February 4, 2023

40 Years Without Karen Carpenter

Forty years ago, Karen Carpenter died- and I remember exactly where I was at the time I heard of her death. It's hard to believe four decades have passed. With her brother Richard, the Carpenters had not only an amazing career filled with huge record sales and Grammy awards, they amassed generations of fans. 
The news was a shock, and part of our innocence also died when Karen passed. I just couldn't believe it.

Jazz artist Michael Franks (the Carpenters created a fresh take on his song B'wana She No Home" back in 1977) wrote poignant lyrics about a friend and fellow artist who passed away. These very words are worth mentioning today to honor Karen and her legacy.
On his Rendevous in Rio album, the recording "Songbirds" leaves listeners with these heartfelt lines: 
"When I consider your absence then my smile erases. 
Sure, the Creator creates, but rarely He replaces."

Rest in peace, Karen, and thank you for your part in the musical legacy left behind.


A few of the other many, many, posts here about Karen, Richard, and the Carpenters music and impact on my life:

The Night I Met Karen Carpenter

Great American Voices: Karen Carpenter

Carpenters Revisited: A Fresh Look at Horizon 

The Legacy of Karen Carpenter

Carpenters Band Offers Their Tribute 

The Last Hours of Karen Carpenter

Karen Carpenter: The Drummer Who Sang

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