July 4, 2024

Imagineering Celebrates the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave

For Independence Day, it only seems fitting to look at some Disney attractions that celebrate being from the United States of America. Walt Disney was proud to be a citizen of our great country, and the parks built on U.S. soil present attractions befitting a look at our history and our future. 

When it comes to celebrating the American spirit, the crown jewel in Walt Disney World is Epcot's American Adventure. But its roots are truly in the first park in Florida and before that in California.

Liberty Square is an achievement in taking guests to another place and time. During my first visit in 1975, I was taken aback by the "sense of place" which created the warmth and charm in this area. Little details were to be found just about everywhere I glanced. With great attractions in a spectacular setting, period appropriate merchandise, and a strong sense of patriotism in all that is good in a Young America, this land is a winner. 

Over the years, much of both has changed, but the Hall of Presidents continues to stir me. The Liberty Tree Tavern and the Columbia Harbour House are among my first choices when I want to dine in the Kingdom. Last, but certainly not least, I find the chill factor of the gothic flavored Haunted Mansion to be superior than the California one due to the choice of design and location. Loving our heritage, Liberty Square is the one area of the park that I wish were expanded with new attractions, streets to explore, and discoveries to be found.

This piece of concept art by Imagineer Herb Ryman captures it all perfectly. As designed by Walt Disney himself, his original park celebrated and honored our great country. When it came time to build the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World, the Imagineers had more freedom and space to create something that would further tell the stories behind our country's rich history.  Liberty Square's Concord Bridge, shown above, is the gateway to life as it was centuries ago. 

It's unfortunate that in the rush to visit the 999 Happy Haunts of the Haunted Mansion, guests bypass The Hall of Presidents. It's a show rich in history, showcasing our freedoms and the costs to have have them. The Audio-Animatronic show deserves respect for being an incredible tribute to what makes America strong instead of childish booing if guests least favorite Commander in Chief is announced. 
From the earliest days of Disneyland in Anaheim and Walt's Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln to the Magic Kingdom's still beautiful The Hall of Presidents, onto Epcot's breathtaking The American Adventure, these attractions by the Imagineering greats remind of us our past, look to the future, and tell a story of how clearly we are blessed by God with our freedom. Are we perfect? No. We are made up of imperfect people that need to be saved from ourselves by Jesus Christ and His free gift of eternal; salvation for all who would give their lives over to Him. After traveling all over the world, I can heartily say, there is not a better place to live. Millions worldwide see us for who we are. We should take a deeper look and be grateful. "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!" so says Psalm 33:12.
Happy Independence Day, America! The United States remains the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, and people are still streaming in to be part of it.  Even with a pretty messed up political scene right now, we are still the most free nation on earth. May God's grace rest upon us, and may we once again turn to Him as in days of old!

(Concept art copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

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