December 10, 2018

Is Disney Embarrassed Enough Yet?

How much embarrassment does it take before the management of the Walt Disney World monorail system presses the executives for a new fleet of trains? There have been a few malfunctions lately, and even further back, the more unfortunate case of a cast member being killed due to problems with the age and maintenance of their fleet. What must happen next in order the get the suits' attention?

Even Walt's original Kingdom, Disneyland, got an upgrade with some new trains fairly recently. Pretty nice, right?

And let's not get started on what you can find at the Tokyo Disney Resort! The sleek exteriors give only a small look at the themed experience found inside.

Once again, other resorts hold the lead in providing first class service and amenities compared to Walt Disney World. If I were staying at the Polynesian Resort, the Contemporary, or the Grand Floridian, I would expect more given the rates charged for the rooms! Problem is, even before the room rates skyrocketed, Disney gave its day guests a wonderfully modern and maintained Highway in the Sky. The time for new trains is now.

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