September 26, 2023

NOT a Dave Barry Notable and Quotable

"The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status, or ethnic background, is that, deep down inside, we all believe that we are above-average drivers." 

                            Dave Barry, Dave Barry Turns 50

For multiple reasons,  it seemed right to begin this post with this quote by the famed humorist. But this isn't a "Notable and Quotable". You have to wait for the punch line until the end of what I write today. But trust me, it will be worth it.

When the Apostle Paul came to faith in Jesus Christ- meaning after his spellbinding encounter with him on the Damascus Road-  it changed his life. Once upon a time, the formerly named Saul incited fear at the very mention of his name. He was a persecutor of what was thought of by some as a new Jewish sect. Believers were searched for, jailed, and executed under his command, including the first Christian martyr, Stephen.

If you've read this far, you know this man who hated the faith became one of the most powerful and influential of believers in Jesus. I mean, c'mon, the guy wrote a huge portion of the Bible's New Testament.

Once encountering Jesus, Paul spends 14 years working in the field and sharing the truth- Jesus Christ is the only way to life and truth, and the great gift of eternal salvation vs. damnation is trusting in Him and his accomplished work on the cross. Dying for the sins of all who would believe. 

Truth be told, to say he angered the Jews and was considered a traitor would be an exaggeration. They believed it took adherence to all those Jewish laws and customs to achieve pardon from God for their sins. High up on the list was the practice of circumcision, the cutting of the foreskin of a man's penis as a symbol of his commitment to God. (In itself, not a bad idea as it reminded each man that the use of his body was meant for God's glory and purposes.) "Measure twice, cut once" has never been a more important thing to remember.

When Paul later writes to all the churches in the region of Galatia (Modern day Turkey), he opens Chapter 1 by establishing his credibility as a true apostle. After all, the man once persecuted believers, and now he was one of them. They had reason to be skeptical!

Chapter 2 is Split into Two Important Sections:

Verses 1-10       The Apostles Affirm Paul is Sent by God

Verses 11-21     Paul Confronts Peter to Preserve the Truth

When we pick up reading the second chapter in the book, we find some amazing truths in these 21 simple verses. So, read with me the following, Galatians 2:1-15:

"Then after fourteen years I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas, taking Titus along with me.  I went up because of a revelation and set before them (though privately before those who seemed influential) the gospel that I proclaim among the Gentiles, in order to make sure I was not running or had not run in vain. 

But even Titus, who was with me, was not forced to be circumcised, though he was a Greek. Yet because of false brothers secretly brought in—who slipped in to spy out our freedom that we have in Christ Jesus, so that they might bring us into slavery— to them we did not yield in submission even for a moment, so that the truth of the gospel might be preserved for you." (We will get back to this last statement.)

In these opening verses, we get to see a very real and human side of Paul. Even he had to defend his credibility. Even he had doubt at times. Even he needed validation and wanted to know if his work mattered. Can you imagine Paul thinking he'd run his race in vain. He's so human!

I love that the Bible shows the humanity, the weaknesses and strengths of its heroes. They are not perfect. Just like you and I. They are just obedient to what God wants- even if it took a life changing event to get them to do it.

Notice here in verse one that Paul worked for 14 years doing what the Lord told him to do. That’s a long time of unrecognized obedience!

Maybe you’re like that- Doing what you know to do- whether or not anyone notices. Bless you for your faithfulness! You are blessing the Lord by persevering in what He gave you to do.

It's always best to look to Jesus for direction!

Don't miss that Paul says he went to Jerusalem because of a revelation (verse 2). God speaks through the Word and also through dreams, visions, prayer, and through the counsel of others. Yes, even today!

Paul had to be seeking God regularly to gain direction and instruction. That's a great plan for success, though. God knows what He wants to accomplish and what will stand the test of time. It's better to seek Him out and do what He wants rather than just offer up our own good ideas. (It's one reason prayer is so important and much more than just asking God for the things you want.)

With a few unitalicized notes from me, let’s continue on and read verses 6-10:

"And from those who seemed to be influential (what they were makes no difference to me; God shows no partiality)—those, I say, who seemed influential added nothing to me. On the contrary, when they saw that I had been entrusted with the gospel to the uncircumcised (Those not born Jews), just as Peter had been entrusted with the gospel to the circumcised (Those born Jews) (for he who worked through Peter for his apostolic ministry to the circumcised worked also through me for mine to the Gentiles), and when James and Cephas (Peter) and John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that was given to me, they gave the right hand of fellowship to Barnabas and me, that we should go to the Gentiles and they to the circumcised. Only, they asked us to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do." 

