January 14, 2025

Where is God in the Los Angeles Fires?

When a crisis hits, the questions begin. The most common questions are "Why do bad things happen to good people or why is there evil in the world or why would a good God allow such horrible things?" These really are not bad questions to have as long as you dig deep to discover the real answers before you make your conclusions.

Here's the Bible's answer in much abbreviated form. Evil came into the world when the man and woman God created- with free will- decided to trade a perfect relationship with God for knowledge like his. (Ever notice the bite out of the apple on your device?) Bad choice for all mankind. 

The earth and its people now begin to fall apart. People do horrible things to each other, sometimes even in the name of God. It's a pity because God's name is damaged when He had nothing to do with it.

But it is God himself who steps in, offering hope and salvation to every person who would choose to accept his free gift- and accept it His way. Consequences of all kinds of sin lead to disaster. Even though God gives forgiveness to all who come to Him, confess their sin and turn away from it. An eternity of Heaven or Hell hangs in the balance, and each person must choose a path. Not choosing is choosing in this situation.

So, the earth begins to crumble. But God is good! Every beautiful sunset, every fresh breath found in forest filled air, the wonderful sound of crashing waves on the shore come from God's hand. And here's the thing: Every person is born with value and a purpose. Every blessing comes from his hand. The disaster or heartbreak we find is a result of a broken world, but God remains good in the midst of it all, holding everything together. The enemy of God wants people to believe it is all God's fault, but in reality it is man who started it all and God who offers healing and hope, beauty in the middle of pain. His goodness leads us to turn to Him and away from words and actions that cause heartbreak and pain.

The truth is our hardships either make us turn toward God or away from Him. And He is looking at times such as ours, watching for all who would come his way. With eyes of love and tenderness. 

Some will find refuge in God but others will go elsewhere into drink and drugs, sex, a search for power or for wealth or fame, or even to other gods. The God of the Bible offers something better. 

The words of Jesus in the Bible's book of John 14:27 – “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”

There would be plenty of reasons to walk in fear, and yet God is always in control and always faithful.  He will NEVER leave us or forsake us- even in the worst of events we live through.

The words “Fear not” appear over 150 times in the Bible. God is with us! The world will crumble, but He will never turn away from those who love Him. Will that be you?

The ancient prophet Ezekiel says in Chapter 33, verse 11:  “Say to them, As I live, declares the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn back, turn back from your evil ways, for why will you die, O house of Israel?”

It’s time for us to pray!

Wars, rumors of wars, terrorist bombings, natural disasters of all kinds. They are happening all around us these days- fires in California, bombings in New Orleans and Nevada, and disasters all over the world. These times are opportunities to pray for people- and to pray for people to come to give their lives to Jesus as well -that God would use circumstances the enemy planned for evil to instead be used for God’s purposes.

(Photograph by Amy Katz, Zuma Press.)

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