January 6, 2023

The Country Bear Jamboree Shattered My Dreams

To think I have Dave Snyder from Walt Disney Imagineering to blame for this! The year was 1975. My dad was doing a project for work (as a computer programmer) and ended up meeting him. Truly, a very nice man to agree to meet up a young fan of Disneyland and theme park design. He is quoted in Leslie Iwerk's excellent book The Imagineering Story as well as being interviewed in the Disney+ series of the same name.

He agreed to meet, taking us backstage of the Country Bear Jamboree at Disneyland, actually below stage. Henry was huge! All those Audio-Animatronics were! Since we were there during park hours and the show was actually playing, watching how complex the work was mechanically, I was just so impressed. Of course, over lunch in the employee cafe, we talked about what it took to be an Imagineer. 

When I got home, into the library I went to investigate it further, and I realized the incredible artists who worked there were the very best in the industry. World class as a matter of fact.

My artwork was pitiful in comparison. I had no other skills to market (or so I thought at that point in time) nor did I realize there were jobs like show writers, engineers, or hundreds of other jobs that were represented by Disney in that division. So, that was that. 

But thanks to my Dad for arranging something so special. And to Mr. Snyder for investing his time to bless and encourage a young teenager.

I eventually ended up in the travel business as my first real career... But as you can tell from reading the blog, Imagineering is still my dream job and my first career love!

(Photograph copyright The Walt Disney Company.)

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