December 11, 2020

2020 Christmas Family Devotional: Week Two

December 11 – 20   “He did as the angel of the Lord commanded him”

Time of Praise and Thanksgiving
If appropriate, read Matthew 1:18-25 together.  Or read Luke 2:1-7 if your children are younger.

Points for consideration:
God placed Jesus in Joseph’s human family because he was part of David’s family, and this was in line with the prophecies about the Savior.
God is in control of world events so that they are in line with His Plan.
World leaders – presidents, kings, and all those in government- are placed in positions        of authority by God (See Romans 13). 
Joseph did what was right even if it was difficult. God gave him strength.

Isn’t it amazing that God strategically places people in families and in jobs for His Purposes? Why has He put you in your family? How have you seen God use your family in a way that shows God to the people around you?  Sometimes events around us mean it’s hard to do what is right. When has God asked you to do something difficult? What happened and how did God use it?

Lead the children to praise and thank Him for His power.  
An example of their praise might be, “Father, thank you for putting me in my family!” or  “Thank you Father for giving me what I needed when I shared you with my friends!”

Time of Prayer  
Read Ephesians 3:14-21. Then read 2 Peter 1:3, Philippians 4:13, and 1 Corinthians 12:4-11.  
Summarize or clarify these verses for understanding.

Points for consideration:
Jesus lives in our hearts through faith. It is not our work that earns us a place in God’s family and in heaven. How we live our lives is a result of His love in our hearts. 
God has placed His power in us by giving us His Holy Spirit. This power enables us to know God’s deep love for us and gives us what we need to live a life that pleases Him.
God’s power allows us to do the work He has called us to do. 

Ask your children if they belong to Him and why. Do they understand God’s love? How this is reflected in the way they live? How are they being obedient to Him? How is God being faithful as they step out in obedience?

Pray together. Pray that they would rely on God to know and follow His Ways. Pray for our leaders that they would come to know Him more deeply and to follow His ways in all things. 
(Devotional copyright Mark Taft.)

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