June 17, 2021

Moving On

I think I'm "ok". Grief is such a difficult thing to overcome completely, but I am finally moving into the acceptance stage of this process after hitting a short season of denial, a long season of anger, and a brief season of depression. Yet, acceptance does not mean a plan is in place! That's the next part for me. And my wife and I are in the midst of discussing what that should be. 

The gift of time to walk through this process is something only God could give me- and He has. If you know Jesus Christ and have a relationship with him that is real and intimate and personal, you know what I'm talking about. Only in Him is this rest and help and purpose for the future. I may be entering a new season of life, but that does not mean I cannot glorify God and do his work- or enjoy the process of embracing new things and letting go of the old.

What will change? Will this blog even continue? Many things are up for reevaluation, and I'll take it steady and slow without drastic moves unless the Lord directs. "Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand." Proverbs 19:21.


  1. Glad to hear things are looking up and hoping that the blog posts continue well into the future!

  2. Thank you so much- and thank you for reading!