FINALLY, we see that the leaders of this new found Christian faith recognize Paul's calling and his role! But still, the guy remains very human. Paul wanted- even needed- to check in with those deemed over him. He finally receives validation as one who should be reaching the Gentiles (those non-Jews).

Did you catch the last line “Remember the poor”? In God's kingdom, the reality is that caring for “the least of these” pleases Him and opens their hearts to the Gospel, the message that Jesus is the only way to God and the only way to eternal life.

Again, Paul is just so human! he's like us in so many ways. How often we can get caught up in thinking what someone else is doing is more valid than what God has called us to!  Or maybe that someone else’s work is LESS important than what we are doing! Isn’t obedience to the Lord the main issue? We all have a part to play in God’s Kingdom! 

You can almost hear in Paul’s words- “Peter, James, and John? They have one thing to do, I have another. Let’s do this!” Reminds me of that Home Depot ad! Maybe after today, each time you see this on the television, it will act as a reminder that we all have a meaningful part to play in God's kingdom. Who knows what the ripple effect will be from your obedience? 

What can I say?
I enjoyed Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny too!

Up til this point, things seem to being going pretty well for Paul. Don't sit back and relax yet. Here comes BIG conflict in these next few verses.
Read verses 11-14with me:

"But when Cephas (Peter) came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned. For before certain men came from James, he was eating with the Gentiles; but when they came he drew back and separated himself, fearing the circumcision party. And the rest of the Jews acted hypocritically along with him, so that even Barnabas was led astray by their hypocrisy. But when I saw that their conduct was not in step with the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas (Peter) before them all, “If you, though a Jew, live like a Gentile and not like a Jew, how can you force the Gentiles to live like Jews?”

Paul is just SO gutsy! Can you imagine doing what he did? It would be like being invited to the executive board meeting of the Walt Disney Company (or insert your own here) and telling Robert Iger that he is a hypocrite and a fool for doing what he's doing.But then asking for his blessing and endorsement.

There's just not a confrontation of hypocrisy There's also confronting the fact that Peter seems to be endorsing another gospel – a false teaching- his silence as an endorsement that it takes more than faith in Christ alone (in this case, circumcision), and his work on the cross to atone for our sins. 

This issue had to be addressed. There was a very young church that was vulnerable and need to be protected and taught the truth.  

We might view the issue of circumcision is a case of majoring in the minors. But not at this time in history. It was a huge issue. The Jews thought that obedience to all their laws and customs was a requirement for salvation from Hell and into the gift of eternal life.  

These people pushing circumcision were called Judaizers. On one hand,  they professed Jesus but adhered to Jewish customs, believing salvation was not complete without obedience to them.  

For every good reason, Paul's language was strong here. He pulled no punches. In fact, he uses his strong language which a good dose of sarcastic humor to make his point later. Don't believe me? Stop now and read Chapter 5 verses 7-12. 

The Judaizers had a variety of motives, and Paul reveals their them later in Chapter 6. They were afraid of being persecuted for their faith in Jesus and they wanted to be recognized by proving their loyalty to the Jews. But it gets worse. Looking deeper into this, you discover many of them just did not want to socialize with the Gentiles.  

In truth, these folks were pushing a form of legalism. A falsehood that rears its ugly head from time to time in the church. (And in other places too. Like political parties, media organizations, and social groups.)

If you've read this blog long enough, you know I am all in for the 100% absolute truth of God's Word. No compromise whatever. But legalism misrepresents God, and that is why it's so dangerous.

Let's put it in bullet point form.  Legalism is a form of bullying that accomplishes things contrary to God's heart and His ways:
  • Legalism drives away people who are really seeking God.
  • It creates two classes of people- The Haves and the Have Nots.
  • Legalism misrepresents God's truth his theology.
  • Legalism is a form of manipulation and control.
  • It is an excuse for arrogance, bigotry, and partiality,
  • Lastly, legalism creates an ungodly fear that God never intended.
Let me challenge you here- Are your preferences for worship styles, church government, service style and length, or baptism type really 100% founded in God's Word. Or are they a tipping of the hat to what you like and want? When we push for our preferences and get mad when we don't get what we want, we are not displaying God's heart. Furthermore, if we do it, it is a sin against God and misrepresents Him. Stand typo for the absolute truth of God's Word, but be humble enough to differentiate between theology and personal preference. 

