June 28, 2017

Dan Steven's Ticket

Is he a Beast or is he a Beauty? In The Ticket, this little known film by Ido Fluk, a incredible performance is waiting to be discovered. Dan Stevens just kills it. Apparently Downton Abbey only scratched the surface of what this man can do. 

Dan Steven's in The Ticket. 

A bit of storyline: Unexpectedly, our main hero James regains his sight after living without it. Discovering the world through new eyes (sorry, I couldn't resist), this causes him to reconsider the way he's lived his life. Good choices or bad choices, which will it be?

This is not a one man show, however. 

Malin Ackerman's nuanced performance as his wife may be just as powerful and in a sense, just as disturbing, as that of Dan's portrayal. Oliver Platt rounds out the cast as the best friend.

Although the viewer thinks they can see it coming, the film delivers suspense and surprises one after another all the way to the end. It's next to impossible to take your eyes off Stevens and his every move. The last twenty minutes delivers one of the most gripping, unnerving, scenes in modern cinema. 

I'm starting to think this man can do anything. Watch this film.

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