October 27, 2015

Pumpkin Patch #2

Next day, another pumpkin patch with our youngest daughter and her family. Still lots of fun on day two! The setting was a little bigger- Anderson Farms- and it was just as much fun for everyone involved.

This little granddaughter is no less a miracle than my red-haired grandson from the previous post. (And aren't all kids really miracles anyway?) During her pregnancy with this child, my daughter suffered a stroke early on, perhaps at two months and almost died. She had to go on special blood thinners two to three shots a day. Regular thinners would have caused her to lose the baby.

Not only did my daughter live, but our little granddaughter was born six months later. She's still a little feather- less than 1 percentile in growth and height, but she is fully normal and progressing well. Again, God proves himself personal and faithful.
I am so thankful!

(Photographs copyright Mark Taft.)

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