October 19, 2020

The Return

After a much needed rest in California, the blog will return after I complete the onslaught of email requests, bills, and projects that accumulated during the time. Disneyland and the surrounding area looks like a ghost town due to the actions of California's governor. Hopefully, that will change some day soon. 

Had a great time including an un expected visit with a friend whose kindness brought me to tears. (You know who you are!) God has blessed me and my wife in so many ways. In the midst of trying circumstances in the world, His goodness prevails!

(Photograph copyright Mark Taft.)


  1. Welcome back Mark! Glad you got away and were refreshed by friends. I was starting to grow concerned. Best of luck digging out from emails, bills, etc., post vacation.

    Always your pal,
    Amazon Belle

    PS - There is something about this photo that reminds me of a house in Downey where I used to go over to swim. :)

  2. Thank you, Matthew! I appreciate your concern. The house is in Orange County, so not too far away!
