October 6, 2020

Concept Art for Disneyland's Kodak Shop

In honor of my late father-in-law's birthday, here's a piece of concept art for the Kodak shop at Disneyland- right in the heart of Main Street U.S.A.  

The Imagineering art is pretty sweet!

Joe worked 30 years for Kodak. They treated him well, and he gladly honored the company by working his tail off. It was never about him. It was about honoring God and keeping his promises to others. This included his wife, kids, friends, his God, and yes, his company.

Integrity goes a long way! And Joe, as your first in-law kid, I want you to know how much I appreciated you and all you did. You're not forgotten and neither are the values you represented. Thanks for everything.

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

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