January 6, 2021

America Gone Crazy

Starting with President Donald Trump, it's time for America to grow up. Stop the violence. Say what you will, but violence accomplishes nothing. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was right. Our great democracy was founded on godly principles. We have moved so far from what God intended. We are seeing the fruit of that. It's time to look within and act with humility before God. We are sinners, and the current state of Washington D.C. and our nation prove it. Human life is sacred. But when a nation chooses to kill its unborn children, kill its elderly, and lynch and enslave and degrade those because of their skin color- and that's just the beginning- we've lost our sense of decency and humanity and purpose. Is it any wonder why we find violence acceptable? We've become animals. I'm disgusted, and you should be as well. Can President Elect Joe Biden and company bring real unity to a nation gone mad? I doubt it. Neither could Barack Obama. It must be a work from God- and we must each look inside first... and repent before God.

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