October 24, 2013

Farrah Fawcett's Secret Life

The news is surprising and a bit disappointing. As with most men of the time, Farrah Fawcett and her beauty captured my eye when I first saw her on television's Charlie's Angels. Almost instantly, she was the breakout star, the new golden girl, the one with everything. The hair, the smile, the eyes, the sex appeal- she epitomized the glamour of Southern California and Hollywood. Co-stars Kate Jackson and Jaclyn Smith had their fans (and I was one!), but Farrah's was the star the endured.

Well, yesterday it comes to light that Farrah may have been seeing one of her former boyfriends while still with her longtime lover Ryan O'Neal.  One piece of the dispute between the two men seems to be the multi-million dollar piece of art done of the actress  by legendary Andy Warhol. (Top)

It boils down to money, sex, fame, and what happens to folks when they have it all. I just went to a memorial for a friend yesterday, and it got me to thinking about what kind of legacy I will leave. What about you? What will you be known for? For secrets will be revealed? What stories will be told? How will your life be summed up in the course of an hour long memorial?

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