January 23, 2019

Barbaric New York Politicians Lose Their Minds

"New York legislators cheered and applauded Tuesday night after the state Senate removed restrictions on late-term abortions, allowing unborn babies to be aborted on the day of birth. (Emphasis mine.)

The Reproductive Health Act passed with a 38-28 vote and was signed into law by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D). 

"Today we are taking a giant step forward in the hard-fought battle to ensure a woman's right to make her own decisions about her own personal health, including the ability to access an abortion," Gov. Cuomo said."

Is this what bigot Margaret Sanger wanted when she started Planned Parenthood or was it just the extermination of Black America? (Read that post at your own risk.)

New York politicians have lost their minds- and the rest of America is not far behind. God forgive us for this sin!

Read the full article here.


  1. Mark, It's not a qiuestion of sin, Women must have the rights to take their own decision about their own baby, it's not to anyone else to make the choice for them, a law included.

    And if this law includes abortion until the last minute as you say, it's certainly not done for anything else than the cases when they found that the baby has some malformation or won't be able to live, etc...

    I am definitely NOT for abortion, and if someone i know was thinking about doing it i will do my best to understand why and explain to her that it would be better that she keep the baby. But it's women who make babies, so it's only them who should take the decision to keep it ot not, a decision that they definitely don't take easily, contrary to what a lot of people might think.

  2. Mark, I just checked and "...The act not only keeps abortion legal statewide but also decriminalizes abortions performed after 24 weeks of pregnancy. Under the new law, abortions after that point are permitted if the pregnant person’s life or health are threatened, or if the fetus is not viable"; And ONLY for these reasons, which looks to make sense to me, i'm sorry to say..

  3. Hi Alain! I guess Alain that I still cannot back abortion. Unfortunately, women very close to me as well as female friends have been raped or had unplanned pregnancies or pregnancies where the child was to be born with severe physical difficulties. These children have grown up to be remarkable people. AND the parents have no regrets even though walking through their choices was hard at times. The women I do know who have aborted all have eventually regretted their decision- including the adoption one. They often wonder what would have been.

    Even beyond this individual issue, in all circumstances so far, God has worked out even these hard things for good- even when we first do not understand why He has allowed them to happen. He is in charge of what ultimately happens in this world. Even if I don't immediately understand, I guess its why its called faith. I say these things with sincerity not with the least amount of anger or sarcasm.

    Choosing to believe God's ways has given me real freedom and deep peace vs. being restricted to my own limited mind with a narrow view on how things do work in unison. Even if I don't understand at first, and trust me, my life has been difficult but it has been a blessing to see how God works. Just one man's opinion.
