December 25, 2017

Silent Nights

In the midst of all the busyness of this Christmas, think about Silent Night. Yes, the old hymn which identifies the true reason for this time of celebration. Sing those words. You know them.

The silence of the night often wakes me up, bringing me to a time of reflection. Many times, it's painful instead of peaceful. I've brought pain to the world through poor choices, and others have brought great pain to me. I pray, offering confession, offering forgiveness, cleansing my soul and bringing rest. God is patient.

Every once in awhile, those silent nights are a time of thanksgiving. God is good, and He happily has blessed me with so much. Not the material things, but the people that make my life rich.

Most of all, my silent nights bring relief in that my sin is no longer counted against me as I belong to Jesus and His Blood pays the price for what I've done. Hope is real- and eternity awaits. 

Maybe you're searching. Maybe you've tried everything else. But it really doesn't work, does it? It's time. Speak to Jesus, and invite Him in to save you from yourself. He will never let you down.

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