January 23, 2019

The Irony of Zootopia Going to Shanghai Disneyland

Am I the only one or is it strange to others as well that a film about human rights and respecting differences is being turned into an entire theme park land in one of the most repressive countries in the world? 

Yes, Shanghai Disneyland is getting Zootopia. (Think about this: Is it possible that the movie's dialogue- the parts that scream for tolerance and individual rights- were rewritten or even removed from the Chinese version of the film? Hmmm...)

Humans rights violations can be stacked up as dumplings on a plate: Forced abortions, mandating no one worships anyone but President Xi Jinping, and more. And the Walt Disney Company has jumped into bed with the government for the sake of a buck, um, yuan- billions of them. 

(Art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

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