April 30, 2008
A Taste of the Tropics at Disneyland in 1957

April 28, 2008
Michael Eisner's Mickey Mouse Decision?

The fact that Michael Eisner received his star on the Hollywood walkway did not go unnoticed by his fans and foes. The general media at large made little of this ceremony last week, but the internet discussion boards and blogs wouldn't let this pass by for good reason. The man is either a hero or nemesis to Disney fans.
Strictly from a Disney park and resort perspective, Eisner is both. On the plus side, this man bought the parks out of a creative slump by bringing in outside creative talent while simultaneously increasing prices. The same hero responsible for attractions as great as Tower of Terror, Animal Kingdom, Splash Mountain and Indiana Jones Adventure, not to mention Tokyo Disney Sea and Disneyland Paris, rightfully caused his popularity rating to drop with the greenlighting of many creative disappointments, culminating in California Adventure. With its collection of iron carnival rides, clones from other Disney Parks, and too high an assortment of films, the place was a flop.
Wherever we stand of the issue of Eisner, one thing is certain: this single man changed the face of themed resorts, putting his unique stamp on the four corners of the Disney world.
April 26, 2008
Moonlight Serenade

April 25, 2008
All Hail the Queen Latifah

Good cuts- Simply Beautiful and Mercy, Mercy, Mercy, showing alot of diversity in style. Don't Miss Cuts- Hard Times and If I Had You. Just stunning. Perfect for those late night top down in the car summer drives. Trust me, you'll want to hear these over and over.
concept art,
dana owens,
queen latifah,
walt disney world
April 24, 2008
What Were They Thinking?
Big questions today- Why was there no announcement on Tuesday about additions to Animal Kingdom? How in the world did Jason Castro make the cut last night on American Idol, but Carly Smithson was sent home to the pub? Will Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Crystal Skull rule the summer or just be a moderate box office hit? Let's not even mention the year's U.S. Presidential election!
But here is the biggest question I'm wrestling with today- I read this, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except through me", and think why? Why did Jesus say this? I believe it and yet, the bluntness of the words cut like a knife. Certainly to some degree, this will remain a question as long as I live. So what came to me this morning on reflecting on his words is only a partial answer.
This isn't just a theological statement. This is also a statement that reflects Jesus' great love for us. Knowing we are complex human beings living through multitudes of experiences both good and bad, having a variety of ideas, and with unique personalities, He decides to draw us all into relationship with Him. These are powerful yet simply blunt words. He makes it easy, directly stating how things stand, answering questions we all must answer. It's out of His great love that He chooses to be this emphatic and clear. Now it is our turn to respond.
But here is the biggest question I'm wrestling with today- I read this, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except through me", and think why? Why did Jesus say this? I believe it and yet, the bluntness of the words cut like a knife. Certainly to some degree, this will remain a question as long as I live. So what came to me this morning on reflecting on his words is only a partial answer.
This isn't just a theological statement. This is also a statement that reflects Jesus' great love for us. Knowing we are complex human beings living through multitudes of experiences both good and bad, having a variety of ideas, and with unique personalities, He decides to draw us all into relationship with Him. These are powerful yet simply blunt words. He makes it easy, directly stating how things stand, answering questions we all must answer. It's out of His great love that He chooses to be this emphatic and clear. Now it is our turn to respond.
April 23, 2008
Fools Rush In: Love Does Conquer All

Matthew Perry is his usual goofy but charming self, and Salma Hayek is her usual spicy, self-assured beautiful fireball. Yet, they make a great team- and it is the clever writing and wonderful play of two very different worlds coming together that make this a winning flick. Fools Rush In is PG-13 for a reason, so it is not for the kids, but it is still one of our favorites after a decade. Next time you want a sharp and funny romantic comedy, don't overlook this one while searching your Blockbuster bins.
concept art,
fools rush in,
matthew perry,
salma hayek,
walt disney world
April 22, 2008
The Genesis, Evolution, and Revelation of Disney’s Animal Kingdom

Many folks, myself included, have a deep appreciation for Disney’s Animal Kingdom. Why? The combination of brilliant design, one fairly consistent theme, with faithful execution brings new and unique adventures and environments for our pleasure. However beautiful this combination zoo, botanical garden, and theme park is to behold, there are also the intangible factors that draw us to it: the deep emotional connection that comes from man’s love for nature and animals combined with the desire to run away from the concrete jungles of modern day life and reality!
Starting with Mickey himself, animals of all types and depictions continue to be a great and profitable fit with Disney. According to company lore, Walt’s well-known love for animals and exotic locales, evidenced by the inclusion of Adventureland at Disneyland, California, and his True-Life Adventure films formed the emotional heart and the beginnings of Animal Kingdom. That said, when the talk began about the creation of this park in 1989, it may have truly been a strictly business decision that brought it to fruition.