Begin equating works to circumcision.
You really want to be free! Don't go there. :)

Moving on to the last six verses (verses 15-21)-

"We ourselves are Jews by birth and not Gentile sinners; yet we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ, so we also have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law, because by works of the law no one will be justified. 

But if, in our endeavor to be justified in Christ, we too were found to be sinners, is Christ then a servant of sin? Certainly not! For if I rebuild what I tore down, I prove myself to be a transgressor. 

For through the law I died to the law, so that I might live to God. I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose."

Obviously, Salvation by Faith instead of Works was the core doctrine that prompted the Protestant Reformation of 1517AD. Martin Luther. It is as important today as it was then and in Paul's lifetime. The law has its God-given purpose: It is to reveal to us our sin and therefore point us to Christ. Jew or Gentile (those not born Jews), God extends himself to all of us.

Did you see the order here in verse 16? First faith, then justification- just like first faith then renewal and cleansing and a formation into Christlikeness. Faith is the opposite of self-dependence. It's God-dependence. And the core, the heart of the Bible’s message is God desiring relationship with the people He created, and the efforts He goes to see this- so that all the earth will know Him and glorify Him!

You might be wondering about the term "Justification. It is a Legal term.
God declares that in response to our faith in Him:
Our sins are forgiven.
We are righteous in his sight.
In other words, we are declared “Not Guilty!” Not condemned (Lots of Romans Chapters 3-8, especially 8:1)
We’re not just forgiven, we’re righteous. (Based on Jesus’ righteousness! Acting in accordance to what is right)
Not just innocent of our crimes but seen as holy, pure, clean!
Do you see yourselves as holy pure and clean?  REJOICE!

Salvation is the result of the work of Jesus, Nothing that we can do, nothing that we've earned. 

Here, I want to stop and bring in a very subtle but important point.

The importance of conflict, discipline, and correction cannot be overstated. Whether we want to admit it or not, conflict often brings true motives to the forefront. We‘re human. We’ll disagree at times. We’ll act imperfectly. We may even believe something unbiblical at times. Often we’ll ignore conflict, avoid it, do it poorly or perhaps maybe , occasionally,  do it well.

But did you know that God uses conflict resolution as a way to further His Kingdom?  We often mention how God uses persecution to bring growth to the church as the Good News of Jesus spreads. But here, we see that conflict, problem resolution, and godly discipline brings growth as well. It's an effective form of sharing the message.

A few quick examples I want you to remember:

Ananias and Sapphira – Acts 5:1-14. This couple lied about bringing all their money to the Apostles. When asked about it, each one lied, and God struck them dead. Notice more folks came to Christ after their Ananias and then Sapphira die because of their lies? 
Here's verse 14:  “And more than ever believers were added to the Lord, multitudes of both men and women”

Discipline comes, then growth.  God deals with our pride.
  • When the Grecian Jews thought their widows were being overlooked in the distribution of food – Acts 6:1-7.  Accusations of bigotry came to light within the church. What a disaster this could have been. But the Apostles prayed and assigned a godly man to take over, solving the problem and maintaining unity. Once the issue was resolved, more people came to faith. 

Verse 7: “ And the word of God continued to increase, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests became obedient to the faith.”
God deals with suspicion and the demanding of rights.  

Here's the next one and the last example for today. It applies directly to what we've been discussing.

·       Saul converts but the Disciples are afraid of him. (Acts 9:26) Barnabas steps out in faith and defends him. Saul/Paul is eventually accepted and begins to preach. The church once again grows. 

Verse 31:   “So the church throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria had peace and was being built up. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it multiplied.”

Growth comes when we invest in each other and are not threatened by the gifts God has given them! God deals with our fear.


A break in unity stops the powerful witness of the believers and it halts the growth in God's kingdom. But once unity is restored, God's kingdom grows again as people respond to the message Jesus delivered and lived out. 

The truly best state ever is to be in Christ!

We started with question by humorist Dave Barry about us all thinking we are above average drivers.  Now, I have my own question for you- “Are you an above average sinner?”  Me, too!

But the Apostle Paul has us all beat. In his own words, 

“Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst.”  (1 Timothy 1:15).  

If God can forgive, save, and use the Apostle Paul, imagine what He can do for us!

"For through the law I died to the law, so that I might live to God. I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose."

Rejoice brothers and sisters! God is for us! We need nothing in addition to the accomplished work of Jesus on the cross. Now, all the things we do are because of His great love not to earn His great love. Rejoice, again I say rejoice!

