June 18, 2021

The Disney You Don't See

In the world of Disney Imagineering, what you don't see is often just as gorgeous and compelling as what eventually makes it beyond the drawing boards. This incredible piece of concept art by Tim Delaney for EuroDisney aka Disneyland Paris gives us a glimpse at what the train station could be- something right out of Discoveryland, actually! It's clean slick lines and bell epoque embellishments are the performers fit for a castle park built in a country full or artistic masterpieces. As part of Tony Baxter's creative team for the park's design, Tim instantly "got it", giving the Jules Verne styled Tomorrowland a feel uniquely its own. Even the original Disneyland fell flat in comparison when the suits tried to duplicate its feel for Anaheim without giving it a proper budget and creative direction.

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

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