November 18, 2009

President or Palin?

It certainly is a new era, isn't it? In decades past, a president or any other politician wouldn't be caught showing off the body like these two photos do. For now, I think both of them can handle the complaints about their respective portrayals. Although they both look pretty good, if they don't like the insinuations, they should just cover up. I guess that same thing could be said for all of us, too!
(Photos copyright Bauer Griffin and Newsweek.)


SamLand said...

Very astute observation. Thank you.

Vintage Disneyland Tickets said...

Not to defend Palin, but that photo was exclusively taken for a bicycling magazine and was then used by Newsweek without prior authorization from the bicycling magazine or Palin. Either way, it was not a smart move, she had to know it would be interpreted many ways.

As for the President, he's the first POTUS that I've seen his bare chest, and frankly, he should keep it covered.

Mark said...

Yep, I think especially as Pres photos like this doesn't inspire much respect.

Anonymous said...


We must wrap our presidents in swaddling cloth. No. No we musn't.

Mark said...

Trust me, I am among he last to see our political leaders as Messias. ;)