September 21, 2023

Do You Remember?

Do you remember the twenty-first night of September? 

Love was changing the minds of pretender, while chasing the clouds away 

Our hearts were ringing in the key that our souls were singing 

As we danced in the night, remember how the stars stole the night away

Hey, hey, hey, ba-de-ya, say do you remember? 

Ba-de-ya, dancing in September 

Ba-de-ya, never was a cloudy day

Ba-du-du, ba-du-du, ba-du-du, ba-du-du 

Ba-du-du, ba-du-du, ba-du-du, ba-du-du 

Ba-du-du, ba-du-du, ba-do-da

My thoughts are with you, holding hands with your heart to see you 

Only blue talk and love, remember how we knew love was here to stay 

Now, December found the love we shared in September 

Only blue talk and love, remember true love we share today

Hey, hey, hey, ba-de-ya, say do you remember? 

Ba-de-ya, dancing in September 

Ba-de-ya, never was a cloudy day

There was a, ba-de-ya (de-ya, de-ya), say do you remember? 

Ba-de-ya (de-ya, de-ya), dancing in September 

Ba-de-ya (de-ya, de-ya), golden dreams were shiny days

The bell was ringing, ha-ha, our souls were singing 

Do you remember never a cloudy day? Yow

There was a, ba-de-ya (de-ya, de-ya), say do you remember? 

Ba-de-ya (de-ya, de-ya), dancing in September 

Ba-de-ya (de-ya, de-ya), never was a cloudy day

And was a, ba-de-ya (de-ya, de-ya), say do you remember? 

Ba-de-ya (de-ya, de-ya), dancing in September 

Ba-de-ya (de-ya, de-ya), golden dreams were shiny days

Ba-de-ya, de-ya, de-ya 

Ba-de-ya, de-ya, de-ya 

Ba-de-ya, de-ya, de-ya, de-ya

Ba-de-ya, de-ya, de-ya 

Ba-de-ya, de-ya, de-ya 

Ba-de-ya, de-ya, de-ya, de-ya

(A favorite song and a decades long family joke. Thanks Earth Wind & Fire!)

September 20, 2023

Now I Know Why I'm Addicted to Disney Parks

Have you ever wondered why you just can't stop going to Disneyland for the day or taking those one or two week long vacations to Walt Disney World? Perhaps you long for a trip to the gorgeous Disneyland Paris. Maybe you're a Disney park addict! If Tokyo Disney Resort, Hong Kong Disneyland or Shanghai Disneyland seem to be calling you, this article from the Los Angeles Times will explain why you just can't help yourself. See this: Scientific Reasons You Can't Stop Going to Disneyland

September 18, 2023

Rainbow Caverns Return to Disney California Adventure? The Unbuilt Park Railroad

For a brief few years in the early to mid-2010's, the future of Anaheim's Disney California Adventure looked pretty bright. Buena Vista Street and Cars Land were excellently designed and built additions, full of the Imagineering design details we fans have come to expect from their most beautiful work.  Disneyland fans who once shied away from the park and were very vocal about its shortcomings began to heap praise upon the work that was accomplished to make it more in line with what a Disney park should be.

Of course, there were plans for a proposed Phase Two. This included strengthening the theme of Hollywood Land and adding a train ride to Grizzly Peak. The former airstrip area Condor Flats was incorporated into the forested area, bring a fresh look to the once mini California desert. A very successful conversion!And one of the few Phase Two plans to come to fruition.

For years there were many rumors that Grizzly Peak would soon add its own railroad. Almost a tribute to the old Frontierland classic Mine Train Thru Nature's Wonderland attraction, the concept art (shown above) was created but the ride never materialized. It's too bad really! It seemed to be an addition that would bring a bit of old school charm to the area and much more energy and movement. A freshly recreated Rainbow Caverns would have been the highlight of the journey.

In 2017, the park began to transform once again. All the careful thought and theming added to the park by the Imagineers in 2012 was tossed by the wayside. The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror transitioned to Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout.  The once improving second park began to move backwards instead of forwards. Bargain Basement Imagineering reigned once more with the most recent offenders being the cheap but expensive to retheme Pixar Pier and the cheap and cheap to build San Fransokyo, replacing Paradise Pier 2.0 and Pacific Wharf, respectively.  In between Bug's Land was devoured by Marvel's Avengers Campus, with mixed success both creatively and based on guest receptivity. (The full history of Bargain Basement Imagineering of Disneyland's younger sibling begins with Part One of this extensive series.)

