January 21, 2021

Lessons Learned from Presidents Biden and Trump

President Joe Biden gave one classy, and hopefully honest and heartfelt inaugural address. It was full of the proper decorum necessary to be President of the United States, and it showed respect to the office he now holds. Something that was missing from the Trump presidency. If Biden can truly accomplish what he has said yesterday, there's reason to be hopeful. I've learned some lessons over the last few weeks, but the application of them may surprise you.

I will not vote for Donald Trump or support his new third party. His actions in the last several months threatening our democracy will not be supported or tolerated by me. 

Freedom of speech must be sustained. It was disheartening at best to see Big Tech show their might by pulling communication channels of those they disagree with. I'd rather know what groups of people are thinking then have that hidden from me. Let me make my own mind up. Do not filter my media or news. Sadly, not a single prominent Democrat spoke up in disagreement with this move by Big Tech. This inaction does not communicate a desire for us to live in diversity but instead clearly diactates we must live in uniformity. The very opposite of what President Biden has just told us.

I am happy to see that the glass ceiling for women and women of color has been broken by Vice President Kamala Harris. She is the just wrong woman for the job. I am happy for the breakthrough as I was with the election of President Obama for the same reason. Her election communicates to the women of this world they are valued and any job is available to the most qualified person. But like him, she is the wrong person for the job. 

Any politician who is bound to an organization founded to eliminate Black people through abortion is not worthy of my vote. Ever. Period. Yes, that is founder Margaret Sanger's Planned Parenthood. The sanctity of life is foundational in serving a God who loves the people he created. I heard a very misguided Christian tell me that until the adoption crisis can be fixed, abortion is the only viable option. That's humanism leading the way. Our call as believers is to trust God and be obedient, leaving the results up to Him. Imagine if we as a nation decided COVID-19 cannot be conquered easily, so until we could, it's best to euthanize the elderly and those most likely to be impacted. After all, that would follow the same pattern of thinking. Choosing extremist California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to lead Health and Human Services is not a good beginning to building bridges of unity. Pure and simple, until the Democratic Party puts to death their marriage to abortion, they will not win the votes of the majority of conservative, Bible believing Christians.  

That said, the church must step up its game and put into greater action what they say they believe. We as Christians have done much good in the world feeding the poor, building hospital and wells, and creating agencies that support adoption of orphans. There's more work to do. It's one thing to have the Biblical beliefs and even teach them. It's another to do something with them. For too long, only a few of us have served the underprivileged and bettered their lives and also shared the good news of Jesus. It's not an either or. They both go together. Too many of us have sat on the sidelines and let the government do our work. Look where it got us. The poor, the widow, the immigrant all need to be cared for. All the helpless do. And who is more vulnerable than those in the womb who have no voice?

I do want to see better guidelines and a more open inviting country when it comes to immigration. All are welcome, but come in legally. If you don't, do not expect to be treated with the benefits that come from citizenship. But regardless, do expect to be treated with respect.

Respect is a basic human right because all of us are created in the image of God, although not all choose to acknowledge Him or live by His standards. This is why Jesus came to earth to die in place of a broken people He loves. One by one. Freedom of religion and the ability to worship and live life in a manner that supports individual spiritual beliefs is paramount to a healthy society. 

There's much more to say, but this will suffice for now. As with all presidents, I will pray for my country's current leader. He is my president, but like all politicians and all humans- including you and I- he is imperfect, broken, and has areas of being misguided. As with those before him, God has allowed this president to be in power for His purposes be it correction or blessing or a mixture of both. Let's discover what they are and seek God's heart and will in all matters.

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