January 7, 2021

Grease is the Word. This was Not.

Proof positive that some ideas on paper look good but should never be acted upon. In the music world in 1978, putting together a movie with Peter Frampton, the Bee Gees, and a whole slew of pop music stars to celebrate work of the Beatles doesn't sound so bad. Toss in soundtrack that includes one of the best tracks ever cut by Earth, Wind, and Fire and you're sure to have a smash, right? Wrong. 

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - the movie and the album- were a creative flop and garnered little financial success. Grease was the word due to the chemistry of Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta. But this was a mistake on too many levels, artwork aside.

It was all a crazy move- but it is absolutely nothing compared to the actions and reactions to the presidential election and what currently is happening in Washington D.C. and our country. Lord, help us!

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