Had the suits continued with their commitment to in theme expansion and addition, the Grizzly Peak Railroad would have become a fan favorite for any generation, strengthening the park and bringing a bit of design detail to a park that needs as much as possible. Perhaps one day, it will happen. But it seems the company's current mantra is "in your face" and "more is more". The art of Imagineering is being continued overseas, but the American parks be damned. Long term, it's everyone's loss.

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

September 13, 2023

Kenny Rogers, James Ingram, and Olivia Newton-John's Unreleased Recording

An All Star collaboration that never made it past the studio: Producer David Foster with Kenny Rogers, Olivia Newton-John, and James Ingram. The number: What About Me? You might say "Wait a minute! That's a Kim Carnes trio recording, not Olivia!" And you'd be right and wrong. The single was released in 1984 with Carnes, but it was originally recorded with Olivia instead and never gone public. Rumors circulate that it will be on Olivia's next posthumously released album of duets. Some say it was never recorded at all. I think the proof is in this photo, don't you?

September 11, 2023

Encanto In, Dinosaur Extinct at Animal Kingdom- Universal Orlando Wins on Battle of the Dinosaurs

Seems as if Disney has waved the white flag to Universal Orlando Resort and its excellent Jurassic Park themed land at Islands of Adventure! If all goes according to plan, Dinoland U.S.A. is now extinct and its Dinosaur attraction, aka Countdown to Extinction is on its way out. Should we Walt Disney World fans be sad? Well, that decides how you look at it! (Note- Updates below from original September 9 posting.)

At park opening, Countdown to Extinction along with Kilimanjaro Safaris was the must-do attraction in a park light on rides, heavy on shows and walking trails and zoological exhibits. With all the effects working and the sound and movement turned up on its original presentation, Countdown to Extinction was 100% scarier than anything conjured up by Indiana Jones. And that was part of its strength and appeal. Once the transport vehicle ride started losing effects, had a lessened ride profile and a less in your face sound experience, the now generically named Dinosaur lost a lot of its mojo. Rumors began years ago that Indy would come and take over the space. Now, it looks like it may be happening.

Will this be the end result or another Blue Sky concept under built or even never built?

Indiana Jones Adventure and Encanto are on their way in its place in a "Tropical Americas" themed land. There's potential for something great. Potential. 

Encanto is a hot property, but not so much with Indy after the dismal take of the Dial of Destiny movie. However, I maintain that Indiana Jones itself is iconic and outlasts any poorly designed film and how the audience shows up or doesn't. That said, I'm sorry to see a land dedicated to dinosaurs in a park dedicated to animals go by the wayside.

Just plain bad and cheap. No excuse.

An easy win in this is the total removal of the pathetic Chester and Hester's Dinorama. The worst addition to any Disney theme park. It makes California Adventure's awful Pixar Pier look like a masterpiece of Imagineering! Goodbye, I say very happily. (Want to see more? Look here.) Disney forgot that even little kids want to see "real" Dinos, and they left the little guys out in the cold. How hard would a sweet little "C Ticket" type dark ride have been? A nice sightseeing day to night tour with no jump scares, ending with a T-Rex battling something high above their heads a la Primeval World at Disneyland. But no. 

Here, there's two thrill rides for adults and teens
as well as plenty of stuff for the entire family- including the littlest Dino fans.

Different story at Universal with their charming Camp Jurassic and the Pteranodon Flyers. Very different, where a variety of hands on experiences, exploration areas, and an overhead flying ride allow the littlest of guys to experience dinosaurs. Wise, family friendly and much needed.

Encanto will bring a beautiful and very different aesthetic to a park that needs even more visual diversity. In some ways, the lands of Animal Kingdom form more of a real world showcase than Epcot's World Showcase! Soon, you'll be able to travel to regions of Africa, Asia, and Central America to experience the food, music, and architecture of each region. That is a win as well! Will the area's second attraction be a Mystic Manor type ride? I certainly hope so. It could be the anchor attraction that draws everyone in. 

My last visit to Dinoland U.S.A.?

Back to Indy. Anyway you look at it, Indy is a retheme of an old existing attraction. If Disney is smart, they'll give Florida audiences an entirely different Indy attraction than the one at Disneyland. Even smarter would be one that is not Temple of the Crystal Skull from Tokyo Disneysea. Perhaps they could slide in a tribute or two to El Rio del Tiempo, one of the most enchanting attractions that debuted at Epcot. A few Mayan priests, an ancient curse? Sounds like the beginning of a great storyline.

