March 27, 2019

Carefree at Disneyland

For almost 20 years, the INA (Insurance Company of North America) sponsored Carefree Corner was the place to go to sign the guest registration book at Disneyland. After the sponsorship ended, the location was host to a variety of other functions.

The above photo from the Gorillas Don't Blog website reveals the elegance of the shops and restaurants found on Main Street U.S.A., where even the most utilitarian services were housed in lovely surroundings.

Free of charge, INA also provided a nice guidebook of Disneyland, listing attractions, services, shops and restaurants for each land. 

From the Mouse Museum.

There was a list of attractions by ticket, individual maps of each land, and quite the variety of information you never thought you needed to know... until you did.  

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

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