This time of year, we stop and think about everything in our lives which cause us to be thankful. We are blessed by God even if in the midst of pain and hardship. If nothing else, we can be thankful that we've made it another year- and look ahead to the future. Only God knows what lies ahead, but one thing is certain: all good things come right from the hand of God.
Just as I used to make a list for Santa as a kid, here is my list for God of all the reasons I am thankful:
His goodness and His great gift of sacrifice in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ- The Ultimate expression of God's love for mankind. The only payment in full for my sin from the only spotless one who could accomplish this work. That God Himself would reach down to mankind still amazes me.
My family. We are blessed. I've seen death this year, but I also see new life coming. There's been hardship, pain, comfort, and deep joy. Our friendships are numerous and rich, many spanning decades. In a world of temporary relationships, my life has been enriched by the blessing of those who love me and are loved by me. When you count your family as your friends as well- all the better!
The future. There's a wedding and a baby ahead! More friends to make, more opportunities to display the love of Christ and to see Him at work in our world. I never cease to be amazed as I watch God care for those down here- and even more amazed when folks write off His goodness as coincidence.
Doing what I love. Sure, this includes work. What a gift to serve others as your full time profession. But also blogging here. To have so many kind readers- well, that also amazes me and makes me thankful.
What are you thankful for? As you reflect on that question, may each of you have a blessed and wonderfully peaceful Thanksgiving day!
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