June 19, 2019

Do Something With What You Love

Each of us spends our life doing something, promoting something, believing in something. We can be Disney lifestylers, sports fans, music lovers, passionate about books and art or travel or a million other things. It's human nature to look at the world around us and the options we're afforded and to partake.

After awhile, it becomes evident that these things in and of themselves are not enough to satisfy us, so we move on to others things and other relationships to fill that void. For those of us that believe Jesus Christ is God in the flesh and the only way to an eternity in Heaven, I share this short video from the founder of Youth With A Mission (YWAM), Loren Cunningham

His challenge is as clear as his call. Or should I say the commands of Jesus. I hope you find it as compelling and thought provoking as I do.

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