July 4, 2020

A Unique Fourth of July

Am I ashamed of the United States of America? We have taken a lot of punches lately- and deservedly so! We've been exposed for our racism, our consumer mindset, and our division due to political beliefs. No, I'm not ashamed, but I am saddened. We should be so much more than we are.

We have our problems, no doubt. But so do those of every other countries. I've traveled enough of the world and made enough friends to tell you that racism, hatred, pride, selfishness, political division, and more exists everywhere. There's the murdering of innocent children (both inside and outside the womb), genocide, politically motivated famine, persecution and execution of religious minorities, greed, power struggles and more. Man is the same everywhere. Our sin nature guarantees it! We've fallen far from the honor God offers us.

Yet, in the midst of our problems, we too as Americans try to fix ourselves and do better. For that reason, I'm happy to call myself a citizen. My true home, my true citizenship, my first identification, is that of a Christian- but my temporary home is here, and I am blessed. Happy Independence Day, United States of America!

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