December 24, 2017

Will You Be Home for Christmas?

Oh, how we long to be home for the holidays! Sometimes the road is long and seemingly endless. Sometimes the air travel is impossible due to crowded flights and a lack of vacation time from our busy schedules. But the music we hear this season plays on our heartstrings. I absolutely love the song called Christmas Lullaby by Amy Grant

Found on her "A Christmas to Remember" disc, the gentle and heartfelt lyrics reach each of us with the message of this season:

Are you far away from home
This dark and lonely night
Tell me what best would help
To ease your mind
Someone to give
Direction for this unfamiliar road
Or one who says, "Follow me and
I will lead you home"
How beautiful
How precious
The Savior of old
To love so
The loneliest soul
how gently
how tenderly
He says to one and all,
"Child you can follow Me
And I will lead you home
Trust Me and follow Me
And I will lead you home"
Be near me, Lord Jesus
I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever
And love me I pray
Bless all the dear children
In Thy tender care
And take us to Heaven
To live with Thee there
Take us to Heaven
To live with Thee there

Take a listen at this beautiful song, and then ask yourself, "Will I be home for Christmas?"

(Lyrics copyright Songwriters: Amy Grant and Chris Eaton)

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