October 27, 2015

Pumpkin Patch #1

 One of the most fun things to do this time of year is to visit the local pumpkin patch (May Farms) with our family. This year, it was a back to back adventure!

Aren't these guys the cutest? Big and younger brother with matching shirts and shoes with little sister - who is a little shy- hanging on. You might remember the story about the redhead. The doctors told my daughter and son-in-law that he would be born with a large portion missing from his brain and that they should abort. They decided to carry on with the pregnancy and prepared for whatever God may allow. (Note: God bless the Buells for choosing life for son Jaxon.)

The days around the delivery, doctors thought for sure he would be special as the scans still showed some brain missing. He was born perfectly healthy and fully formed. Now, he is special- a special reminder God still does miracle, and He is still in control. Regardless of how it would have turned out.

It is such a huge blessing to see my grandchildren grow into fine little people. Truly another one of God's blessings!

(Photographs copyright Mark Taft.)

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