charming work of art. What a smile it brought to his face! His entire visit changed after that encounter. Not just that day but for the rest of the trip. Really! The power of how one person can impact another! Cast members truly do make a huge difference in the Disney experience.
Attention Current and Future Imagineers: Consider how cast interaction can enhance the experience. (See Magic Kingdom's sweet Enchanted Tales with Belle.)
The most exotic of all Epcot pavilions.
We need more national pavilions
that explore places we are not familiar with.
Taking the time to wander the streets of Morocco brought some opportunities to talk about different cultures. My daughter stuck her head into the Restaurant Marrakesh and read the menu. Its dishes were studded with olives which my son-in-law is very allergic to, so they had to pass. The exhibit was closed but we walked into the small home, admiring the architecture. We briefly considered the unexpected find of an Aladdin meet and greet, but the line was too long. Later that week, we sampled a few bites at the festival booth. Delightful!
What once was planned...
Each trip to Walt Disney World results in my being charmed by the France pavilion. This one was no exception. For the first time ever, I did not see Impressions de France. Sacrilege, I know! How I missed that wonderful musical journey through the country. The visuals are dated, but the music is timeless.
What it became...
Even though I was surprised by that decision, I was not surprised to find that we actually took the bakery and gelato tour of one of Epcot's tastiest pavilions! In fact, I believe we stopped for gelato there twice. At any level, the food in this pavilion does not disappoint. Dining in the evening at Chefs de France is a wonderful way to relax, people watch, and enjoy the best of what this section of the park has to offer. This entire pavilion is a must try food destination, and it was so long before the Food and Wine Festival made its mark on the World.
...and what will be!
Is this a sign the iconic film will remain
along with Beauty and the Beast sing along?
Sweet memories of three trips to France began to flood my mind. Far beyond just the beauty of Paris and Disneyland Paris, we find the French countryside stunning and the people much more friendly than those trendy tour books would have you believe. Why do we choose to believe stereotypes?
Probably a smart business decision!
As I was saying, only the real France can stand up against the food you find here. These food locations were an all family crowd pleaser, and the kids asked about the soon coming Ratatouille attraction as they enjoy that Pixar film. Upon hearing my colorful description, a collective "We have to come back!" came from all three of them. I will as well! The movie is one of my favorite Pixar creations.
There's more to the United Kingdom than great pubs!
Our second day in Epcot began by reversing the order of how we took in World Showcase from our first visit. With no Fast Pass in hand for Frozen, there was no need to go via Mexico this time. Unfortunately, both Canada and the United Kingdom were ones we slowly walked by but never dug into.
An obvious choice for many character based attractions.
It's about time, wouldn't you say?
It's probably too late for the direction of Epcot, but there is one case in which I find one of Disney's most enduring classic films to be a perfect fit: Mary Poppins. Sure, put in an Alice in Wonderland themed maze and even another small dark ride, but save something very special and innovative for Mary, Bert, and a whole company of dancing penguins! Rumor has the upcoming attraction to be a carousel, but without apology I'll say that this practically perfect nanny deserves much, much more. And so do Julie Andrews and Dick VanDyke!
This is also where it is our fault for the direction of Epcot. Check out those theme park discussion boards (such as those on the excellent WDWMagic), and you'll discover some fans of this epic mid-60s Disney blockbuster are actually arguing for the inclusion of a carousel to represent this film. Not an E Ticket, not a dark ride. What?!? Collectively, we have fallen into a mindset of accepting anything Disney feeds us- and the parks are all the worse for it. But it is our human nature: Expect little, receive little, be happy with little.
We have moved away from expecting greater things from Disney, from ourselves, and away from giving God the credit for the beauty of this world and our place in it. We're no longer focused on our responsibility to positively impact our world. We have changed our vision of what's important, so The Walt Disney Company has also changed their direction. This way, they can continue to meet the Company's financial objectives. We no longer want to think- and Epcot is changing to almost guarantee that we no longer have to engage our brains.
This too was a missed opportunity.
Fast forward toward the end, as I have now covered almost all of Epcot's pavilions one by one: After our dinner at Japan's Teppan Edo, I surveyed the dark and empty park under the moonlight. It was beautiful, stunning really! I couldn't soak it all in. In fact, I walked out past Japan, Morocco, France, etc. but I would also have loved to take the tour going the other direction. I miss when the entire park was opened until midnight, giving us a chance to quietly explore each individual mini-nation after sunset. There's a sublime beauty that is missed when the crowds are thick and the noise levels are high.
Attention Current and Future Imagineers: Don't ignore aspects of culture that stand the test of time. Honor the past while looking toward the future. (See EPCOT Center's classic American Adventure theater presentation.)
The end of an era.
Walking out of World Showcase and into the Future World section of the park, I spied Club Cool closed for the night and looked at the wonderful Fountain of Nations for the last time. The next day, they'd be walled off.

A celebration of epic proportions!
One of the best parades Disney has ever out together.
Rest In Peace.
Generic. Part of the problem-
The park is losing its unique identity.
In many respects once you strip away the fancy artwork (concept art, new posters, and the generous use of classic pavilion icons) and look beyond verbiage drenched with ecstatic qualifiers, the revision of this once visionary park means it is becoming just another version of the Magic Kingdom. It's soon to be little more than a place of character themed attractions, meet and greets and disjointed experiences that meet lowered guest expectations.