January 4, 2022

Hogwart's Castle in All It's Glory

Insights and Sounds blog is filled with great and rare pieces of Disney concept art from the resorts worldwide. Be it the beauty of Disneyland Paris, the amazing Tokyo DisneySea or the dismal Walt Disney Studios Paris, you can find plenty of art here that will delight you- or in the case of what could be or what was never built- frustrate you. As a relative newbie to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and both Hogsmeade at Islands of Adventure and Diagon Alley at the Studios park next door, there's just not too many pieces to be found from Universal Creative. But here's one in my growing collection.

Hogwarts Castle is beautifully done! It is at once imposing and alluring- done at a scale that impresses, this does not feel like it belongs in a theme park. Yet, in an odd way, it fits in so well between Jurassic Park and The Lost Continent. If you arrive from riding the Hogswart Express, you disembark and find the streets twist and turn until the big reveal. The Forbidden Journey is a magnet attraction, but it is intense. No worries if you can't ride. Instead walk through until you come upon the last minute exit. The tour inside is as well done as any attraction in Florida. Don't miss it. 

Up until I saw how the young wizard impacted the Orlando Resort, Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure were both a very nice and very good one-and-done type theme park. No longer. The concept art doesn't do the execution of it justice. Read my detailed reports here, where I cover both parks and City Walk after visiting Disney. Day Five here, and Day Six here

If you'd like to read more, a day by day trip report that also includes Walt Disney World, here they are, beginning with our night at Disney Springs before hitting the parks and resorts:

(Art copyright Universal Creative.)

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