March 2, 2019

Cruising with Karen and Richard

For a recent birthday gift, while we were in California my wife rented a convertible for me so I could drive down Pacific Coast Highway. One of my absolutely favorite drives! (Wonderful wife- a true blessing from God!)

The day of our flight, I realized I forgot to pick some music for the disc player. I had two minutes to choose. Of course, I wanted some music from Karen and Richard Carpenter

I end up picking the albums A Kind of Hush, Karen Carpenter, and Lovelines. Why?

Hush was the release during my first year living in Huntington Beach, and it evokes many pleasant memories driving down PCH. Plus, it was the album out the first time I saw them in concert and when my sister and I met the duo back stage in Las Vegas. (Full story here.) And it led me to a huge personal transformation.

Karen's solo album- just because hearing it always puts me in a good mood. And I really like how happy and fresh Karen sounds in a jazz inspired musical environment.

Lovelines- because I had ten seconds left. (I should have picked Close to You album instead. )

I chose the Carpenters. What would YOU pick if you were limited the two minutes and three discs for your favorite drive? And where would it be?

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