March 28, 2019

The Girl Drummer

Just a small trio of shots of Karen Carpenter, the drummer. Yes, she certainly was a beloved singer- even to this day- but this A&M Records superstar was also an excellent drummer. And she loved to sit behind the kit!

For those of us blessed to be able to see Carpenters in concert, we'll be so ever thankful to brother Richard Carpenter for convincing Karen to come out front from her drums and sing from center stage.

Of course, Karen always played at least a bit of the instrument, be it in concert or when she appeared on several of their television shows. Fans loved the joy on her face as she pounded away!

However, as expected, Karen Carpenter will always been known as the consummate singer. Even to this day three decades after her unfortunate passing, her warm buttery vocals remain dear to music fans all over the world.

Author Randy L. Schmidt of Little Girl Blue: The Life of Karen Carpenter has a new book coming out next month. The focus is on each of their studio albums including interviews with music illuminaries as well as this blessed unknown blog writer. It'll be a great read and a great volume to see as it's filled with never before photographs including those of her famous solo album.

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