September 11, 2024

Let Us Always Remember, and Let Us Put Our Hope in God Almighty

Please remember this day. Don't remember just the evil events, though. Yes, it was a day of tragedy, but it was also a day for heroes! Big, big heroes. When radical Islamists decided to attack the United States of America on our land on this day in 2001, we as an American people came together as one. For a time, we were all Americans first before we were anything else. 

Now, let us gather together now in prayer for our nation and to think again of the sacrifices made. There was a loss of family and friends because of heroic acts on behalf of those who loved this country more than their own lives. Let us preserve our freedoms and not hand them over to other nations to destroy or politicians who will remove what made this country great. Let us honor God most of all, and Praise His Name spite of all the evil around us and evil done against us.

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