October 5, 2020

My First Disney Blog Post

My very first Disney related post back in 2008. Yes, that's how long the Insights blog has been going! And although I'm currently running on empty regarding fresh ideas, this too shall pass. But for now, here it is- the first one and the first "Notable and Quotable":

Here's the coolest Walt Disney quote ever:

"Think beyond your lifetime if you want to accomplish something truly worthwhile." 

Ran across this quote a few months back as I was reading about Walt and his plans. Boy, did Walt really live up to that quote!

Can't even remember which book or article it was, but what a find!
If we took this advice to heart, it seems to me that we would live a little bit differently as we make our mark in the world. Maybe a little more kindly, maybe a little more generously, maybe with a bit more purpose.

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