December 8, 2018

Unexpected Carpenters Magic

Received this new Carpenters disc yesterday - Carpenters with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. It's been on the player three times so far. A deeper look will be forthcoming, but in a word: Pure Magic.

I'm reviewing the Carpenters albums in chronological order beginning with Offering / Ticket to Ride. I've written extensively about their music, album by album, and how each affected their career and my life. Since there are stories about my life mixed in, you'll also get a glimpse of what it meant to grow up in Southern California during the 70s.
On the Insights blog, there are also numerous stand alone posts about Karen and Richard Carpenter highlighting different aspects of their career, recordings, and life. There's many unique photos to be found here as well. I was honored to be interviewed for Randy L. Schmidt's excellent Carpenters: An Illustrated Discography.

Below is the list of my "Revisited /Fresh Look" reviews and those that came a decade earlier. 

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