June 19, 2019

The Main Street Cinema, Country Bear Jamboree, and the Heart of a Disney Park

Even though Disneyland is removing merchandise from its classic Main Street Cinema, probably much to the dismay of Bob Chapek and others like him who seem to think the parks are mostly showcases for sales of Disney Intellectual Property related items, there are even those fans who believe it wasn't such a bad idea.

Case in point: Robert Niles, from Theme Park Insider-
"Okay, I'm gonna deliver some tough love here. Main Street Cinema is a wasted space in Disneyland. It's not that this is a bad concept — far from that, an old-time movie theater show the films that gave birth to the Walt Disney Company is a perfect, even necessary, component of Main Street USA. But in its current form, Main Street Cinema simply is not attracting enough attention to merit the use of that very valuable corporate real estate."

Generally, I tend to appreciate and agree with Robert on many things, but this is not one of those, even if I do believe him to be a true fan and an all around good guy.

My question for him and others is, "What should Disney place there?" Main Street Cinema is one of the cornerstones of true placemaking in the park; one of the original attractions that felt true to theme and place, helping to immerse guests into Walt's park. It was one of many items that made Disneyland different than regional carnivals and pier attractions. One of the many little touches that bring charm and authenticity. I say leave it as it is, and let guests enjoy it if only for nostalgia's sake. (Or air conditioning.)

The same holds true in Florida's Walt Disney World resort and her Magic Kingdom. Those who are thinking of replacing Country Bear Jamboree and even Enchanted Tiki Room are missing the point. If I'm not mistaken, those two Audio-Animatronics shows are back to back as well as not taking up too much space. Perhaps between the two, there would be enough room for a decent sized dark ride. But is is worth it? No.

Beyond destroying some opening day attractions, a move like this only subtracts from the variety of entertainment choices for guests. Once upon a time in that Magic Kingdom, every land but Main Street had an animatronic show (Mickey Mouse Musical Revue in Fantasyland, the silly but fun Sonny Eclipse show in Tomorrowland, and the two mentioned above). These types of shows are still perfect for little ones, older folks and others for whom these bring back lots of memories, and any guest who prefers a gentler even corny form of entertainment. 

These shows and smaller attractions bring a charm and warmth to the increasingly over commercialized Disney Parks  forming a backbone, a sense of place, and in many aspects, the heart and soul of those beloved spaces. 

They are worth preserving as is.

(Photograph copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

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