December 21, 2020

2020 Christmas Family Devotional: Week Three


December 21 – 31  “…they made known the saying that had been told them concerning this child…”

Time of Praise and Thanksgiving
Read Luke 2:8-20 and Matthew 2:1-12 together.   Summarize if needed.

Points for consideration:
God sent angels to proclaim the birth of Jesus. It was that important!  And then He led the three Wise Men to see the newborn child where they gave their treasures to Him. 
Jesus is God made flesh, and He and the Father are One (John 8:58-9; Colossians 2:9). 
Jesus is the only way to eternal life (John 14:6). He was that clear to keep it simple, so that no one would be confused. Jesus came to pay the price for our sin out of His love for us and His obedience to the Father.

Imagine being a shepherd in the field. You saw the angels and heard what they said.  What would be your reaction? What would you think? Would you tell the people around you?  You don’t have to be rich or famous to give important gifts.  What can you give to Jesus? 

Stop to praise and thank Him for revealing this “Good News of Great Joy”.  Your children might say, “Father, I praise you for the gift of Jesus!” or “Jesus, help me to share about you!”

Time of Prayer
Read John 14:6 together.  Then read John 3:16-17. Finally, read Luke 2:19.  

Points for consideration:
Because He loves us so much and wants everyone to know the truth, Jesus makes it very clear He is the only way to Heaven. 
Mary heard the words the shepherds shared about the angels and probably thought of the angel Gabriel who visited her earlier. She treasured these words and thought deeply about them.
Ask your children to define sin.  Ask how they have sinned. Check for understanding of Jesus’ words in John 14:6.  What does the Way, the Truth, and the Life mean? Discuss Romans 10:9-11.

Pray together. Ask them to confess their sin and turn away from it.  If they are ready, have them ask Jesus for forgiveness and the gift of eternal life.  Pray for them that they would rely on God to know and follow Him.   Encourage them to be like Mary and treasure God’s words and think deeply about them. Conclude with another time of praise and celebrate God’s goodness!

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