June 27, 2017

A Bit of EuroDisney in Denver

Every visit to Southern California, we attempt to go to Roger's Gardens in Newport Beach. Not only is the place stunning, it also houses a slice of Disneyland history. The famous Disneyland Bandstand now resides within the confines of the nursery. (See can see my post about it here.) Little did I know that a bit of glamorous EuroDisney finds its home in my city of Denver, Colorado.

I have visited the beautiful Denver Botanic Gardens so many times that I can't count them. But today, for the first time ever, I noticed something I never saw before. See below.

The gorgeous solarium was ordered by the Walt Disney Company and planned to be installed in their first French parc. As you can tell if you enlarge the above photo, it never made it.

Seven of these lovely structures were ordered and never installed, but this one in Denver is the only one available for public display. My cel phone photographs do not do justice to the detail.

Where were these to go? Certainly the green painted metalwork is striking in its similarity to what is found on Main Street U.S.A. Were they to be used in the gardens found right in front of the theme park? Were they not so simple bus stop structures designed to welcome guests in case of inclement weather? I have no idea. Yet they are beautiful, no doubt.

Interestingly, we had walked right by the structure one evening at Christmas while we were enjoying the annual Blossoms of Light decor.  I never noticed the little metal sign I photographed today. Maybe its because it wasn't lit, or perhaps I was too busy enjoying the lighting on the solarium and the contents within. 

Seeing this today was like a "kiss" from God. It brought an instant smile to my face- and a discussion of just how we might have to return to that beautiful French Disney park.

(Photographs copyright Mark Taft.)

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