The queue for the new Indy adventure could incorporate some cleverly included Audio-Animatronic snakes, similar to what Universal did with Velocicoaster. Might be a good beginning!

Indiana Jones and the Dinosaur Eggs.
Don't get too excited. The story takes place in Asia.

Like the 5th film, will Indiana Jones go back in time? Will he encounter a dinosaur or two? Could be a nice nod to the past. I'd expect to hear more at the next D23. Only time will tell.

Universal's T-Rex! The new and still reigning Dinosaur king!
I'm just waiting for the snarky Universal post on Instagram!

If anyone could have given the Jurassic Park/ Jurassic World franchise a run for its money in the theme park battle of dinosaurs, it would certainly have been Disney Imagineering. But instead of investing deeply into the prehistoric piece of the Kingdom, Disney's calling it a day and tucking their horned tail between their legs. 

It's hard to compete, though. Jurassic Park is just so good with its mix of attractions for guests of all ages, including dinosaur encounters that delight and others that scare. Universal Creative nailed it from every aspect. 

Goodbye Dinoland U.S.A.
Here comes "Tropical Americas".

So now, kids of all ages looking hard to find prehistoric creatures must go to Universal Orlando's Islands of Adventure. (Isn't Harry Potter enough?) A majorly tossed aside opportunity for Disney- and one of the opening day mantras of the park is gone. 

First, goodbye to Beastly Kingdom for Pandora World of Avatar, now this. What will a full Zootopia land one day replace? Real animals? Is Kilimanjaro Safaris next? I'm sure it isn't. Disney's not that stupid. Or are they? It's so hard to predict what bone-headed thing they'll do next!

All that will be left is animals that exist now- or cartoon characters.
No dinosaurs, no dragons. Oh my!

Read this Michael Eisner quote at the park's opening:

Welcome to a kingdom of animals… real, ancient, and imagined: 
a kingdom ruled by lions, dinosaurs, and dragons; 
a kingdom of balance, harmony, and survival;
 a kingdom we enter to share in the wonder, gaze at the beauty, 
thrill at the drama, and learn.

"It's Fast! It's a Blast! It's in the Past!"- Goodbye, Dinosaur. Time has left you behind.

(Concept art and some photographs copyright The Walt Disney Company. One by Universal Orlando, the rest by Mark Taft.)

September 8, 2023

An Unexpected Smile

Even on the most serious days, there's usually something to laugh about. It was already "one of those days", but getting into the shower, this face greeted me. No, it wasn't my wife. It did seem as if I was being laughed at though. Truth was, this was a happy accident. Yes, the day got better after this!

(Photograph copyright Mark Taft.)

September 3, 2023

An Evening at Epcot, A Look at Our World

Spaceship Earth is a beautiful icon! World Showcase is just stunning- especially at night! Not only is it the focal point of what once was Future World at Epcot, it stands as a symbol of discovery and optimism. Not the discovery of Disney intellectual properties and characters but the discovery of the world around us. The great original Imagineers that designed this place believed in the ability of man to make the world better if he chose. The place has been inspiring folks since its opening.

Let me repeat myself. Here are the hard, cold facts: EPCOT Center ceased to exist years ago.

The character invasion of of Epcot's recent years is here to stay, be it Ratatouille in France, Guardians of the Galaxy in the old Universe of Energy building, Coco in Mexico, or even more Disney film characters in Future World to go alongside Nemo in the Living Seas. The two true unique characters designed specifically for the park, most interestingly, Dreamfinder and Figment, are being left to rot in the now embarrassing Journey into Imagination with Figment. (Sorry, Mr. Tony Baxter.)

Fans are blaming the suits at the Walt Disney Company for this change, and in many ways, they would be correct in doing so. Always responsible to shareholders of the company to turn a profit, they must act to ensure that should grow much larger year after year. Guest experiences are now added in ways that are designed to extract cash from the buying public, from the lowest end customer who can afford a single day at the theme park of their choice to those on the other end of the spectrum, rich guests needing the ill-advised cabanas in the Magic Kingdom (thankfully now long gone) or the $15k meal at Disneyland in the former Disney Gallery space. 

