January 7, 2021

Why Disney Needs to Keep the Hall of Presidents Open

With respectful disagreement to both Robert Niles of Theme Park Insider and Josh Young of Theme Park University, the tragic and disappointing events of yesterday in Washington D.C. are exactly the reasons why the Hall of Presidents attraction at Walt Disney World needs to remain open. 

Our nation, our Republic, has been preserved. Democracy works. President Elect Joe Biden was not my choice, but I respect the results.  

As for what happened yesterday, it was deplorable. These were fringe activists and do not represent the Republican Party just as Antifa and left-wing extremists do not represent the Democratic Party. They should be punished to the full extent of the law.

The Hall of Presidents and the American Adventure stand as testimonies of the perseverance of  American people and the triumph of democracy in the face of conflict of all types. Their removal would be "cancel culture" and exactly opposite of what needs to be done. 

Let the show change back to Abraham Lincoln speaking after the role call. Removing all but one president would also remove Barack Obama from the attraction. Black American youth need to be reminded it is possible for those of any race to rightfully earn the top spot in American government. 

We cannot reward extremists by destroying something that so well represents who we are. 

(Photograph copyright Mark Taft.)

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