To stand out, Animal Kingdom had to be different. This new park was purposely designed from the beginning to be unlike anything Disney had previously created, unlike anything visitors had experienced from Disney- and it is. Upon its completion, in order to communicate this place was something special, Disney’s advertising experts kicked it into high gear. The cleverest ad produced played on the sense of mystery the park strove to create: a young explorer walking down one of Animal Kingdom’s paths, looks behind him as shadows of animals imaginary, extinct, and wild are cast over him, clearly telling prospective visitors that exciting and unexpected animal encounters were the order of the day here.
Once enticed by this innovative advertising campaign, curious visitors at the entrance gates received the newest park’s handout. The “Adventurer’s Guide” gave a small hint of what was ahead.

However disarming the view, it is only upon entering the newly created village of Harambe, that the serious message of conservation comes into focus. The park’s signature attraction, Kilimanjaro Safaris, is found here and takes up approximately 100 of its 500 acres. In this African town, which takes minor design elements from Epcot’s unrealized Equatorial Africa pavilion, its citizens make their living from eco-tourism and coexist in peace with their surroundings. The attraction itself contains a focus about the real evils of poaching, subtly weaving its important message among the views and the thrills.

Like its predecessors, the Animal Kingdom theme park is first and foremost a business venture, so it is designed to appeal to the masses. The emotional connection with its audience goes even deeper than appealing to our love for animals. Varying worldviews and spiritualities are foundational elements that combine with Disney’s attention to detail. All this is done very carefully as to not offend anyone, and Disney carefully straddles the lines between man as guardian and steward of creation to man as equal with the rest of creation, an important distinction.
The Oasis was once named Genesis Gardens during the planning stages, but the Tree of Life is a direct reference found in the holy books of all three major religions. Man and woman were created by God and placed in this beautiful garden and in the center stood the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It is only when they disobey God and eat of the forbidden fruit that they are banished. At Animal Kingdom, guests have a chance to return to this glorious place, and they rarely are disappointed. Disney’s creation here mimicks our Earthly creation. It is masterful and done with a loving hand. The environment designed does not fail in creating the most beautiful place they have ever conceived. This setting is satisfying to the soul!

Even in this natural Fantasyland, philosophy and theology exist hand in hand with entertainment. A small stage show with North American animals starring Pocohontas and Grandmother Willow, is enjoyable, yet sports a strong animist worldview, teaching nature itself possesses a soul. These are heady concepts for a theme park. The major revue, and some would say the best attraction in the park, is The Festival of the Lion King, a highly energetic show with gifted performers featuring recycled floats from of an old Disneyland parade. It is a deserving crowd favorite and a fitting way to end the day.

During my first journey to the park, two erroneous design choices were clearly evident along with the lack of attractions. The majestic Tree of Life is truly a draw in itself, but the film experience inside, although quite good, uses space that should contain an iconic and timeless attraction. Additionally, the tacky and very unnecessary Rain Forest Café takes up prime real estate at the park’s entrance, lending a stench of commercialization to an otherwise organic and visually appealing piece of land. This is a major mistake, akin to placing a prominent Home Town Buffet at the grand entrance of Main Street.
Other guests were equally insightful. The persistent “half-day park” assessment, the early closing time, a lack of Disney quality, Audio-Animatronic attractions, and the misperception that Animal Kingdom was nothing more than a zoo, combined to keep attendance levels lower than the executives in Burbank desired. In fact, by some reports, attendance figures dropped for two to four consecutive years after the park opened. Although short on cash for expansion, new plans were developed with varying degrees of success in acceptance and execution.

In spite of these changes, numbers remained flat at best. Disney’s advertising team finally took on some of the misperceptions directly, promoting that Animal Kingdom was “Nahtazu”, eventually culminating in “Adventure Awaits” when Imagineering finally built an attraction that single-handedly changed the fortunes of the park.

Reagrdless of future plans, some things are certain: Disney will continue to compete with its neighbors, Harry Potter or otherwise; Imagineers will design attractions that inspire while Disney executives direct the park’s course based on guest attendance and spending.
Lastly, Disney's Animal Kingdom will continue to connect with guests. The superb craftmanship at the park is unrivaled in the States, and as long as the theme and execution remains uncompromised, it will be profitable. More importantly, due to man's deep love for animals, a spirit of adventure, and his longing for connection to the Garden where he began, this wonderful, creative place will bring us back again and again.
This article appears in its original abbreviated form. Due to much feedback and reader appreciation, I have been encouraged to expand the series. So, I have, quite a bit in fact- and it starts here.
(All concept art and some photos copyright The Walt Disney Company. Most photographs copyright Mark Taft.)
April 21, 2008
It's Still a Small World
Saw the videos of Hong Kong Disneyland's "It's A Small World" last night. Although it was not as nicely done as other locale's versions, I was not feeling bombarded by the character infusion. Nor did it feel as if Imagineer Mary Blair's vision was at all compromised. It was charming as ever. On to the next subject, please.
April 19, 2008
Disney's Pre-Westcot Chinatown

This image comes from a larger guidebook page with concept art for the "Haunted House" (sic) and "Adventures in Science". Enjoy!
(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)
adventures in science,
concept art,
haunted house,
walt disney world,
April 18, 2008
Just Do It

