April 25, 2022

Magic Kingdom Attraction Posters: The Main Street U.S.A. Collection

Disney Parks attractions posters are one of the most sought after Disney related searches on the internet. There's a good reason for this! Those gifted Imagineers created beautiful pieces of art that have stood the test of time. 
My blog's collection of Disneyland attraction posters is one of the deepest you'll find. So today, I offer up post one of a similar collection for Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom.

You'd expect to find at least one attraction poster for the Walt Disney World Railroad, but perhaps you wouldn't think you'd see one for the Victorian era Crystal Palace Restaurant. Yet, here it is (and a version of one also exists for Tokyo Disneyland as well). The art is very nice, but certainly nothing can capture the sheer elegance of one of my favorite pieces of Magic Kingdom architecture.

There are very few pieces for Main Street U.S.A., but in a rather new twist, Imagineering started creating attraction posters for evening shows. Here above is an attraction poster for Happily Ever After. Although it is not in the more traditional style, it still is charming and captures the beauty of the nighttime presentation.
 Yes, another poster for the railroad...
...and the infamous short-lived poster
for when the train rode the rails in a the reverse route.

Now, I am not aware of other attraction posters for this part of the park. I would have thought that Main Street Cinema or at least The Walt Disney Story would have one, but so far, no luck. If anyone knows otherwise, please contact me.

There's still more lands and more posters. Certainly not the number found for Disneyland, (Check out just my Fantasyland collection for example) but nonetheless, they are fun to see. Stay tuned!

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

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