January 19, 2021

My Favorite Disney Park Photos: A Stunning Discoveryland at Disneyland Paris

Disneyland Paris may just be the most beautiful castle park in Disney's kingdoms! I submit to you this photograph from our first visit to the Parisian theme park. You are looking at Discoveryland, the French park's version of Tomorrowland. Themed to Jules Verne and the great  visionaries of the past, it has the best vision of Space Mountain you'll find among an eclectic array of attractions. But I've written on that many times...

Do you see shades of Imagineer Tony Baxter's sadly aborted Disneyland project, Discovery Bay here? I sure do! Many of the concepts for that expansion made their way into this park. This place really is The Theme Park as Art! Frontierland is best realized here, Fantasyland seems even more magical, and Adventureland boasts the most unique themes ever. The opening act of Main Street U.S.A. stuns with the most elaborate version ever, making Florida's Magic Kingdom's already lovely street seem somewhat lacking in charm by comparison. Have to see it for yourself.

Let me say this photo is 100% unretouched! It was a gorgeous summer day in France, flowers blooming and a sky as blue as could be. Having seen this park in three different seasons over a couple of decades, from a photographer's eye, this trip was hard to beat. (I know there's a trip report or two somewhere on the blog!)

Just as Disneyland Paris has a connection to Discovery Bay, did you know Discovery Bay also has a connection to EPCOT Center's original and amazing Journey Into Imagination? Check this out!

(Photograph copyright Mark Taft.)

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