A man I admire greatly wrote, "For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come." Really like this quote from the Apostle Paul in the book of I Timothy- helps keep me in balance.
apostle paul,
concept art,
walt disney world
April 17, 2008
Stay Tuned...
concept art,
walt disney world
Happiest Kingdom of Them All

Attractions have been enhanced, added or replaced. Colorful but simple tournament tent-like show building fascades painstakingly transform into elegant and stylized versions of European locales. A mountain is built from scratch, while a slice of a beloved Neverland disappears, only to resurface in Paris a decade later.
(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)
April 16, 2008
Learning My A B C's at Disneyland

You can see that some middle grade attractions flucuated between letters. As things changed with increased technology (and as more coasters were added to the park), lesser sophisticated but still enjoyable attractions were given a lowered ranking.
The decision is go to an all inclusive park admission was a mixed blessing for me. While I thoroughly enjoyed the freedom to do as I pleased, the magic and fun of planning wisely how to spend my park "cash" disappeared forever.
(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)
(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)
concept art,
ticket books,
walt disney world
April 15, 2008
Donna Summer: No Ordinary Girl

This gal has had quite the life, all the blessings and hardships anyone could expect- and more. Crisis after crisis brought her to a place of considering suicide. Donna eventually had what could only be called a powerful, life-changing experiencing with God. She decided that Jesus was in fact the Son of God who came to earth because of his great love for the people He created, giving up his life on the cross in payment for their sin- and then proving his divinity by being raised from the dead. This decision turned her life - and her earthly fortunes- around. An amazing story. Gotta read it to believe it.
April 14, 2008
Starry, Starry Night
Just returned from a Rocky Mountain retreat. Venturing to the rooftop to view the evening sky with the stars and moon in their glory, I was once again mesmerized by their beauty. Later that weekend, I was given the opportunity to view the video below- and I sat in my chair stunned at what I heard and saw. Stunned.
Start here: http://www.bethlehemstar.net/. This amazing website is chock full of scientific data with Biblical references surrounding the appearance of the Bethlehem Star. This is the star that was used to announce the birth of Christ to the Wise Men of old. It later chronicles the changes in the sky that were reported to occur at Jesus' crucifixion. I didn't have to be a rocket scientist or a theologian to understand it, it was that well laid out.
Do you like what you see? The DVD mentioned is really well done, and worth every penny. Mind-blowing stuff. Even without the spiritual overtones, someplace where you can explore the constellations belongs in Epcot.
This single endorsement intrigued me:
"About 99.9% of the Star of Bethlehem stuff is nutty, but this isn't that. It's well-researched and reasonable."—Ronald A. Schorn, Ph.D.—Schorn founded and served as Chief of the Planetary Astronomy department at NASA and was Technical Editor of Sky & Telescope magazine. He is the author of Planetary Astronomy."
Worth a look- I promise. You'll never look at the night sky the same again.
Start here: http://www.bethlehemstar.net/. This amazing website is chock full of scientific data with Biblical references surrounding the appearance of the Bethlehem Star. This is the star that was used to announce the birth of Christ to the Wise Men of old. It later chronicles the changes in the sky that were reported to occur at Jesus' crucifixion. I didn't have to be a rocket scientist or a theologian to understand it, it was that well laid out.
Do you like what you see? The DVD mentioned is really well done, and worth every penny. Mind-blowing stuff. Even without the spiritual overtones, someplace where you can explore the constellations belongs in Epcot.
This single endorsement intrigued me:
"About 99.9% of the Star of Bethlehem stuff is nutty, but this isn't that. It's well-researched and reasonable."—Ronald A. Schorn, Ph.D.—Schorn founded and served as Chief of the Planetary Astronomy department at NASA and was Technical Editor of Sky & Telescope magazine. He is the author of Planetary Astronomy."
Worth a look- I promise. You'll never look at the night sky the same again.
concept art,
walt disney world
A Tale of Adventures to Come: 1997

Disney News, a company produced glossy magazine, existed for many years prior to the internet. The intent was clearly promotion- and the folks behind the project knew how to build excitement among the fans. The Spring 1997 issue included a full color version of this collectable map (seen above) detailing what was to come for the new summer season and to additionally plug the upcoming opening of Disney's Animal Kingdom. The graphics are well done, combining an emphasis on childlikeness with a slightly retro adult look. Quite fun!
(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)
April 11, 2008
Rocky Mountain High
Off to a mountain retreat today for a few days of play and rest. My annual time away to focus on my faith, my family, and my friends. The really important things in my life. It's a good thing to reflect and spend time being worshipful and thankful. Be back next week.
concept art,
walt disney world
April 10, 2008
Paradise Found in Hawaii- With or Without Disney

The new Disney resort may not be quite as beautful and relatively low key as the Polynesian Village Resort in Florida due to the proposed high rise section, but that is balanced out by one small piece of information: It's found in Hawaii, not Central Florida. Paradise found, indeed!
(Photographs copyright Mark Taft.)
concept art,
ko olina,
polynesian village,
walt disney world
April 9, 2008
The Mouse Isn't Roaring -Yet!

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