Satisfying investors is the new bottom line of the last 40 years or so. Altruism no longer exists, at least in the corporate world, unless its to gain favor in the minds of consumers. Granted, Walt Disney himself ran a company as well and had to account for his sound business practices to brother Roy, but he kept the satisfaction of the guest foremost in his mind. Certainly, a respected form of altruism.

Still, the business folk are not the only reason change is coming to Florida's second Disney theme park. In addition to the changes in corporate America, I assert that we primarily have ourselves to blame. 

Yes, it is our fault Epcot is changing. Why? As a people, we've changed. We've wandered from the original vision which was established for the park as inscribed on the dedication plaque:

To all who come to this place of Joy, Hope and Friendship - Welcome.
EPCOT is inspired by Walt Disney's 
creative vision. 
Here, human achievements are celebrated through imagination, wonders of enterprise  and concepts 
of a future that promises new 
and exciting benefits for all.
May EPCOT Center entertain, inform and inspire
 and above all, 
may it instill a new sense of belief and pride 
in man's ability to shape a world
that offers hope to people everywhere.

The EPCOT Center that opened in 1982 was built to educate, inform, and inspire and instill pride in man's ability to shape a hopeful world. What was the inspiration? The wonders of this incredible world. Wonders of exploring not only what could be designed by the most gifted of human minds (Transportation, Energy, Communication) but also of those designed by an even bigger creator, worlds created by one infinite in wisdom and power (The Living Seas, The Land, The Wonders of Life, Space). An exciting world awaiting exploration laid out by the Ultimate Imagineer. A world also given to us to nurture and steward.

Now, bear with me here. Especially those of you who have not explored any world of faith or who have and have rejected the thought of a Creator. (I'm not going into that argument. I'm sticking with my original point that it is because of us that the park must change, so please keep reading.) Here's the logic:

The Disney suits follow the dollar. That's their job. It's what we pay them to do. Yet the changes at Epcot all begin with us. Every time we enter the parks, buy merchandise, or view the latest slice of filmed or live entertainment, we are telling the suits at Disney what we want and how much of it we want. When we stopping buying, they rethink their approach and their products. It really is that simple. And what do we want now? We want to be entertained. 

By and large, we no longer want to be the investors in our world and contributors to making it better. We just want to consume. We have looked away from our intended purpose which began with God in stewarding His beautiful creation. Boy, lest you think I'm pointing fingers, I want you to know I struggle with this! It's way easier to kick back and relax than it is to work hard to make a difference. It goes even deeper.

Since you and I have moved away from giving God the credit for His creation and/or accepting the roles He gave us, we instead look to man for fulfillment and answers. We're no longer fascinated by the fact we can have 1- Infinite worlds to explore, 2- An opportunity for a relationship with the Infinite Creator God, and finally, 3- a responsibility to positively impact the world we live in. This covers the gamut from caring for creation to protecting the rights of the most vulnerable of people. We have shifted our focus, so business has shifted their focus in order to make a profit from us.

We humans (park guests and the Imagineers that create attractions) have moved from being inspired by God's creation and the gifts He has given mankind. Instead, we rely on broken and selfish people to fill us and make us happy. Eventually, this brings us to a place of discouragement and general hopelessness when our plans fail or when the people we look to let us down. 

It's even more of a downward spiral when it comes to purchasing products. The goal of the advertising agency is to get us to buy and keep buying. Isn't this the true goal of marketing? To make us unhappy without the product they are selling? Then to also make sure that we are never thankful for what we do have, keeping us prone to buy more. It's a vicious cycle.

When people or products fail to create long term fulfillment, we look for something else or for something within ourselves. We begin idolizing our own capabilities, strengths, and seemingly limitless potential, instead of giving the honor to God who created us and the world we live in. The trade off is emptiness because we often disappoint ourselves. Sometimes that is the worst of all to handle.

Due to our self-focus and our humanism, despair engulfs us as we look around and see man's plans fail. Even men with good solid other-centered goals. Why? Because men desire different things. Even good things can be in conflict with each other because priorities are different from person to person.

Rulers of nations view life differently, some good and some evil. Common people have differing values, so my plans may conflict with your plans. The result of all this tension? We get frustrated, angry, and burned out. Or on a global scale, war replaces peace as men strive to get what they want. Everyday there are new battles being fought in the streets among conflicting groups and ideologies. All this tires our souls and damages our spirits.

Sooner or later, we decide we've had enough. Our desire for comfort becomes the primary focus of our lives, bringing with it increasing desire to just be entertained and taken into worlds different than the one we have (talking Cars, magical princesses, Star Wars, etc). The Walt Disney Company has data compiled over generations telling the suits what we want so they can sell it to us. 

