July 3, 2020

The Cool Blues of Cinque Terra

In the long ago and far away category, our trip to Europe in 2007 yielded sweet memories and some equally sweet photographs! We began our trip in Paris, including a visit to Disneyland Paris and the disappointing Walt Disney Studios Paris. We even came upon the French premier of Ratatouille going on across the bank. But then it was on to the real adventure- exploring Europe!

We had scrimped and saved for ten years for this 21 day trip. And it was worth every penny! We had planned to see Italy, Germany, the U.K., France and Wales. Flights were cheap once we got on the continent. (The full trip report with many, many photos is here.)

As we stopped in Cinque Terra, Italy, the day was hot, humid, and sunny and bright. Very hot. The cool blues of the water below called out to me. But what was a guy to do without a swimsuit? Hmm. Thankfully, I remembered I had wisely packed some multi-purpose synthetic trunk style underwear and was in fact wearing them that day. So, I ducked into a nearby cave after watching a few men go into it fully dressed and then come out in their swimwear. 

Once I got past my shyness, I was rewarded! The water was crisp and refreshing! Eventually, I discovered this cluster of small fishing boats, so I grabbed my camera and headed back into the water. What you see is the end result.

After that swim and some time on the beach, we headed way, way, way up the cliffs to a small restaurant and had a late lunch. With a summery salad, a little pasta, and a glass of wine, me and my favorite gal enjoyed a slice of Italy that stays with us to this day!

(Photograph copyright Mark Taft.)

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