Note: Tomorrow, you'll find a trip report about Disneyland- including its "Dirty Little Secret". Come back then!
Let's be honest- There are two legendary attractions in the Disney world of theme parks. One is Pirates of the Caribbean. With or without Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow, it is undeniably one of Walt Disney Imagineering's finest efforts. The other is The Haunted Mansion, also known as Phantom Manor at Disneyland Paris. On this, most all die-hard Disney fans agree. These are consumate examples of engineering as art, where story, music, and execution come together perfectly.
Most of us know that the mansion was initially intended as a walk through attraction, with Walt Disney himself pushing for this to happen. The concept art (above) by Bruce Bushman gives a nice little indicator of the desired effect. With no doombuggy in sight, a solitary stroll through the place would have added to the creepiness factor.
Speaking of doombuggies, you just have to go to Doombuggies.com as it is the ultmate Haunted Mansion website. In fact, the "History" pages are full of art I have never seen. Including the one shown here today.
(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)
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