You and I can go into a movie theater after a grueling day, and we can walk out a few hours later feeling happy and fulfilled because we've forgotten our real life situation. Isn't this true? I know it is for me. For some of us, we go even further and decide we want to live there full time. It's why we love the theme parks. It's why a place like EPCOT Center has an incredible fan base from folks that experienced its greatness in the early years. We left the park not only happy but hopeful for that great big beautiful tomorrow. Who wouldn't want to experience that again and again?

The problem with this phony lifestyle of entertainment is It only temporarily satisfies us. So we lavish high praise on what man has created and desire to live in that place, keeping the real world safely, quietly, in the background.  When addicted to it, our entertainment becomes our prison because we trade in a very real and exciting world for one that is imaginary. We trade what's best for what is less than what we can have. 

A constant life of fantasy (or Fantasyland) is good for no one.

"On the Tombstone of America, the inscription will read: They Entertained Themselves To Death." - Leonard Ravenhill

Let that sink in. This quote above, by the renowned English pastor, applies not only to America as a nation but us as individuals. 

Back to Epcot. All our love of and addiction to entertainment and imaginary worlds is why the park is changing.  We're no longer enthralled with science and nature and new discoveries. Nor are we fascinated by the God that created it all- which leaves us looking to ourselves and others. The cycle of emptiness continues as looking to others will never fulfill our human hearts. 

It's too late for the direction of Epcot, but not for us. When we honor Him and reflect on who He is and what He has done, our world becomes filled with wonder, joy, thankfulness, and hope. The more we look to God, the more we become who we were intended to be- beautiful and unique individuals all reflecting His glory. With this freedom and true self, we become inspired. We want to go deeper with Him, know more about Him and the world He created. 

(Photographs from ResortTV.)

September 1, 2023

Coming to Peace with Amy Grant Even If I Disagree with Her

This is almost like a gift. Years back, we had tickets to see Amy Grant and Michael W. Smith in concert, and then my father was scheduled for emergency heart surgery the same day. Out of state. We gave the tickets to some friends. I flew out to see him, and we moved on. I haven't had a chance to see her again.

Even longer ago, when Amy came through town on the House of Love tour, we had great seats! Gary Chapman opened for his wife and was quite good But I waited for the title song. The hit song with now husband Vince Gill is still one of my favorites- and truth be told, when the Building the House of Love video came out on A&M Records, my wife and I could easily recognize the spark and chemistry between she and Vince. Little did we know what was going on. 

Amy is no stranger to controversy. Now, her affirmation and support of her niece's wedding to another woman is just somewhere that I can't go. We've had many family members whom we love deeply who are gay- but for the life of us, we cannot find references or a consistent support in the Bible for same sex relationships. Our lives belong to Jesus Christ, and if we're going to carry his name, we've got to be 100% willing to die to everything that God's word says is unholy. Everything. 

I was more than disappointed in Amy. I was angry. Very angry. 

Some say she's abandoned her faith, others say she never had it. I say Amy is still growing in it, and like many of us, have chosen to believe things that are not true- or worse, failed to align their beliefs with what God deems clean and pure. But let me state clearly- she is wrong in this approval of those living the LGBTQ lifestyle and professing Jesus. To support what God deems evil is wrong. There is deception going on here. The truth is always loving. The presentation of it must be loving as well.

We're all broken. We're all imperfect. Even if you side with Amy on this issue, look deep within and admit there's still a lot of work left to be done in you. If you disagree with her on this issue, remember you like I am not perfect. There's still work to be done, and if God's spirit is in us, we must choose to disagree peacefully and civilly. That attitude reflects God's heart to a world that needs to know Him. Not pride and ego, arguing and fighting. We all - believer in Jesus Christ or not- can come to God imperfect and broken, but we must yield to Him and His ways to continue to show Him that he is loved. Sermon over. 

Pray for Amy to come to the truth in humility and to be willing to stand up for it- lovingly, kindly, but bravely. Many will fall away from Jesus. The Word tells us that. Is this the beginning of Amy's total move away from the Lord? I hope not.

It's still hard for me to listen to her now- sadly, even her Christmas albums- which I love.

Now... here's a great concert where Amy performs hits both secular and sacred, and she tells many stories along the way. Human stories that reveal brokenness in her own family and God's enduring faithfulness. 

Thanks to 7th Stone Media for publishing this concert for 2023: